Chapter 25 - The life of Seamus Sykes

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Chapter 25

The life of Seamus Sykes

"Alright, bye. Love you." I said and hung up the phone as I entered the office. "Why thank you, Seamus. I never knew you liked me so much." Mickey said as he came up behind be in his scrubs from his part time job at the hospital. "Very funny. I was talking to Tiff." I said and he nodded "You two made up then?" He asked and I nodded in confirmation before going about my work.

I was once again on my weekly trip from the PO box when I had a run in with my favourite shaggy haired Italian. "Bigby!" I exclaimed and he looked surprised to see me. "Hi Tarzan. How's it going?" He asked and we started to chat as we moved down the road. We reached the end and saw someone waving at us, that someone was Ollie. "Better go join your girlfriend." I said and waggled my eyebrows in a joking matter and he laughed "See you around, amico." He said and ran over to Ollie, greeting her with a peck on the cheek. I smiled at the sight and then continued on my way to the office.

Tony greeted me when I arrived as he left with Eric in his arms. Eric was very cute and I always smiled when I saw him. I entered the office and distributed the mail among their recipients and turned around to come face to face with a stressed looking Lance. "Hello" I said and he sighed slightly "Can you help me?" He asked and I accepted "EJ's gone to visit her Dad and I need someone to watch the kids today." He said "I'm on it." I said and grinned before leaving the common room/Ryker Films' office. The three kids greeted me when I approached them. Both Vincent and Kate had dark brown hair and dark eyes but neither needed glasses. "Hey, you wanna play Hide and Seek?" I said and they all nodded "Okay, I'll count and you hide. But don't run off." I said and covered my eyes and started to count. I could hear their feet get further away as I counted and got slightly frightened when someone talked me on the shoulder. I un covered my eyes and turned to see Tiff. "Hi!" I said brightly and gave her a quick kiss "Need help finding kids?" She said and I smiled "I've counted to 10." I said and she kissed me. Longer this time and we didn't separate for along while. "Kids." I said quietly when we where inches apart "Lets get 'em." Tiff said and smiled before darting down the hall after the three bundles of joy.

"Thanks for helping me with the kids." I said to Tiff as we sat at in her car at the top of Ash Hill, which had since become a regular date spot for us. "It wasn't a problem. They're adorable." She said and smiled at me. "I'm sorry for what I did to you." I said and he squeezed my hand slightly "Don't be. I forgive you." She said "I met Bigby a few times. He's a nice guy, Ollie is sure happy when she's with him." "Yeah she is. Well I guess she's got someone to love." I said "Much like me." I smiled and kissed Tiff. After all that is gone through, she was the one thing that had stayed constant. Even when I was with Kate I thought about Tiff very often. My relationship with Kate had been mainly physical, there wasn't that much actual romance, we just had a lot of 'bed action' as Wes called. With Tiff I was much more romantic, I truly loved her. I was finally stable and happy. "You wanna come back to my place?" She whispered when we parted. I smiled "I'd love that." I whispered back and kissed her again.

The next day I went to the office and helped Georgie, Jason, Devin and Jeff of Ryker Films move more things into their new office. I picked up a box off the shelf and something fell onto the floor. I set down the box and picked the something up. It was my blue and black cycling gloves that I had used for parkour. I hadn't done any parkour since I had come back, I just didn't want to think about Cap and the others. I heard someone walking in so I quickly shoved the gloves into my pocket and continued to move boxes. I soon forgot that I had even found them, that was until after work.

"See you tomorrow." I said to Mickey, Tobo, Tony and Lance as I exited the office. "Bye." They all said as the dorks swung shut. I shoved my hands into my pockets only to find the gloves from earlier taking up the space. I pulled them out and looked at them before slowly putting them on. I suddenly felt the urge to climb something and I quickly grabbed hold to a barred window and clambered up onto the top of the building. I stood right on the edge with half my feet off the side and held my arms open as I felt the wind rush through my hair and I smiled. This was amazing. I had had my ups and downs but everything was brilliant. This was the life. It was the life of Seamus Sykes.

The book is now done. It's very bitter sweet. I have really enjoyed writing this book and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. Tell me what you thought in the comments! If you have any ideas for another book do tell. Now that this one's done i'll be focusing solely on Duffle Bag Baby because I have been neglecting it. If you haven't read the first few chapters of DBB you can find them on my profile. I hope you've enjoyed the book! :)

- Jo

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