Chapter XXIX: Titans

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Richard gripped the steering wheel of his car tightly, pushing his foot down hard against the gas pedal. He could feel the vibrations of the car as he sped across the highway, burning the rubber of his wheels. He turned the wheel hard, skidding to an abrupt turn & causing the car to leave dark marks across the ground. He readjusted his car's gear & shifted it, then pressed on the gas once more. He drove around the mountainside, speeding as his mind raced along with his car.

Earlier that morning, after Richard had arrived back to Blüdhaven from Barbara's apartment back in Gotham, he came home to his apartment, hoping to finally squeeze in a nap after the resolution of the Dominators' invasion. He was surprised to find a note left on his bed that only read "find me - c". Richard panicked & began calling Cheyenne's cellphone. As it turns out, she had left her phone at the apartment. Richard panicked more, considering using the GPS software on his computer to somehow trace her through surveillance footage. The apartment building's security cameras showed Cheyenne leaving the building alone. It seemed strange. Why wouldn't she tell Richard where she was headed?

Richard had taken up a few leads during that morning, calling up the old foster family residence in hopes that she had paid them a visit in Gotham. As it turns out, the Fosters had moved out years ago, & their previous home was vacant. That didn't leave Richard with a lot of options. His next lead was Chinatown, the place where Rachel & Kori had grown up with Cheyenne after she left the orphanage. Richard returned to the place that he found her all those years ago, only to find the building still burnt down at the hands of John Constantine. Richard was lost, without a single lead, when he noticed something peculiar. The handwriting on the note that Cheyenne left was light, but the writing of the c & d were slightly darkened. Richard considered the meaning behind the letters, but then realized what they truly meant.

Richard glanced down at the note as he drove around the mountain in D.C., coming close towards the entrance of the caverns by the beach, where the Titans were hiding out for the duration of the invasion. It was strange that Cheyenne would come here, but if she was, it must've been for an important reason.

Richard slowed his car to a stop & shut off his ignition. He unbuckled his seatbelt & opened his car door, stepping out of the vehicle. He shut the door behind him, then began walking towards the caverns inside of the mountain. He bit his lip nervously, unsure of what he would find. Did someone discover what Cheyenne was? Did they discover her metahuman abilities, or tie her to the events back in Gotham during the invasion? Was the cave compromised? Richard shook the thoughts away, then continued to walk into the dark caverns.

Richard squinted as he noticed a light down the corridor. He sped up his pace, then brought his hands up to his mouth. "Cheyenne!" he calleed. "Are you here?"

Richard heard echoes of hisses & murmurs in response. He was nervous. He needed to be prepared. He flexed his arms, stretching his upper body. He felt his shoulders crack around his spine, anticipating any combatant he may encounter in the dark. He continued to move forward, towards the light, & he noticed the light was...the computer monitor. The computer was on. Somebody was in the database. He had to move fast.

Richard moved to sprint when suddenly lights came on all around the cavern, revealing several people around him in the cave. Richard instinctively brought his arms up to guard himself when he spotted Cheyenne across from him. Standing next to her was Rachel & Kori. Next to the two of them were Logan & Wally. Richard turned around to find Roy standing behind him, alongside Jaime & Conner. Richard turned back to find Evelyn & M'gann standing beside Kaldur'ahm & Zatanna. Each & every single one of them had a smile on their face.

"Gee, Dick," Logan called out to Richard. "You were ready to knock our asses out!"

Richard laughed nervously, dropping his arms to a relax stance. "Sorry about that."

Titans - Rising Robin & Invasion! Crossover Fanfic (Flash x Arrow x LoT)Where stories live. Discover now