Chapter 17 - Happy Christmas

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Chapter 17

Happy Christmas

"Happy Christmas." Kate woke me up my kissing me on the cheek. "Morning." I said and rubbed sleep from my eyes. It had been two months since we'd buried DJ, Wes had finally come out of his room, but it was hard to get him talking. "I've got a surprise for you downstairs." She said and pulled me along by the hand. "What are you doing?" I said with a chuckle. "This." Kate and and pulled me downstairs where a makeshift Christmas tree had been erected. I smiled as I looked at it "Lovely." I said and Cap emerged from behind it "Wes loves Christmas, I thought this might cheer him up." He said.

It did cheer Wes up a little but I seemed to get sadder and sadder. All I could think about was my family, they love Christmas. That's when I made the decision, the decision to go see them. It was just 5pm when I donned a black tuque, grabbed my flashlight and hesitated before picking up the automatic that Cap had given me and tucking it in the back section of my belt. I snuck downstairs and saw Cap, Kate and Wes napping on the couch "I'm sorry." I whispered and rushed out of the house.

When I reached town I kept my head down, just in case. I ran towards Ollie's house. I didn't even call it my house anymore, now it was Ollie's house. I stood on the doorstep and my heart raced, I hesitated before knocking on the door, I turned so that my back faced the door, I didn't want them to see me when they opened the door, I wanted them to see a stranger. "I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I heard Dad say from behind me "Sir?" He said and I inhaled deeply and turned around "Um, hi." I said and Dad still looked confused. It had only been some months but I guess I must look different. "It's me." I said and his look of confusion turned to a look of utmost surprise and happiness and he pulled me into a hug "Seamus, oh my god! Where've you been?" He pulled me inside and shut the door. "Who is it, love?" Mum said from the living room "It's the best Christmas present you could ask for." He said and she laughed "That doesn't make sense." She said and me and Dad walked into the living room. "Oh my god." She gasped when she saw us "My baby boy." She said and hugged me very tight. "Ow! Ow." I said when she squeezed a bit too hard and hurt my shoulder "Sorry" she said and moved away "What happened to your arm?" She asked "It's my shoulder actually. I got shot, after...well after some bad things happened." I felt tears well up when I thought about DJ "I'm sorry. It was a mistake to come. I should get back to the others." I said and made to go to the door "Wait" Dad said and grabbed the back of my jacket which revealed the handle of the gun "You''ve got a weapon." He said. I nodded and said "Got into a spot of bother, I've needed it for awhile." I said and opened the door "I'm sorry for everything. Happy Christmas. Oh, and Dad, Happy Birthday." I said before I shut the door and ran as fast as humanly possible back to the cabin.

Everyone was still asleep when I got there so I silently changed into bed clothes and sunk into the pillows. Stupid. I was stupid to go see them, and I hadn't even seen Ollie, but she was probably out with Grandad and Nan, like every Christmas. I started crying silently and pressed my face into the pillows to muffle them. What was wrong with me?

That was slightly depressing and slightly light hearted. What do you think about it? I might do a large timeskip later on if you guys want, other than that I'm not sure what to write so of you want anything specific to happen, please tell me.

- Jo

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