Chapter X: Reality

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Richard stared back at his glass balcony door before him, examining every little detail on the thing that he had created. He was missing something. He knew it. There were changes happening all around Richard, & he needed to outline every single change in the world, his world. He needed a way to keep up with the world & the aftereffects of the new timeline that was created after Flashpoint.

He groaned & collapsed on the couch directly in front of the balcony doors. He had created a large outline with a marker & several sticky notes & photographs that he had printed out from his computer. He wrote two lines; the first contain photos & notes regarding events in Richard's life that he remembers, while the second contained photos & notes referring to events that Richard had no recollection about.

Subtle things changed around Richard aside from Cheyenne. Some things never changed, however. For example, Cadmus was still raided years ago by "unknown parties", resulting in five missing test subjects, just as Richard had done years before with Harper, Rachel, & Roy. However, this was altered, causing Roy to not remember. So, in the other timeline, Roy was not involved in this heist. There was also a change in this new timeline in which Gotham Academy was never blown up by Nolan Drake. There was also a new chain of coffee shops called Jitters across the coast. Subtle changes.

Richard stared, analyzing each detail that had shifted ever since Flashpoint. Barry mentioned that it had occurred three months ago, so he figured the changes would only exist over the course of three months. This, however, was not the case. Barry also mentioned a breach being opened into...parallel worlds. Richard also took note of that, contemplating the theory of the multiverse & whether or not Richard was, in fact, on another version of Earth. All of these variables were suddenly coming into play, making everything a lot more complicated.

But did any of this really affect himself? After all, he got back his childhood love. He got back a fallen brother. Richard should should be happy, right? Why wouldn't he be? Why...couldn't he just let himself be happy?

Just as he was beginning to feel down, a comforting hand slide into his own. He glanced down to see Cheyenne, gazing up at the work Richard had done. "Redecorating?" she joked.

Richard laughed softly. "Yeah, I got sick of police choppers flying overhead, shining their beams down on me when I'm nude."

"Yeah, that would suck," Cheyenne said, grinning to herself. "God forbid anyone sees you naked."

Richard glanced down at Cheyenne, who was staring back up at Richard. Her smile was seductive. He knew when someone was coming onto him. Cheyenne definitely was. Richard smiled back. When he first found her in Chinatown, Cheyenne looked so innocent. She somehow managed to make herself so appealing to him, despite his memories of her being so young. Even now, it was strange seeing her as anything other than the girl he grew up with, but...she was someone he had wanted for such a long time. Ever since he knew what love was, he knew he felt it for her.

Richard threw his arm around Cheyenne & smiled. "I'm glad you're here, Cheyenne," he said.

Cheyenne rested her head on Richard's shoulder. "Yeah, I didn't think I'd get to leave the Watchtower so quickly, but, I'm glad you came."

Richard nodded. He thought back to what he did to the League. He hoped they wouldn't be coming for him. They shouldn't be. It was the Flash they needed to have their eyes sets on.

Cheyenne patted Richard's chest, then began to walk away. He watched as she strutted towards the kitchen in nothing but a large t-shirt & some boxers. Richard didn't have any women's pajamas for Cheyenne to wear, so, he just let her where his own. It wasn't a big deal, but, he definitely did enjoy seeing her in his clothes a little.

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