Chapter XXI: Home

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Richard opened his eyes to find only darkness in front of him. After a few moments, that darkness adjusted to reveal something else in the vast space. There were sparkles in the darkness. Little twinkles of light shone around him, in the darkness. After a few moments, the darkness was more illuminated, allowing the clouds of the night sky to become visible. Richard realized that he was outside, & it was night out. Richard felt a sudden comfort within himself.

Suddenly, an arm crept over Richard's chest. Richard turned to the side to spot a familiar redhead with bright, blue eyes & a soft smile. At first, her name slipped out of his mind, but he quickly recalled the love of his life's name. "Barbara," he breathed.

Barbara bit her lip, gazing up into Richard's eyes. "Dick," she said softly.

Richard glanced down at where they were. They had laid down over a blanket on a grassy outland under the vast starry night. They were having a picnic, Richard remembered that. He remembered bringing Barbara out to this field on the outskirts of Metropolis. He remembered something telling him to take her out here...something in the back of his mind that told him to. Something told him that this was something he had wanted to do for a very long time.

Barbara sighed, staring up into the sky once more. "This is beautiful, Dick," she breathed.

Richard glanced over at Barbara once more, smiling at her pale skinned face. He glanced down at her hands interlinked over her chest, then noticed something. A soft sparkling glare shone from her finger. Richard reached for her finger, then held it in his hand with delicacy. He smiled when he identified the sparkle as an engagement ring. "It's beautiful," he said softly.

Barbara let out a soft laugh. "You did get it for me, after all," Barbara said softly.

Richard nodded with a smile. "Right, right, of course," he said. Richard gazed up into Barbara's eyes, then leaned over to kiss her. Their lips locked passionately. Richard pulled away, looking up into her sky blue eyes again. He felt as though he could get lost in them forever, & he was okay with that. "You're beautiful," Richard said softly.

Barbara leaned in to kiss Richard's cheek. "You're beautiful," she repeated back to him. "You're handsome, & wonderful, & brave, & so kind & caring. I'm in love with you, Richard Grayson. I love you so much."

Richard wrapped his arms around Barbara & began kissing her forehead. He wrapped his arms tightly, letting Barbara rest her head on his biceps. He held her tightly, allowing his chest to beat heavily. He felt his heart swell with love for Barbara Gordon, the love of his life. He knew from the moment he set his eyes on her that he would marry her one day. He was now the husband of Barbara Gordon, & she was now Barbara Grayson. He felt nothing but pure joy. For once in his life, he was happy. He could said he was truly happy.

Suddenly, a loud roaring hummed over Richard's head, startling him. Richard gazed up & saw a helicopter zoom over him & Barbara in the night sky. Richard rose up from where he laid to get a better look at the helicopter. Why was there a helicopter flying in the sky right now? Where the hell was it flying to? Why was it flying so close to the ground?

Barbara sat up & touched Richard's arm softly. "Babe, it's okay," she said. "Ignore it."

Richard glanced back down at Barbara. "What...what was that?"

Barbara shrugged. "I dunno. It might be a government chopper."

"Government?" Richard asked.

Barbara nodded, pointing out towards the distance. "Yeah, there's a government facility not too far from here. Cadmus, I think." Barbara smiled at Richard, tracing a finger up & down his chest. "That's why you said you wouldn't drive too far out, Dick. You told me you didn't want to raise any alarms or something."

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