Chapter XXV: Consequences

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Richard walked down the hallway of the Star Labs facility, making his way towards the Cortex, where the Flash operated out of. Richard walked alongside Wally, who wore a look of nervousness & concern on his face. He walked a few steps behind Richard, looking as though he was a young boy in trouble with a parent. Richard felt a similar amount of shame & guilt himself. He knew he shouldn't have taken Wally with him to fight the Dominators, but, it was all over now. Richard would finally be able to bring the boy back, where he could continue to recover & train alongside the Flash. It was where Wally belonged, despite all that had happened.

Wally stepped up to Richard & tapped his shoulder. "Hey," Wally started, "do you think he'll be mad?"

Richard sighed. "Honestly, I dunno," Richard admitted. "I've never seen the Flash be mad. Or, at least...I never saw the Flash I knew get upset."

Wally nodded. "Yeah, I guess it isn't Barry I need to be worried about," he said. "My, she's the scary one."

Richard laughed softly. "Oh, yeah, she is."

As the two made their way into the Cortex, they saw the Barry Allen standing at the center of the Cortex. He was beside the computer dashboard in civilian clothes. He had his arms crossing his chest, with a look of relief on his face. Barry had on a dark blazer with a maroon button up underneath. He looked as though he had just come from some festive event. It seemed strange, considering the circumstances. Barry nodded at Richard. "Thanks for bringing him back," he said.

Richard shrugged. "Sure thing. He behaved himself on the drive back," he said jokingly.

Wally scoffed. "HE is standing right here!" he whined.

Barry walked over to Wally & nudged his shoulder. "HE is in trouble," Barry said. "Caitlin is in the medbay waiting for you."

Wally groaned. "Dude, seriously? I'm fine, man! I healed up-"

"Dude, seriously!" Barry said, this time with more of a serious tone. "Iris blew my cell up with voicemails, saying YOU vanished, & somehow it was MY fault!"

"Well, I didn't-"

Richard stepped up to Wally, patting the boy on his shoulder. "Kid, go to the medbay," he said calmly. "I need to talk to Barry for a second."

Wally sighed in defeat, glaring between Barry & Richard, then made his way to the medbay. Richard shook his head, then turned to Barry. Richard brought his hands up in defeat. "Okay, let me have it."

Barry arched his eyebrow. "What?"

Richard nodded. "I owe you a free swing. Two, for Wally."

Barry waved Richard off, walking over to the console. "Nah, man, it's fine." Barry let out a sigh, shaking his head. "I'm not...mad. Not really, anyway."

Richard walked up to Barry & looked up at him. "For the record, Wally really was good," Richard said. "The kid has a lot of potential. He may be a little headstrong, but, we all are when we first start this gig, you know?"

Barry nodded, letting out a sigh. "I just...he's my girlfriend's brother, man. I need to be careful with him," he explained. "Ever since he's gotten his speed, this was all he wanted to do. I can't blame him, you know? It's just...Iris doesn't want him to get hurt." Barry shrugged. "It's going to be hard, now that he's gotten a taste of the action."

Richard sighed. "Again, sorry about that. We had a guy recommend that we recruit a speedster."

Barry nodded, then turned to Richard. "'re a superhero, too."

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