Chapter XVIII: Brothers in Arms

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Richard ran towards where his GPS system on his wrist was guiding him. With each passing second, he sprinted faster & faster, feeling panic wash over him. He was unsure of what the emergency is, but clearly if it was enough to call Richard back immediately, it must have been bad. Had there been another Dominator ship that crash landed? Was it another horde? Was it a horde of a different breed of Dominators? Richard felt frightened by each possibility. He didn't want to admit it, but he was way out of his depth. They all were.

Richard glanced back behind him. Logan was running behind him in the form of a cheetah, hoping to get the maximum speed he could with his abilities. Beside him was Kaldur'ahm, who was still following the two. Richard wasn't very sure whether he was hoping to work alongside Richard for the time being or not. He hadn't made his motives very clear. He most likely wanted to rescue Arthur & only rescue Arthur. But if he believed Richard could help him do this, then maybe it was worth keeping him around. Richard could use an extra set of hands on this situation.

When Richard found his way back to the warehouse, he skidded to a stop. His mouth was agape at the sight that he saw.

Before him were all of the Titans engaging in combat...with each other. Tim was helplessly fending off Conner's strong attacks while Rachel was fending off both Zatanna & Kori with her mystic abilities, casting spells & creating shields. A red & yellow streak zipped around Victor, causing the cyborg to struggle aiming his cannon at a single target. Meanwhile, Artemis was aiming her bow at M'gann, shooting explosive arrows at the floating Martian. A few of her arrows hit M'gann, but she caused herself to phase through the arrows, just like the Martian Manhunter was capable of.

Richard stared up at the fight taking place before him. What the hell was going on?

Logan finally reached Richard, but fully formed in his human self. "Whoa," he muttered. "What the hell?"

Richard bit his lip. Kaldur'ahm approached Richard & Logan & caught sight of the fight. "Who are they?"

Richard sighed. "The Titans," he gulped.

Richard ran into the fight, passing by Wally's streak of light & Kori's energy blast. He leaped up, landing near where Tim was. As he approached Robin, Conner ran towards the two, letting out a booming roar. The two leaped up, doing backflips over Conner. Richard felt weightless as his body glided over Conner's. His face glanced down at Conner's confused face &, for a split second, Richard noticed some strange glow around his forehead.

Richard landed behind the Superboy, standing beside Robin. Richard turned to the young boy. "I was gone for less than an hour!" he cried.

Tim took a step back, dodging a right hook from Conner. "I know!" he called back.

Richard reached for his escrima sticks & shoved one into Conner's lower back, sending a bolt of electricity up his spine. "What the hell is going on, Tim?"

Conner rose up & swung his fist back at Richard. Richard rolled backward, dodging the blow. He looked up at the Kryptonian. Tim leaped up & swung his staff at Conner, hitting the bridge of his nose. Conner stumbled back, giving Tim & Richard a few moments to relax as he was stunned. "I dunno," Tim began to explain. "One second, we were fighting off the aliens, & the next thing we know, half of the team started wailing on us! We're just defending ourselves!"

Richard gritted his teeth in frustration. Someone had done something to the team. Was it the Dominators? Did exposure to them cause some sort of...aggressive reaction within the Titans? Richard wasn't sure. He sighed. "Okay, so, who is defending themselves right now?"

Before Tim could respond, Conner rose up & swung a fist up into Tim's stomach, causing him to fly back in the air. The blow looked strong enough to break the boy in half. Tim flew back, landing on his back several feet away. Richard turned to spot Conner running towards him like a Spanish bull.

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