Chapter XXVI: Justice

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Richard drove up to the large vacant parking lot & swerved his car, skitting his vehicle into an abrupt stop. Richard held onto the steering wheel as his car jolted in place, & finally let go as the car stopped. He fiddled with his seat buckle before he could unclip it, then opened his door. As he stepped out, he slammed the door shut, then made his way around the vehicle. He took a moment to examine the area around him. The parking lot was completely empty. In fact, it didn't look like much of a parking lot to begin with. Richard reached into his pocket & removed his phone. It was 12:24 AM. Despite him rushing from Central City to D.C., it was a long drive. The fact that it was late at night would explain why the Hall of Justice museum parking lot was empty. It didn't explain why the Hall of Justice building had disappeared.

Richard stepped away from his car, making his way towards the area of the lot where the building used to stand. He remembered, years ago, when the building was still under construction. It was a cover for the zeta tubes inside the building that teleported from the Hall to the Watchtower satellite up in space, where the League's real base of operations was. However, what Richard was looking up at was...nothing. A vacant lot...with nothing. No Hall, no zeta tubes, transportation to the Watchtower, or to the Justice League.

Richard let out a raging howl, slamming his palm against the trunk of his car. He knew the Hall's disappearance must've been an effect from Flashpoint, but Richard didn't think that the Hall would actually be gone. Richard suddenly felt his blood boil. What the hell was he supposed to do now? He needed to find the League. After the events that occurred with the Dominators, the League should be in D.C., up in there Watchtower. Richard let out a frustrated sigh. He needed Barry Allen to fix this.

Richard shook his head. He had just had a long conversation with the Flash about the effects of Flashpoint, & about accepting the consequences. Richard glanced up at the empty lot. Did Richard have to accept the consequences of Barry's actions too?

Richard reached for his cell phone, ready to call Alfred. He dialed the butler's number, then waited as the cell phone rang. The phone continued to ring...& ring...but finally, the call went to voicemail. Richard cursed to himself. He dialed Bruce's number next, hoping the Batman himself would answer Richard's calls. After several dial tones, Richard sighed in defeat. The call had gone to voicemail as well.

Richard walked to the driver seat of his car & opened the door. He climbed inside & shut the door. Richard rubbed his face hard, then leaned forward against the steering wheel. Richard bit his lip, wondering what to do next. He glanced around the car, hoping an idea would make its way to him when he suddenly caught sight of the glove compartment. Suddenly, a theory formulated in Richard's head.

Richard reached over to the glove compartment, opened it, then reached inside. He felt his fingers grasp around a small metallic tablet. He pulled the tablet out of the glove compartment & examined it. The tablet was one that Richard would occasionally use while on undercover stakeouts for the Batman. Richard would use the tablet to upload data such as images, audio recordings, & other digital files to the Batcave. If his idea worked...then the Batcave would be able to be accessed remotely with the tablet.

Richard proceeded to turn on the device & began recalibrating the device's software to be able to decrypt the Batcave's system. He then used the override hack that Richard had developed to allow him to break through the Batcave's firewall without causing a failsafe to be activated. Once the firewall was broken through, Richard was given a full duplicated copy of the Batcave's archives. Richard had the Batcave's systems, all in the palm of his hands.

On the tablet screen, Richard saw dozens of tabs, each containing files pertaining to different cases. Richard saw Bruce's files from the GCPD, some from the CIA, some from the FBI, & one from Interpol. Richard nodded. These were the proper tabs that Bruce had kept as Batman. Richard wondered how many of the cases had been cleared & solved. Richard's eyes trailed over to a tab under the title "Justice League Initiative". Richard sighed in relief. He had found what he was looking for.

Richard tapped on the tab to reveal the contents, but was shocked at what he found. Richard recalled when he first discovered the Batcave, & when he came across the Justice League files. He remembered seeing files on Barry Allen, Arthur Curry, Hal Jordan, & William Batson. However, none of those files existed. The only ones that existed were two folders. One was titled "Superman" while the other was titled "Wonder Woman". Richard arched his eyebrow in confusion. Where had the rest of the League's files gone? Did Bruce delete them?

Richard tapped on the Wonder Woman folder, only to find one file. The file was a mere digital photograph of Diana, captured from a distance as she walked among civilians in a heavy crowd. She wore a large sunhat & a heavy coat over some business attire, revealing collars underneath the coat. The photo might have been taken during the winter. Aside from that, Richard couldn't deduce much else from the photo.

Richard exited the folder & tapped on the Superman folder, well aware of what to expect. He remembered seeing documents from Area 51 & the Air Force, each revealing statements about the space pod that the Kryptonian had arrived to Earth on. Richard remembered seeing articles depicting Superman's courageous feats, & video footage of his service to Metropolis. However, all Richard saw now was...a digital map of the world. It was just Earth, with one small marker placed up near the Arctic Circle. There was nothing else indicated on the map. What the hell did the North Pole have to do with Superman?

Richard tossed the tablet off onto the passenger seat & groaned. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. The Hall of Justice was now gone, along with the Watchtower, & the rest of the Justice League. No records showed their existence, aside from a mere photo of Diana Prince & a map that probably had nothing to do with Clark Kent. Had Flashpoint changed more than before? Did the effects of Flashpoint alter the League's history, even after the first changes three months ago? Or did the changes have something to do with the invasion? Did the Dominators do something to the League?

Richard felt his fists clenched. The League must've gone up against the Dominators. Kaldur'ahm said that his king had gone to the surface world. It must've been about the Dominators. Richard recalled Alfred telling him that Bruce had gone away on a League mission the day that the Dominators came to Central City. Richard was almost certain that the Dominators did something. It must've been them. There's nothing else that could explain the League's disappearance. didn't explain Bruce removing the League's files.

Richard felt his lips tremble. He wrapped his fingers over the steering wheel tight as he shuddered. He felt his face grow numb, along with the tips of his fingers. Anxiety washed over Richard as dark thoughts crept into his mind, confirming the doubts that Richard was afraid to acknowledge. He a few deep breaths, but released shuddered breaths. He turned on ignition, then drove out of the empty parking lot, making his way down to Gotham City.

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