Chapter 16 - Wesley's grief

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Chapter 16

Wesley's grief

The next morning I was shaken awake violently by Captain. "What!" I said groggily and rubbed my eyes "Get dressed and take this." He said and pushed something cold into my hand. I look down in my hand and wrapped my fingers around the semi-automatic that had been place there, fully loaded "Oh, and this too." Cap said and set a silencer down on my bed. "Where did you get these and what's going on?" I said quickly and I got dressed at high speed. "I got 'em from...a friend, and we're under attack." Cap said and I followed him down the stairs while fixing the silencer on and cocking the gun.

We reached outside and the others were there already. That's when I saw the van, the van from yesterday, and a single person jumped out of it. "What's going on?" I asked anyone in particular "Just a little bit of a family feud." Cap said and stepped forwards just as a black haired guy from the van did so. "Zack you don't have to do this." He said and for the first time since I'd met him where Cap had ever show any emotion other than smugness, if that was an emotion. "You killed my dad!" the guy known as Zack said "You killed him and now I'm gonna make you pay!" He raised his arm and I saw he had an antique revolver cocked and ready to fire. He shifted his aim and pointed it at Wes "Your best mate, yeah? Well let's see how you get on without him." Zack squeezed the trigger. I yelled for Wes to get out of the way and took a step forwards but someone pushed me out of the way "Wesley!" DJ screamed and skid to a halt in front of him. There was no big spurt of blood, no violently thrown back person. It was just silent. DJ looked down at his chest and saw the dark fluid spreading on his shirt before starting to fall backwards. Zack panicked and threw the gun away. "Dominic!" Wes said and caught his twin before he hit the ground, the rest of us huddled around "Is he gonna be okay?" Wes said "Of course I'm not you idiot." DJ gasped out and smiled slightly "I'm going to die and you guys are gonna bury me, next to Davie and Sammy. Promise me?" "Promise. I promise." Wes choked out through tears. DJ's eyes went blank and his head looked back as he went limp. Wes burst into tears and hugged his brother close to his chest. He looked up at Zack, who was still standing and went mental "You bastard!" He yelled and ran over to Zack, who picked up his gun again "Wes, no!" I said but Zack shut me up my pointing the revolver and shooting me square in the shoulder "Ahhhg!" I said and sank to my knees. I looked up and saw Wes full on punching Zack "You. Killed. My. Brother. I'll. Kill. You." He said and rammed his fist into the other mans nose, breaking it on impact. "Wes" Cap said and Wes looked at him, Cap had a pleading look on his face "please." Wes stopped and Zack got to his feet. "Leave." Wes said and Zack raced to the van and drove away. Wes ran back to his brother and sat next to the limp body. "Are you okay?" Kate asked me as I held my shoulder where Zack had shot me "I'm fine. I think it's Wes you ought to worry about." I said and looked over at him. He was staring straight ahead and was rocking back and forth slightly. "We should leave them be." I said and Kate helped me back into the house.

The hole was dug, then filled. A wooden semi-circle was place above the grave as a headstone. Wes had said a few words, we had comforted him and now all he did was lock himself in his room and be quiet. "He'll be okay." Kate said after she applied new bandages to my wound and I placed my arm back in the makeshift sling I had. It had been a month since DJ had...since he'd left, and we were still dwelling on it. At the moment in time I was more worried about my friends here than I was about my family and friends I had left behind. Now five was down to four, but we'd get though it, eventually.

RIP in peace Dominic Jackson. Sorry to anyone who liked DJ. I said there'd be action so I made action. I hope you liked it. Tell me what you think.

- Jo

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