Chapter 12 - Micah

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Chapter 12


DJ avoided me on Monday. As did Wes or Cap. They must've found out about what DJ had confessed and done on Saturday. Tiff rushed up to me on Monday morning and looked very angry. "My dad said he saw you leave that party that happened on Friday." She said "Yeah. What of it?" I said and shut my locker "You were at a party! A party that got so loud someone called the police." She said and we walked down the hall. "Look, I'm sorry okay. I was just having some fun with the guys. I didn't expect anything like that to happen. I said and looked at her "Those three. You've gotten way over your head with them. And unless you stop. I'm not speaking to you." She said and stormed away. "Tiff." I called after her "It's just a little party." But she was already out of sigh. "Bollocks." I said and punched a locker before heading to class; very angrily I might add.

After school was when I saw Myles teasing Radar. The taller man was mocking his muteness. "I'm sorry. I can't hear you, could you speak up?" he said sarcastically and I could see the anger piling up in the keeper. Myles got rough and started pushing Radar, I was about to shout a warning but it was to late. Myles shoved a little to hard and Radar started to fall down the long flight of stairs that led from one floor to the other. Myles stood in shock for a moments before he turned around, saw me and put a finger to his lips to tell me not to say anything, the he ran off. Radar had just slipped off the last stair when I reached him. I pressed my ear to his chest and was released to hear he was alive, but just barely. He was unconscious, or so I thought. I was fumbling for my phone when his eyes shot open and he started grasping for something invisible, looking like he'd seen a ghost, and that's when his mouth opened and he yelled out the first thing I had ever heard him say. He screamed it out "MICAH!" He yelled before his eyes slid closed and his arms fell limply to his sides, his head lolled to one side. I was breathing heavily out of fright of what had just happened. I pulled out my phone and called 999. After the phone call ended I sat next to Radar, and waited.

I sat outside Radar's room in the hospital. Waiting for his parents to come out so I could go see him. It stuck me odd that both his parents had blonde hair and blue eyes and he had brown hair and brown eyes. But I didn't have time to ponder when they came out and thanked me for being there and told me they were shocked to see that he was talking, but the doctor had said that the fall had triggered something in his mind, possibly from his past, and that was why he was speaking. They thanked me again then went to fill out forms and the nurse came out "You can see Thomas now." She said and smiled kindly. "Thanks." I said quietly and entered the room, "How it goin', Radar?" I asked him. He smiled and me and said "I'm all right. Just a few bumps here and there. Thanks for helping by the way." "It was nothing." I said, then blurted out the question I had been wanting to ask for the past 2 hours "Who...who's Micah?" I said and Radar's eyes seemed to sadden. "Billy told me about that...Micah is my brother. I uh, when I was younger, about 8, our family home caught fire, they never discovered why. My parents died then and Micah, well Micah and I were almost out when I beam fell on us. It caught my arm, but it slammed right down on him. I managed to pull him out but it was to late, he was gone. He was only five then. He'd be eleven around now." Radar finished and I stood in shock "So those two out there..." I trailed off "Billy and Lisa are my adoptive parents. They've been very kind to me, with everything." He said and smiled. I hesitated to ask the next question on my mind, but now I thought I knew the answer "Last I checked, you had two arms." I said, nodding to his right arm, which ended just before where the elbow usually was. "Oh yeah. That damn beam." Radar said "I'm fine though. Got a very good arm over there." He said and motioned to where a mechanical, very expensive looking prosthetic arm sat on the side table, it's hand covered with a leather glove. So that's why he wore the gloves always. Radar and I talked for a long time before the nurse said I had to leave, and I did. I had stepped outside of the room and closed the door when I saw Lance and Mickey making their way over to me, Mickey had obviously gotten here on his motorbike because he was wearing his black leather jacket and carried his black motorbike helmet in one hand, both of them looked worried. "We just heard from Paul." Lance said "Is your friend alright?" "Yeah. Yeah he's fine; just a tumble is all." I said but was distracted by Mickey looking behind me, at Radar's doctor, a tall man with blonde hair and brown eyes. He looked up and his face brightened, eyes crinkling in a smile, "Finny!" He exclaimed and walked over to us, clapping Mickey on the back when he reached his destination. "Fancy seein' you here." The doctor said and smiled at me and Lance, almost in greeting, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" He said and Mickey straightened up "Right. Kirby, this is Lance Brindley and Seamus Sykes. Guys, this is Rodger Kirbishly. We went to medical school together." Mickey said. "Pleasure." Kirbishly said and smiled again "I see your video games are treating you well, finally got that jacket you wanted, eh Finny." "Yep. It's all good here." Mickey said and tried to smile, almost as if he was embarrassed of this man. "Well, if you're ever looking for another job, talk to me. God knows you're qualified enough." The doctor said before parting ways with us and going to talk to a nurse. "He seemed nice." Lance said as we made our way out of the hospital "Yeah." Mickey said quietly "So, Dr. Finnigan, I shall be taking Seamus home, I expect to see you at work at 0800 tomorrow morning." Lance said and smirked at his friend. "Very funny." Mickey said and pulled on his helmet, he thumbs up at us before mounting his motorbike and speeding off. "Dr. Finnigan. I'd forgotten about that." Lance said as we got in the car "Yeah" I said "It's slightly hard to forget your friend is a fully qualified medical doctor with a doctorate in medicine. But I suppose it just slipped your mind." Lance laughed heartily before starting up the car and pulling out if the parking lot. Momentary happiness, at least I didn't think about how I had lied to Tiff about Cap and the twins, I'd worry about that later.

We can't all be perfect. Now you've got some of Thomas' back story, sorry for making it so depressing. But at least he's talking now!

I hope you liked it. Tell me what you think in the comments :)

- Jo

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