Chapter 14 - Phone calls

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Chapter 14

Phone calls

My phone buzzed at three in the morning and I turned over in he bed that Wes said I could use in the cabin. I rubbed my eyes and squinted at the caller ID: Ollie. I pressed accept and put the phone to my ear "Hello" I said in a low I-just-woke-up voice. "Seamus? Where the hell are you! Mum said you got arrested for stealing and they had to go down to the station but when they got there you and the others had escaped and now the police are searching for you. It that true?" She said all of this quickly and I blinked a few times to get my bearings "That about covers it." I said as I sat up on the edge of the bed "I'm in the woods somewhere. DJ and Wes have for a place. Don't try and find me and don't tell Mum and Dad, promise." "But-" she started but I cut her off "Promise?" "Promise." She said "I'll call later." I said and hung up. I rolled back onto the bed, but I just couldn't get back to sleep.

I walked into the small kitchen at 8:00 in the morning and saw the others having breakfast. "I'm out to get supplies." DJ said and stood up "None of you leave outside of the tented area. They've still got coppers on your asses." All three of us nodded and he left the cabin. I made myself breakfast and ate quickly before putting on my leather vest and heading out to where the tents were. I almost jumped out of my skin when my phone buzzed a second time. I gingerly took it out and hoped it wasn't Ollie. When I looked down I swallowed a lump in my throat when I saw it was Tiff, "Hi." I said when I answered it "What the fuck is wrong with you!" She yelled at me "You've disappeared and I don't know why!" I breathed a sigh of relief that The Chief Inspector had heeded my words "I've just gone away. I'm...I'm camping." I said and waited for her answer "Well, I guess that's valid. As long as your not with those three I'm fine with it." She said and I smiled but then I realized what I'd have to do now, since I couldn't go back anytime soon "Abigail" I started "You never call me something wrong?" She talked over me "Listen. I've been thinking a lot lately and I think it's a good idea of we, uh, if we went our separate ways right now." I said and held my breath "You're breaking up with me. Well, I'm...right...okay. Bye then Seamus. Don't try and phone me again." The line clicked and I knew she had disconnected. I held the phone limply at my side and sighed deeply "I guess it could have gone worse." I muttered and sat down on the stump to think.

I was carving a weird design into a stick at 9pm, with a switchblade I had found in my room when Wes came into the kitchen laughing. "What's so funny?" Cap asked from where he was sitting by the fire "There's some drunk outside singing about something to do with digging holes and dwarves. He's totally smashed." Wes said and laughed again. "Did he have a beard?" I queried "Yeah, why?" Wes asked but I didn't give him an answer, I just got up and ran outside "Just don't wander." Cap yells after me and I raised my hand in acknowledge it. I neared the man and saw that the ground around him was littered with empty beer bottles and some cans scattered around, I looked the man over and it was indeed who I thought it was, it was Tony. "Hey, Anthony." I said and he looked up at me, his blue eyes slightly dull and with a stupid grin on his face "Oh. It's you. People are looking for you, but don't worry I won't tell them. Shhh." He slurred and and giggled slightly. I smiled at Tony and he drunkenly smiled back "I think you need a rest." I said and pulled his arm over my shoulders and helped him to his feet "I-I'm fine." Tony said and stumbled slightly "Fine my ass." I said and led him to the cabin. I didn't answer any of Cap or Wes' questions as I pulled the ginger into a spare room and set him down on the bed "You're a good kid. You remind me of Eric." He slumped onto his pillows and looked at me "You're a lot older than him though. He's three or something." I sat in a chair and faced him "Who's Eric?" I asked the drunken man "I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." I promised him and he started talking again "Eric's my little boy. But his mum won't let me see him because apparently I drink to much. You don't think I have a problem do you?" "Of course not." I said, more surprised that Tony had a secret son and had managed to keep the info from Lance. "Yeah. I'm fine." Tony said and his eyes started to droop closed "Thanks for the help, Lancy, you're a good friend." He said "I'm not-" I started to say but he had already dozed off. I smiled at him and headed back downstairs.

"He's harmless." I said to Cap when he confronted me about Tony "You sure?" He asked "Sure, sure. He'll be too drunk to remember what happened now, and too hungover to actually pay attention when he wakes up." I said "Alright, Tarzan. I'll trust you on this one, but he's your problem. Remember that." Cap said and I nodded. My phone buzzed another time and I went outside to answer it, it was Ollie. "Is Dad gunna call me?" I asked her and she said no, that for some reason they haven't thought about calling yet "I haven't told them anything. But your friend Thomas came over looking for you." She said and I sighed "I would tell him if I could." I said "I know." Ollie said. We talked for about 30 minutes before I heard Cap calling me "Gotta go, sorry." "Just stay safe." Ollie said and I agreed with her "I'm always safe." We both hung up and I ran over to Cap. "Tarzan" he said "there's someone I want you to meet."

Always interesting with Drunk Tony! Please tell me what you think of the chapter and if you want anything to happen in the story, comment and I might make it happen.

- Jo

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