Chapter 13 - A meeting with Mr. Tiffany

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Chapter 13

A meeting with Mr. Tiffany

The day Radar came back to school, Red rushed over to us and asked him how he was feeling. I introduced them to each other and they started talking. I saw Tiff speaking to a girl with flowy blonde hair and she looked over at me. I tried to look apologetic but it must have looked the opposite she and her blonde friend turned and walked off. I sighed and returned to Radar and Red.

"Tiff!" I called after her as she left for home, I ran over to her and she finally stopped. "What?" She said sharply and I told her something that I wanted to mean, but didn't actually mean. "I've decided to stop hanging out with Cap and the twins. I realize that I have to give up you to be friends with them; and I'd rather have you." I said and smiled. It was a few moments before she smiled back and hugged me "I love you!" She said into my shoulder "Right back at you." I said and intertwined my fingers with her. "Look over there" she said and pointed. I looked where she was pointing and saw Radar and Red. Radar had pushed up the sleeve of his right arm, and had pulled off the glove and was showing her his arm. "Wove twoo wove." Tiff said and I looked at her, confused. "I'm not sure that's how you say it." I said and she laughed "It's from a film." She said and pulled me along the sidewalk. I walked her home then proceeded to go to my own home. I smiled at the thought of her, then I thought of Radar and Red and I smiled even more. Even though I had lied to Tiff about Cap and the gang, I was happy...and I tried not to think about DJ at the party. I'd have to talk to him about that. But all in good time; I'd do it tomorrow.

The next day was Saturday and I met up with the gang. We were walking down the street and I decided to pull DJ away from the other two "Look DJ, I'm flattered that you like me so much, and I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings. But how about we just forget it ever happened and just go back to normal." I said. DJ thought for a moment then smiled "Alright. Sounds good." He said "Brilliant." I said and we ran to catch up with the others. "What are we doing today?" I asked Captain when we reached them "Nothing very exciting." Cap started and I almost got confused because he always had something exciting to do, but then he continued talking "Just joking. There's a hole in the roof of Ruehl, that new place, that no one knows about. We're going there." He said and I grinned. It sounded like a challenge. "C'mon lads, let's have some fun."

We crept into the storage room when we reached Ruehl. I was the last to come in. "Right" Cap said "we'll just grab some stuff and get out before anyone even knew we were here." That's when we heard the siren. "Shit" Captain said but DJ knocked him out of the way and scrambled towards the exit, the door was just beginning to open when the last of his foot disappeared. "Don't do anything stupid." One of the two cops facing us said "You're coming with us." My fists tightened in worry and my stomach clenched when the infamous rings on metal were fastened around my wrists. The two cops walked me, Cap and Wes out of the store room. I glanced up for a moment and saw a face that looked horrified, Red was staring wide eyed and me and shook her head slightly almost as if she didn't want to see me being marched out of Ruehl handcuffed and with two other people that she knew full well weren't the best to be with. I moved my gaze from her to Captain, his face was set in some unknown emotion and was staring straight forwards, Wes was also set, but seemed ever so nervous. It was almost as if they had done this before, who knew how many times.

I wiped my hands on my jeans to rid them of sweat as we waited for someone to come talk to us. "Jonathan Brydon, we meet at last." Someone said, someone familiar...someone very familiar, shit. James Tiffany appeared around a corner, with a clipboard and a look of satisfaction. His smile slipped when he set eyes on me "Seamus? What on earth are you doing here?" He said. I swallowed hard before replying "I was with them, sir." "Right. We'll have you three in now." He said, his face now looking very angry. He led us into a room, I won't go into detail, and we sat down, Cap, Wes and me, facing James. He looked over his clipboard "Well, lets see here...theft, car jacking, fights. You've got a lot on your plate boys. We've been trying to track your elusive 'gang' for months now." "I guess today was just your lucky day then." Cap said and smirked "I won't be having any cheek from you, you've been getting in trouble since you were ten, what would Barry think." James said and Cap's grin faltered ever so slightly "My old man didn't give a fuck about me or what I did. You know that better than anyone." The teen said and James switched his attention to Wes "You've been here twice before I see. Once for theft, the other for arson. You set fire to your mother's car when you were 11." Wes nodded at this "She deserved it." He said before his gaze returned to examining his shoelaces. "You on the other hand, have never been in, not once." James said, fixing his intense green gaze on me "Why Seamus, you're a good kid. Most gangs I know are of people from broken homes, but you...explain to me why you did this." After he said this I finally got some courage, I looked him straight in the face, challenging his own intense look with my own "Because I wanted to, and if I may, sir, if your daughter ever got wind of this, she'd be heart broken. I suggest you keep this all quiet from her." That was the last straw. James' face grew red with anger and he yelled at his constable to take is away, "Nice job." Cap said and smiled at me "I always knew you were one of us." Wes smiled as well and winked at me before we got shoved into different cells and told to sit.

I thought about how this wasn't how I wanted my first year at high school to be like, but the way it made me feel...that was irreplaceable. I rolled onto my back on the hard cell bed and looked at the barred window. I sat up quickly when a figure flashed passed it. "Hey, Pan." DJ's voice came from the other side. I stood up and looked out to see DJ crouched down and applying something to the bars. My eyes widened when they seemed to melt "How?" I asked as he pulled me through "A mates dad is a scientist. He nicked some of this off him." DJ said and and pocketed the substance. He had already gotten Cap and Wes out and they were standing ready for something. "We going?" Cap said and DJ nodded "Were are we going?" I asked as we ran "I've got a place, in the forest." DJ said and we picked up speed. We were running so fast I didn't even think about my family, Lance and the others, Red and Radar, and Tiff. At this moment I didn't give a wit about them.

Turns out that DJ's 'place' in the forest, was a large, two story cabin with a few good quality tents set out around the back of it, all of it was well hidden among the large trees and undergrowth. "Nice place." I commented when we entered. "Thanks. Me and Wes got it from our Uncle after he died." DJ said and sank into the couch "We've got to get out of these clothes." Cap said. Before I had had this experience I would have asked why, but now I just went along with it. Wes showed us the big closet and we all changed, including DJ. I appeared back downstairs wearing something similar to what Cap was wearing when I first met the trio; black jeans, dark grey men's tank, black leather vest with lots of pockets but no hood, and black combat boots. "Badass Sykes." Wes commented when I rejoined them, the rest of them were also wearing black and some grey, we did look like a weird group didn't we. "Cheers." I said and smiled slightly. I hadn't yet dawned on my that I had just escaped from jail and was now technically hiding from the law. I'd deal with that later.

They've finally gotten in trouble! Tell me what you think should happen next!

- Jo

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