Chapter 9 - Run Boy

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Chapter 9

Run Boy

The football team was posted at school the next morning. Radar jumped for joy and high fives Tiff when he saw he was keeper. "Great job, mate." I said and he smiled widely at me before going to get his stuff. I looked at the list and ran my finger down the list until I reached my name.

Centre Forward .......... Seamus Sykes

"Yes!" I said and Tiff smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Well done." She said and I smiled. "Practice starts on Thursday." I told her as we got our stuff and headed for Geometry.

I said goodbye to Tiff and Radar after school and ran to Yogtowers. "Hey, Tarzan!" Tobo greeted me when I entered "I need your help." He said and I cocked my head to the side like a confused dog "What with?" I asked and Tobo smiled "I need you to be in my music video. All you have to do is what you do normally, your Parkour thing." "Alright." I said "Sounds fun enough." Tobo smiled at my answer and started to tell me about the video.

We started shooting near sun down cause that's the kind of light Tobo wanted. Alan had the smooth-cam and swapped turns shooting with Tobo. I climbed trees, building, ledges, spun around lamp posts and did all sorts of different leaps and jumps, it was absolutely thrilling. The end shot was a pan shot of me sitting on the ledge, panning from the front to the back just as the sun set. "I think we're all done shooting. Thanks, Tarzan." Tobo said and clapped me on the back as Alan praised me. "Thanks for letting me be in it. It was fun." I said and Tobo dropped both me and Alan off at our respectable houses. "Guess what!" I said to Ollie when I got into the house "What?" She said and mocked interest "I'm in Tobo's music video. In fact, I'm the only person in it." I said proudly and she just said "Cool." Before returning to her Maths homework. I shrugged at the disinterest and went to my room and on my computer. I went to Tobo's SoundCloud and listened to the sneak peak of the song the he had posted. It was called: Run Boy.

You put two and two together
and all you get is better
and better
because you have worked
hard to get here.

Blood, sweat and tears.
Through rain and shine
and all the years
you've spent to build your life up
from the ground.

It was only two verses but it was lovely. Soft and melodic, with only vocals and acoustic. Tobo had told me the song was about when he lived on the streets and met Sparkles*. He didn't usually talk about that time so it was very special that he wrote an entire song about it.

The next day, school went in a blur and when I finally got to Yogtowers I heard the chorus of Run Boy and peaked into the studio to see Tobo watching the finished music video.

Run boy run. He'd say: Run boy run. Leave all your thoughts behind and race towards the sun.

I knocked on the door and Tobo stopped he video and let me in. "I was just about to post it." He said and showed me the entire thing. It was amazing, it was professional quality and the lighting was beautiful. "It's brilliant!" I said and Tobo smiled.

I got home and checked up on the video. It was being very well received by the fans and a lot of the comment were surprisingly about me.

"Who's the fee runner? He's amazing!"

"That guy is so cute!"

"He looks a bit like Sjin. The eyes and nose are the same."

The last one was probably from a long time fan who watched way back when Dad was still making videos. I found it slightly creepy that they recognized that me and Dad had similar facial features. I smiled to myself and thought, Let them speculate on who I am. Maybe I'll make a video and tell them who I am, maybe not. After dinner I returned to my room, changed into my bed clothes and fell asleep listening to Run Boy, and thinking of what Tobo's life had been like when he had lived on the streets.

Run Boy is actually a song that I'm currently writing and it is indeed about Tobo and his life living rough. It's not done yet which is why there is only snipits of it. Tell me what you think! (P.S. I'm not the best song writer in the world and I apologize for that.)

Feedback and suggest- ah screw it, you know what to do. I've been writing it in for the last two books.

- Jo

(P.S. I've decided that Teamus is what Seamus x Tiff is called!)

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