Chapter 18 - Meet the new guy

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Chapter 18

Meet the new guy

"Help me! Is anyone there I need some help!" Furious knocking could be heard at 4 in the morning on Febuary the 13. I scrambled out of bed and raced to the front door, when I opened it I didn't see anyone until I looked down. A boy, maybe around 12, was huddled on the doorstep, clutching his wrist for dear life "Hey, kid" I said and crouched down next to him. He looked up at me with unnaturally violet eyes that were slightly covered by his jaw length, unkempt dark brown hair "Please can you help me. They're coming for me." He said in a terrified voice with a distinctive European accent, probably Italian. "Who are?" I asked as I helped him in and onto the couch. "My parents." He said quietly as I got him some water. I understood what he meant so I didn't go any further into it "Can I see you wrist?" I asked and he held it out. It was swelled and purple, not sprained but broken. As I treated it i asked him questions "What's your name, kid?" "Bigby. Bigby Colleti." He said and I gave him a strange look "Bigby like the video game?" I asked and he nodded "My parents just named me the first thing they heard in the lobby of the hospital and a kid was playing that game. They would have named me Meatboy if that's what he had been playing, lucky for me I got a less weird name. They never cared about me, they didn't even think about my name." He said and I nodded in understanding. "And they beat you, your parents. Yes?" I asked and sat across from him. He nodded, I noticed that he also had a black eye "I finally got away and I'm staying away." He said determinedly and I smiled at his bravery. I let him sleep on the couch and went up to my own room. Hopefully the others wouldn't ask too many questions the next morning.

I wasn't the first one to wake up next morning and I got dressed quickly before running downstairs. Cap was there with his arms folded and a look of annoyance on his face "Taking in strays now are we?" He said and jerked his head in the direction of Colleti. "He needed help. His parents were beating him and he had run away." I said and Cap's expression softened "Oh's fine then. He can stay." Cap said and went back to making breakfast "What's his name?" He asked and I chuckled slightly before answering "Bigby Colleti. He's Italian, just got here judging by his accent." I said and Cap shook his head "I'm not even going to ask." He said, and I knew he was referring to the name. "It's complicated." I said before starting to help with food. The others came down after Colleti had woken up and introductions had happened and he seemed very happy. He stuck close to me the entire day and only spoke when he was spoken to. He must still be a bit scared. "You know it's gonna be okay right?" I told him when when we were taking a stroll through the woods "Your parents can't get you here. And even if they come I won't let them touch you. Got that?" I said and he smiled "I know. Grazie." He said and gave me a small hug. "Thanks for last night." He said and ran further ahead to find wood for the fireplace. I smiled at his energy, I think I was starting to like this kid, with his video game name and strange violet eyes. He was growing on me.

Sorry for the kind of short chapter, I just wanted to introduce the new guy. Please tell me what you think of him! I have decided to do a 4 year timeleap just to continue with plots that would only work with that much of a time difference. Unless you guys give me any ideas for chapters in this timeline then I'll do the timeskip, so please comment of you have one.

- Jo

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