Chapter 6 - The Grimm Keeper

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Chapter 6

The Grimm Keeper

When I arrived at school the next day I saw Tiff conversing in sign language to a boy around my height with short brown hair and who wore an un-buttoned plaid shirt, black t-shirt, worn blue jeans, old beige construction boots, a black SnapBack, had dogtags around his neck and leather gloves covering his hands. "Hi Tiff." I said when I approached them "Oh, hey Tarzan. Didn't see you there." She said and the brown haired boy smiled and tipped his cap in greeting, "Oh right. Introductions." Tiff said "Tarzan this is Thomas Grimm, but most call him Radar for reasons unknown. Thomas this is Seamus, or Tarzan." Thomas signed something in the air and Tiff translated "He says hello." She said and I smiled "It's nice to meet you too." I said. Before the conversation could go any further the bell rang. "He's just mute right?" I whispered to Tiff in our first class "he's not deaf or anything?" "No he's just mute. He's been mute since I met him around three years ago." She whispered back "He's a good friend." I nodded in understanding and chanced a glance at Thomas. He was scribbling down answers as fast as lightning. Smart bloke.

"Football tryouts are today." Tiff said, noticing the sign up sheet as we walked down the hall "Are you much of a player?" She asked me and I shrugged "Might as well try." I said and scribbled my name down. I saw that the first name on the sheet was that of Thomas Grimm. "Radar plays too I see." I said and Tiff nodded, "He's really good. Most of his past teammates called him 'The Grimm Keeper'" "Punny." I said and we continued on to the lunch room.

I saw Radar on the field once I had changed into more suitable football gear. He was signing to the coach and had a broad grin on his face. He waved at me when I neared "Nice to see you again." I said and him and we nodded. The trials got underway and after what seemed like an eternity the coach called us in "The team will be posted on the bulletin board next week. Be sure to check it." He said then dismissed us. He all left for the men's changing rooms.

I was walking across the field with Radar when someone yelled from behind us "Lookie here boys! Mountie's got a boyfriend." I saw Radar turn beat red and continue walking, I tried to follow but the jeers and mocks could still be heard. I whirled around to face a tall boy with tousled blonde hair, a brown haired boy and a girl with freckles and long black hair. "Why don't you leave him alone." I said sternly and the blonde smiled at me "What are you gunna do, little man?" He said "That's not my name." I said "My name, is Tarzan." And I punched him full on in the face. Not wanting to see the damage i'd done, I grabbed Radar's coat sleeve and pulled him into a sprint.

I walked with him until we reached his house. He thanked me by shaking my hand about four times and tipping his hat to me before retreating into his house. I smiled at myself, I had protected someone today and that made me feel amazing. Almost as amazing as being with Cap and the twins and jumping across buildings. Yesterday we had nicked some beers from a liquor store and drank them on top of the tallest building in town. I'd never had beer before but it was quite enjoyable. I felt like Cap could either lead me down a amazing path, or the exact opposite direction. I suppose it was my choice. I looked once more at the mute keepers house before making my way to my own.

Kind of a short chapter and I apologize for it. What do you guys think of Thomas? Do tell.

Comment if you have any suggestions and/or feedback. :)

- Jo

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