Chapter 2 - Al, Mick, Tony, and Tobo

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Chapter 2

Al, Mick, Tony, and Tobo

I felt someone shaking me awake the next morning "Seamus. Seamus!" Ollie yelled as she jumped on my bed. "You're 12 not 5" I muttered into my pillow as she slammed the door loudly. I groaned and sat up in bed whilst rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I heaved myself out of bed and got dressed before fixing my hair and lumbering downstairs to the kitchen. "Morning" I mumbled and grabbed up some pre-made toast and a glass of juice. "Get a move on" Dad said as he scrambled about getting ready. "When I leave you leave." he said and went off looking for his car keys.

It took us 20 minutes to get out of the house and into the car. 10 of those minutes was Ollie searching for her shoes. Dad dropped off Ollie first and I saw her run full tilt towards a group of girls by the door. Definitely a bigger group of friends than I had. "This time" Dad said as he dropped me off "make friends. Good?" I nodded and smiled "Good" I said and he drove off. "Hi Seamus!" A cheery voice said from behind me and I turned around to see Tiff standing there and smiling "Tarzan, if you don't mind" I said and smiled back "Alright, Tarzan" she said as we walked towards the school "What's your first class?" "Biology" I said and she beamed "That's mine too. We can be partners" "Okay" I said and she took my hand and ran into the building as the bell rang.

I liked biology and having an energetic lab partner made it much more fun. I didn't have any other classes with Tiff in the morning so I had to wait until lunch to talk with her again. We took up a table by the window and she started quizzing me on my family. "What does your Dad do?" He asked and took a bite out if her lunch "He's a substitute teacher. But he used to play video games for a living" I said and she looked interested "Sounds cool. How 'bout your Mum?" "Secretary. But she also use to work for the same business that my Dad worked in with the video games. It's how they met. What about your parents?" I asked her and it took awhile before she answered "Dad's a policeman. A really, really good one, very respected at his work, and Mum stays at home with my baby sister, Alli, but she used to be a nurse." Tiff said "Cool. A police officer. You must be proud if your Dad. Fighting crime" I said and she smiled at me "I most certainly am proud." I smiled too. I liked Tiff, she was nice.

After school I got an unexpected surprise. Lance picked me up again but he had an extra person, when I say person I mean a 4 year old. "Tarzan!" The dark haired boy said excitedly and I kneeled down so I was the same height "Hey, Rhys." I said and he held out a fist. I smiled and bumped fists with him, making them explode at the end. The little boy smiled and Lance chuckled. "Who's this?" Tiff asked me, smiling at Rhys "This is Lance, a friend of my dad's and his son Rhys" I introduced the two and Lance smiled at Tiff "Nice to me you" he said. "Your hair's funny! I like it!" Rhys said cheerily and Tiff laughed "Thank you" she said. Tiff turned to face me "See you tomorrow" she said and I waved as she made her way down the street "See you" I called. "That your 'friend'?" Lance said and wiggled his eyebrows as he buckled Rhys into the car "Just a friend" I said an felt myself getting red "I bet Simon pestered you about Emily. You don't want to make me feel the same way, do you?" I said and gave him a faked sad look "Never" he said, being over shocked as we both got into the front "What you talking about?" Rhys said from the back and we both laughed "I'll tell you when you're older" Lance said and the boy crossed his arms and proceeded to pout.

People who know what my parents used to do and what Lance does usually ask me about Lance's other fiends. Mickey moved back to Bristol and works as a content producer. He still has his tenth doctor hair and is really tall. Tobo was doing what Sparkles* did: sound and music and stuff. He wrote songs and uploaded them sometimes. Tony was also a content person, but also worked as a waiter part time. He had grown a 'Riker beard' as Lance called and was also really tall. Alan was the one who got the big break. He went to Uni and got a degree in acting and was now a pretty well known actor/comedian. He still comes to visit when he can and people were usually surprised to know that I called him Al. I had to wait at Yogtowers for Dad again so I was really board. This time though, something interesting happened. I was walking past the server room and heard voices behind the whirring of the electronics. I pressed my ear against the door to listen. "If you were anywhere near this again you could have talked to me" Lance was telling someone, I knew who it was when the other started talking "I'm not a child. I'm just going through a rough patch is all" Tony said "I've lost the flat and I'm a mess" "You can kip at my place, Em'll be fine with it and Rhys'll be ecstatic. You and the others are like uncles to the kid" Lance said and Tony chuckled "Okay, fine. I'll take you up on that offer" the Scotsman said and I heard two sets of feet reaching the door. I whisked around the corner and peaked out from it. I saw Lance leave first, clutching a half drunk bottle of whiskey in his fist, he walked off to his office, grumbling about calling his wife and alcoholism or something. Tony came out next, looking disheveled and his usual bright blue eyes dull. He used the wall to guide him into his office down the hall. I came out from my hiding spot and thought things through. Did Tony have a drinking problem? I wouldn't put it past the Scotsman. Why hadn't I known before? Even if Dad doesn't work here anymore I was still around the guys a lot.

"Anything wrong?" Dad asked me when we got back home "Nope. Nothing" I lied and beelined for my room. My school days had been uneventful but the place between school and home had been very interesting. I was genuinely worried about Tony. I know that he recently broke up with his long time girlfriend because she had been cheating and now he had lost his small flat. I turned over in my bed and stared at the pictures on the ceiling. In particular, one picture from a few years ago. The Yog gang had gone to some convention and I had gone with them. The photo was of them and me in front of the building where it had been held. My eyes went towards Tony. Tony before now. Cheerful Tony, Tony without his beard. Personally I liked him with the beard but that was a minor thing. Dad called me down for dinner and I heaved myself out of bed slowly. I wanted to tell Dad but at the same time I didn't. 'Cause that would mean that Lance and Tony would know that I'd been eavesdropping on their conversation. Who would've know that I'd be faced with such a big issue so early on in the year.

Please tell me what you think!
By the way, Rhys, is pronounced: Reece. Like the candy.

- Jo

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