Chapter XVII: Splash

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Richard wasn't sure how long he had been chasing the Dominators. Since he had left the warehouse, the sun was beginning to rise again. Since coming back from the alternate reality, Richard had sort of lost his sense of time. It probably didn't mean anything; it was probably just him not keeping track. But it was now dawn. Richard was now exposed by the daylight.

Richard resorted to leaping up onto a nearby fire escape of a building to his right. He climbed up, while also traversing across the side of the building. Eventually, he reached the top of the building, able to spot the Dominators with ease. They were headed to a nearby port. Why the hell were they going to the ocean? Richard rushed, without a moment to waste, & leaped off of the building, suddenly falling several feet from the building's rooftop. Instinctively, Richard removed a grappling gun from his utility belt & shot it out towards the boardwalk in front of the Dominators. He was jerked off towards his hook, grappling passed the Dominators. With ease, he managed to land on his feet, facing the aliens.

"Hey!" Richard called out defiantly. "Let go of him, you ugly sons of bitches!"

The Dominators each shared a quick glance with one another, as if asking what Richard had just said. Richard didn't think that these aliens would be able to comprehend the English language, let alone human communication. The one holding Logan turned to Richard, then swung his body off from his shoulder. He tossed the young boy onto the ground, between Richard & the Dominators.

Richard stepped forward towards Logan, but just as he did so, the Dominators each took a step forward as well. Richard eyed the monsters, taking his footstep back. They were baiting him. These aliens were actually playing games with him, trying to bait him for the kill. Richard had to play this safe.

Richard eyed Logan. He noticed the young boy's chest rise & fall slowly. He knew he was breathing; he was alive. He must've just been knocked out cold. Richard needed him alive, though. Alive & awake.

Richard reached into his utility belt slowly, hoping the Dominators wouldn't notice, & reached for a specific item. It was a batarang. He eyed the batarang for a brief moment. It was yellow & red. It was one of Tim's designs that he had accidentally picked up weeks before. Richard carefully aimed his wrist towards his front, then flicked the batarang outward. It stuck out of Logan's neck, releasing a small & sudden jolt of electricity through his body. Logan's eyes suddenly opened wide as he gasped for air. "Whoa!" Logan cried.

The Dominators each stumbled back in surprise as Logan began to stand upright. The boy spotted the aliens, then panicked, stepping back. He stepped backwards until he stepped on Richard's foot. He turned to Richard & yelped. "Dick!" he cried.

Richard brought his arm over Logan's chest & stood in front of him defensively. He used his other hand to remove his escrima staff from his shoulder, then pointed it out towards the Dominators. Richard eyed the monsters, hoping to spot some sort of tell as to what their next move would be.

"What do we do?" Logan whispered.

Richard's eyes darted around the boardwalk in panic. He hadn't realized he was standing on the end facing the ocean. They were cornered by the aliens, forcing them to face them head on. There was nowhere to run. Nowhere

Richard turned back to Logan. "You think these guys can swim?" he asked.

Logan arched his eyebrow. "What?"

Just then, Richard used his free hand to begin tickling Logan's stomach, tracing his tickling fingers up under Logan's armpit. Logan laughed hysterically. "Dick!" he cried, "what the hell are you doing?"

Richard continued to tickle Logan, hoping for the proper reaction from the shapeshifter. After a moment, Logan let out a quick sneeze, & suddenly, Logan had morphed into a humongous animal with leathery skin. The animal roared with its large trunk as it struggled to stand on the boardwalk. Richard looked up at the giant green being. "An...elephant?"

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