Chapter 23 - I forgive you

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Chapter 23

I forgive you

My mind was made up, I'd had enough of this. During the night I packed all of my belongings and wrote a note to Bigby telling him where I'd gone and not to tell anyone else. I kissed Kate on the forehead as she slept and slipped the note under Bigbys door before slinging my bag over my shoulder and leaving through the front door quietly. It only took me 15 minutes to get into town but as I neared my destination time seemed to slow and my footsteps got heavier. I breathed in deeply as I entered the building and approached the front desk "Hello?" I asked the man at the computer and he spun around. "Can I help you?" He asked, looking confused, like he didn't recognized me "My name is Seamus Sykes, I'm here to turn myself in." I said strongly and the cops eyes widened slightly as I placed my switch blade and my semi-automatic on the desk in front of him "I'd like to speak with James Tiffany." I said and the cop nodded, still looking at the weapons before him, he must be new. He called Tiffany and said man appeared out of a door and walked towards me "Turning yourself in. I knew you'd get around to it. "C'mon." He said and brought me to his office. We talked about sentence, the thing I had been dreading. Since I wasn't yet 21 I didn't have to spend the usual sentence, but it was still time in jail, 7 months to be exact, and a year of community service, yay me. James took my bag away from me but promised it would be returned in 7 months time "You did the right thing kid. Is there anyone you want to call?" He asked and I knew I didn't want to call my family. I was about to shake my head when I remembered something; my hand went to the chunk of amber that was held in by some wire so that I could wear it around my neck on some thin, flat leather cord, I had always worn it, ever since I had been given it. "Actually there is someone." I said and he led me to the phone.

"You what?!" Lances harsh voice issued from the receiver "I turned myself in. It won't be long before I'm out, and then I'll come to see you." I said and he sighed "Please don't tell my family. I want to tell them in person." I asked and he paused before promising he wouldn't. "Talk to you in 7 months." I said and hung up the phone.

7 months later I was released from the stations tiny cell (James had wanted to keep an eye on me at all times.) As promised I got my bag back with all my clothes and essentials, now I was a free man. I left the station in a white shirt, blue jeans and converse, I smiled as I made my way towards my house, because it was now my house, not just Ollies house. I knocked on the door and this time Mum answered "Seamus?!" He exclaimed and I nodded "Can I stay for awhile?" I asked and smiled slightly. She started to cry and hugged me for what seemed an age, then Dad came in and did the same thing. I expected Ollie to come down next but she didn't "Where's Ollie?" I asked "Out with friends." Mum answered and said that's all Ollie ever seemed to do other than school. We talked for hours before I realized I had to go see Lance. "I'll see you in a bit." I said and closed the door behind me.

EJ answered the door when I got there and looked confused, she had only met me a few times and now I was taller and had scruff. "Is Lance in?" I asked and she shook her head "He's at work right now." Before I could reply a little dark haired girl, only about 4, toddled up towards EJ and continually was asking her Mummy to get Rhys to stop bothering her. "Kate, I'll be there in a second." At the sound of that little girls name my heart clenched. "I'll...I'll go meet him there then." I said to EJ and thanked her before heading towards Yogtowers.

Upon my arrival everyone piled onto me with hugs and handshakes alike. I saw a few new faces among the ones I knew and even Alan was there for some reason. "So you've got a daughter." I said to Lance once we were alone in his office "Twins actually. Kate and Vincent. Kate, well, she's a sweetie." He replied and smiled "Kate's a very lovely name." I said and quickly changed the subject.

The second to last trip I preformed before before going home was closer to Yogtowers than I thought it would be. I slowly knocked on the door and someone answered it immediately. "Red?" I said when I saw the red haired girl from so long ago standing in the doorway, looking in a hurry "Tarzan!? You're out now then. I'd heard rumors." She said and smiled "It's nice to see you but I have to dash. He's in the kitchen." She said and pulled me inside before calling "Tom! Someone's here to see you." And then closing the door behind her. "Who is it, love? Red?" I heard Radars voice from the kitchen get nearer as he entered the front room of the apartment. "Tarzan." He said when he saw me and his eyes lit up. He rushed forwards and gave me a hug "It's so good to see you." He said when he stepped back. "Yeah. So what's up with you?" I asked and he explained to me about how he was training to be an EMT. "That's cool." I said and he continued to talk until I realized I had one more trip to do. "Do you have Tiffs address by any chance?" I asked him and he nodded slowly before writing it down on a scrap of paper and handing it to me. "Good luck, mate." He said and I left, heading for the address.

This time I didn't knock right away, I did what I had planed to do. I pulled the envelope out of my back pocket and set it right on the doorstep then proceeded to place the object I had held onto for four years and seven months on top of the envelope. Then I knocked softly on the door and hid around the corner. The door opened and she looked out, side to side and then down. "What the?" The said and she picked it up, that's when I left, hoping that she would forgive me.

[Tiff's POV]

I was cleaning out my closet when someone knocked on the door. I walked over and opened it, no one was there. I looked both ways then down "What the?" I said when I saw a necklace and an envelope. I picked it up and went back inside. I looked closer at the necklace and realized that it was a heart shaped, gold locket with strange designs on it. I opened up the envelope before I opened the locket and read the letter. It was dated 7 months ago.


I realize that you have every right to be pissed with me, I get it. But if you could please not get angry at any of my friends especially Bigby, he's like a brother I never had and he's only 16 so if you see him again I hope you won't be hard on him. I'm sorry for what I did to you and I know it was wrong and all I want is for you, over time, to at least try to forgive me somewhat. I'm writing this in a jail cell becomes I turned myself in, your Dad wasn't very hard on me. Made some excuse that I was provoked to do all that stuff but he knows the truth. Lance offered me a job at Yogtowers so if you ever have any time, do stop by. I hope you've achieved what you wanted and that you're happy and have a wonderful partner who loves you dearly, I know I still do. I bought the locket for you after that dinner at the station four years ago, I was going to give it to you on your 16th birthday but I guess late's better than never so I hope you like it, I spent hours trying to pick it out for you. I won't call you or try to talk to you if you don't want me to. I respect you and your choices, just know that I'm here if you ever need a shoulder to cry on.

Love, Seamus

Tears streamed down my face as I set down the letter and picked up the locket. I opened it and read the engraving 'I love you'. There was a folded up paper lodged in the locket and I pried it out and unfolded it. It was a note scribbled in pencil 'I'm sorry.' I smiled through tears and held the necklace tight in my hands. "I forgive you." I whispered to the air.

So now that Seamus is back with his family, what do you think should happen? Comment if you have any ideas!

- Jo

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