Chapter 22 - Ti amo

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Chapter 22

Ti amo

[Bigby's POV]

I woke up when the sun peeked through my window. I yawned and got dressed slowly before rubbing my eyes and going downstairs for breakfast. No one else was there and I sped through eating and raced back to my room and set to work.

Three hours later Tarzan came up to check on me. "Hey, what are you doing?" He asked and I quickly covered my work and took off my goggles "Nothing!" I rushed out and he raised his eyebrows and had a slight smirk appeared on his lips. "Okay." He said skeptically and left, closing the door behind him. I breathed out and returned to work.

At the end of the day it was complete and I looked down at the thing I had worked so hard on. I smiled at my work and scooped in into my pocket. I put on my cap, pulled up my red mask, slung my goggles around my neck, and snuck out of the back door. I checked the watch I had made myself and saw that it was 8pm, I had time. I remember the rout from yesterday and made it there in only 10 minutes. I clambered up to the window and saw the beautiful girl sitting at her desk, Ollie. I inhaled deeply before knocking softly on the window. Ollie looked around and smiled, she opened the window and whispered "Seamus!" I shook my head "Sorry, it's Bigby. Can I come in?" I asked. I could have sworn she had blushed slightly when she allowed me to clamber through the window and sit on the inside sill. "I, uh, I made this for you." I said and held her hand in one of mine and put the gift in it. She looked down at it and she smiled broadly "It's beautiful! Would you mind putting it on?" She said and I smiled and nodded. She moved her long, straight blonde hair out of the way as I clasped the intricate necklace around her delicate neck. The medium sized clockwork heart that I had made rested against her chest and she smiled as she flipped it over carefully "BAC...what does that stand for?" She asked "My initials. Bigby Allesandro Colleti." I answered and she smiled "Thank you so much. It's wonderful." She went onto her tip toes and kissed me on the bit of cheek that wasn't covered by my mask. I was about to leave when I turned around, pulled down my mask quickly and kissed Ollie passionately. At first she seemed surprised but then she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled in. That went on for a good few minutes before she pulled back and smiled again "How do you say 'I love you' in Italian?" She asked in a whisper. "Ti amo." I said and smiled as well "Ti amo." She repeated and grinned the widest I had seen her grin yet. "Ollie! Who are you talking to?" A mans voice floated up the stairs and she panicked. I was in the frame of the window when she kissed me on the cheek again and waved goodbye as I retreated quickly. "Ciao, bella." I said quietly as I ran back to the cabin, feeling a hundred pounds lighter.

"You went somewhere last night for half an hour. Where were you?" Tarzan asked me the next morning as he poured us coffee. "Just out. I needed some parts." I lied quickly and he seemed to doubt me but went along with me "Alright. I'll believe you." He said and set down the mug of coffee in front of me. Wes and Cap were in the forest looking for something and Kate had yet to come downstairs so Tarzan went back up to give her a mug of coffee. When he left I loosened up and leaned back in my chair, smiling, last night I had kissed a beautiful girl, correction: the most beautiful girl on the planet.

Sorry for taking so long, but I promise that the next chapter will be exciting. As a little spoiler I'll tell you that Tarzan leaves Cap and the gang and goes to turn himself in. Anyway, this chapter is about Bigby and Ollie, who have affectionally been dubbed 'Billie'. Do you like them together? If you want to say anything do comment.

- Jo

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