Chapter 5 - Lance Brindley: The Career killer

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Chapter 5

Lance Brindley: The Career killer

"Tarzan!" Cap said as I neared them in front of the school "I've got a favour to ask." "What is it?" I asked. "Me and the lads think it a interesting idea of we all sign eachother's phones, just to say that we all worked to get them." "Sounds cool." I said and pulled my new phone and a sharpie out of my bag. We all signed eachother's phones (DJ's and Wes' with a silver sharpie because theirs were black) "Brilliant." Cap said and I pocketed my pen and my phone. "See you after school again, Tarzan." Cap said. I nodded and said "Cap, Wes, DJ. I will see you later." And I hurried off to class, not wanting Tiff to think I was late.

"My dad was telling me about a weird break in that happened yesterday." Tiff told me at lunch. "Really" I said, trying to act surprised and interested "What happened?" "Well, apparently someone broke into the store room of the Apple store, took only four iPhones and left without using the door." She said "Weird" I said "almost as if my magic."

After school I grabbed my stuff from my locker and started out of school, but my way was blocked by a large crowd looking at something going on my the parking lot. "Excuse me" I said and tapped a girl on the shoulder "what's going on?" "That football player, Davies, is havin' a row with some bloke with glasses." She told me before turning back to watch. Davies? Where had I heard the name before? I strained my ears to hear the voices and my eyes went wide when I heard the unmistakable angry tones of none other than Lance Brindley. "Excuse me, sorry. Excuse me." I said and pushed my way through the crowd. People didn't even notice me and I got fed up and ended up climbing on top of the school roof. I raced along it and jumped down when the crowd came to an end. I saw Lance in a heated argument with a man with strawberry blonde hair, who looked mad enough to kill. A few people stared at me as I inched closer to them "Lance!" I said and both men turned to me. The blonde man seemed to hesitate, maybe he wasn't ready to fight a kid, "We're not done here, Brindley." He said and stalked off to a black car with a ginger haired woman sitting in the passenger seat. "Who was that?" I asked Lance as the two drove away. "That" he said "was Owen Davies, and I killed his career." I scrunched up my forehead in confusion, how did Lance ruin this footballers career and why was the man mad? Lance and I got into the car and drove to the Towers where I was to wait for Dad.

I shifted to the common room when we arrived but I heard Lance talking with Micky outside. "Why would he be angry now? After all this time." Micky said and Lance sighed "He's got the right to be angry, I ruined his career. But that was in Uni, why come back now?" "Maybe he has the right to be angry with you, but you have the right to be angry with him. He ran you over with a car, Lance." Micky said, emphasizing the words 'ran', 'over' and 'car'. "And he ruined your relationship with Jennifer." The Irishman added "But that was in Highschool. It doesn't matter now." Lance said "Lance" Micky said sternly "go and talk to EJ. You two can straighten this out, you've done it before." "Right, yeah. I'll do it later." Lance said and the two went back to their own offices. I turned back to my homework. Maybe there was more things about Lance that I didn't know.

After Dad had picked me up and I had gone on the town with Cap and the twins, I retreated to my room and jumped down onto my bed. I pulled my laptop up with me and searched up 'Owen Davies'. I found an online sports article dated from when Lance was almost finished at Uni:

Young footballers career dashed by smashed knee

Owen Davies (23) was looking to be the next big thing in football, but due to an unfortunate injury, the mans career is now in ruins. A permanent limp dashed Davies' career in football, his doctor says it's unlikely he will ever play again. The other man in the fight is unknown, but it is speculated that he is one of Davies' fellow students at The University of Bristol; a few other students have their own opinion on who it was. "It was that Brindley fellow. They've always had it in for each other." Jack Lister (24) said when interviewed. The man in question is said to be a model student by his professors, why he had a fight with Davies is unknown. Davies said that he understands the severity of his injury but is willing to try anything he can to get back on the field. Despite his best efforts it is unlikely that Davies will every play again.

Martin Cole reporting

So that's why this Davies character was so mad at Lance. But why had they had that fight in the first place? I placed the laptop on by desk and changing into my bed clothes before climbing into bed and falling asleep. Today had been a strange day.

Why do you think Owen and Lance got into that fight at Uni? And why now does Owen want to get back at him now?

Comment if you have any feedback or suggestions. I'm all ears!

- Jo

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