Chapter 20 - Old life

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Chapter 20

Old life

Four years later and not much had happened. Me and Wes had renovated the spacious attic into a comfortable room for Bigby, which he had then half transformed into a workshop for all the weird things he made that I supplied him materials and tools for. Me and Kate were going strong and I had yet to encounter another one of my friends from my 'old life'. They where probably in first year at Uni now, seeing as they, like me, were 18. We had had Bigby's 16th birthday in June and now that is was August everything had simmered down. I would have gone back to my family if I could but because of all the criminal doing I had been involved in, there was a bigger price tag on our heads then there was four years ago. I sometimes thought about Ollie, she'd be 16 now, probably with lots of friends and really popular, she just drew in a crowd. I smiled when I thought of her living normally with Mum and Dad. I was jerked out of my daydream by Cap nudging me in the shoulder "Waky, waky." He said "You need to go to the hardware store and the corner store. We've run out of bread and supplies for genius boy up there." "I'm on it." I said and pulled on my leather jacket with the sleeves cut off over top of my white men's tank, and put on my cloth mask around my neck. I pulled myself up into the attic and saw Bigby working at his table, his gold rimmed, special goggles he had made himself, with their special magnifying lenses and small mounted lights on each side, were strapped on and covered his violet eyes. "Oi, wolfie boy!" I said and he jumped and pulled his goggles down so that they hung around his neck. He was wearing what he had been wearing since he'd first come here: black combat boots, black cargo pants, and a red t-shirt poking out from under a well worn black pullover hoodie. "What?" He said, his shaggy curls bouncing slightly as he turned to face me. "We're going out. Get your bag and your mask." Since me and Bigby (or Wolf as we all called him as an inside joke) were the stealthiest people among our group, we were tasked with getting supplies, so that meant like me, Bigby also had a mask that covered his mouth and nose, his was red and matched his shirt and and red baseball cap that he wore when we went out. That hat was his lifeline along with his goggles that were either around his neck, perched on his head or covering his eyes at all times, he kept that hat in mint condition, it was as bright as the day I had gotten it for him. When he was ready with everything we were almost out the door when Cap stopped me "Get me a pack of smokes while you're out. I've run dry." "Got it." I said and left the cabin. Right after Bigby had closed the door and he was walked only a few feet, we were stopped in our tracks by a small boy, only about 8 years old, with tousled black hair, brown eyes and glasses. He was shivering with fear because it was mildly warm out. "Hey kid" I said and knelt down so that I was face to face with him "What are you doing here? Where are your parents?" I asked him and his mouth opened and a small reply came out. "M-my friends said that the Scary Man lived here, and they-they dared me to knock on the door." I nodded along with him as he talked "Okay. Where are they?" I asked "They ran back to the older people. My babysitter and her friends." He answered and I stood up "Well there is no scary man here. Just a group of people who aren't going to hurt you. Now let's get you back to your friends." The boy nodded and gave a half smile at me.

We had barely started walking when someone came running "Rhys! Rhys!" They yelled and I looked down at the kid "Rhys?" I thought quietly but looked up when I heard approaching running feet. A black haired woman appeared from the trees and raced towards the little boy, Rhys, and picked him up. "Don't run away like that. Are you okay?" She fired questions and scolds at him and I stood stalk still he wheels turning in my mind "No one hurt me. The nice man promised that they wouldn't." Rhys said and smiled at me. I glanced back at Bigby and way only his eyes, because we had both put on your masks and he had on his ball cap. He raised his eyebrows at me and I turned back to the two in front of me. "Who are you?" She asked and her green eyes scrutinized my face "That's Bigby Colleti, and i'm Seamus Sykes. We were just about to go rob a hardware store then a corner shop. But you probably don't want us to do that, your dad being a cop and all." I said. Abigail Tiffany's beautiful green eyes widened then filled with tears. She set down Rhys and walked towards me "Seamus?" She said and raised a hand to touch my face, the visible bit anyway "Hello again." I said and my mask concealed a smile. Tiff suddenly got angry "You said you were camping! You broke up with me and said you were camping. I thought you were dead!" She exclaimed and got so riled up she raised a first and went to punch me, but a hand stopped her. Bigby had wedged himself in between us and had caught her fist in his very strong, vice like grip "I suggest" he said in hit very European accent "that you don't his my amico here and leave with the ragazzo, then we can all be happy." Tiff looked very frightened at Bigby's words and retracted her arm. "Hey, Seamus. John forgot to give you money for the smo-" Kate had emerged from the house and stopped her sentence halfway through it, holding a couple of coins in her hand. "I can cover it. Just get inside, love." I said and she nodded before retreating into the cabin. Tiff looked at me with the most hurt expression she could have ever had. She didn't say a word, just took Rhys by the hand and walked away until she dissipated into the woods. "Who was that?" Bigby asked me as we reached the streets "Someone from my old life. But that doesn't matter." I said and we continued on our way.

We got the supplies for Bigby at the hardware storeroom and he put them in his backpack, then we went to the corner shop storeroom and filled my bag with the essentials. Then we appeared at the front of the same corner store and I pulled out the few coins I had to buy Cap his smokes. I pulled down my mask and walked in. The bell jingled merrily as I entered and I approached the till. I bought them with ease, even though I was only 18 I looked older because if the scruff that was growing on my face. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" The cashier said as I pocketed the smokes and a lighter "I don't think so." I said and turned around. "No I do. You're that guy from the music video." When these words spilled from the teens mouth I snapped. Too much of my old life was seeping into the one I had now and I couldn't handle it. I pulled my mask up and spun around to face him. He was looking slightly scared as I walked quickly back towards the till. I clambered over the counter and grabbed the front if his shirt. He was pretty scrawny so it wasn't hard. "I don't care who you think I am cause it's definitely not who I am now. So you just shut up about my being here and I won't shoot your ass from here to Wednesday. Got it?" I said and pushed back my jacket slightly to reveal the concealed weapon. He nodded frantically, "Good." I said and punched him in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out. I left the store in a rage "Wanna talk about it?" Bigby said in a joking manner "Not in the least." I said through gritted teeth as we made our way back home.

Kate tried to talk to me about Tiff and Rhys but I didn't say a word. Bigby escaped to his room with his new supplies and was silent. I went far into the forest and climbed my favorite tree, the tallest tree, and sat right at the top. I yelled at the top of my lungs. That yelled expelled all on my anger from everything that had happened since i'd met Cap and Wes and...and DJ. I sucking in as much air as I could and yelled loudly again. I breathed heavily when I was done and sighed. Sometimes I loved my life and sometimes I hated it. Right now, I just wanted to go back to my family.

So four years later and everyone's older. In a few chapters Bigby's family is gonna come into play as well as Tarzan's. Please tell me what you think and if you have any ideas of what should happen next.

- Jo


Amico = Friend
Ragazzo = Boy

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