Chapter III: Second Chances

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Richard watched as Rachel glanced around Richard's living room in awe. She made her way to the couch & pressed her hand down on the seat cushions, then nodded softly. She turned & glanced out of the glass door, leading out into the balcony. She stared outside for a few moments, then walked to the right, where she made her way to Richard's kitchen. Richard followed behind Rachel, where he saw her sticking her head inside of his fridge. She glanced around, then caught sight of the beer bottles on the door shelf. Rachel grabbed one, popping the bottle cap open, & took a soft sip.

Richard scoffed as Rachel walked passed him. "You could've just asked me for a drink," he said softly.

Rachel shook her head. "No," she grunted. "I think I'm entitled to your kitchen whenever, Dick." Richard shook his head. He really did miss Rachel's snarky attitude.

Rachel glanced around the apartment once more, then noticed the bedroom door slightly open. She stared at the door, then turned back to Richard. "Is she...?"

Richard nodded. "Yeah, she should be resting in bed right about now."

Rachel eyed Richard for a brief moment, then turned back to the bedroom door. She approached the door slowly & raised a fist up to the door. She softly knocked twice. "Hello?" she called.

There was a brief silence. "Dick?" called Cheyenne. "Is that you?"

Rachel gasped softly at the sound of Cheyenne's voice. Richard stepped beside Rachel. "Uh, yeah, Cheyenne. It's me. I brought a friend to come by & check you out."

"Oh," Cheyenne called. "Alright."

With that, Richard pushed his bedroom door open, letting Rachel in. Rachel slowly walked in, mouth open & eyes widened by the sight of Cheyenne Freemont sitting on Richard's bed. Rachel handed Richard her beer without ever taking her eyes off of Cheyenne. Cheyenne was watching TV as Rachel walked around the bed & sat beside her. "Hey, Cheyenne," Rachel said softly.

Cheyenne turned & looked right at Rachel. She looked at her for a moment, then gave her a faint smile. "Hi," Cheyenne said. She turned back to the TV & continued to watch her television program, not recognizing her. Richard could see the hurt in Rachel's eyes. She bit her lip & nodded, turning to Richard.

Richard cleared his throat. "Yeah, Cheyenne, this is Rachel Roth. She was with you years ago, back in Chinatown."

Cheyenne suddenly turned to Cheyenne & gasped softly. "Wait...Rachel..."

Rachel nodded. "Hey," she said softly, smiling through tears.

Cheyenne smiled faintly. "It''s you," she breathed. "I remember you."

Rachel thrusted herself onto Cheyenne, hugging her tightly. "I know, baby. I remember you too. I've missed you so much, Cheyenne."

Cheyenne hugged back, crying into her shoulders. Richard watched as the two old friends shared a moment together. It brought him a familiar nostalgic feeling, seeing the two of them together again. He thought back to his times with Cheyenne, back in the orphanage, & his times with Rachel, back when he was Robin. Things...felt right, all of a sudden.

Suddenly, Richard's brief happy thoughts were broken by Rachel pulling away from Cheyenne. " did you survive the fire?" Rachel asked.

Cheyenne shook her head. "Richard has been asking me the same thing. I don't remember any of it. Just...flashes of you, Rachel. You, & Kori...I remember growing up with Dick, too."

Richard cleared his throat & glanced towards Rachel. "Cadmus, maybe? You think they did to her what they did to Jim Harper?"

Rachel arched an eyebrow. "Roy's brother? I don't know," she answered. "Maybe. But...I wouldn't be able to tell."

Richard nodded. He sighed deeply, then knelt down beside the bed. He leaned close to Rachel to speak. "Jason is also back."

Rachel stared at Richard. "Jason...Todd?"

Richard nodded. "He's been killing people. He dug himself out of his grave outside of Wayne Manor & started killing all across the coast." Richard shook his head. "He told me he went to Hell...I don't know if he meant it literally or not."

Rachel nodded. "Yeah, something has definitely changed in Hell," she said softly, "but that might not be what brought Cheyenne back."

Richard took note of the remark about Hell. Knowing Rachel's background, she may not be kidding. Richard bit his lip, then turned to Cheyenne. She was glancing between Rachel & him, totally confused. Richard sighed, then nodded back towards Rachel. "Can you find out what did bring her back?"

Rachel nodded softly. She turned to Cheyenne & reached for her hands. She flipped Cheyenne's hands over, revealing her palms. Rachel traced Cheyenne's hands, but as she did so, she traced symbols with her fingers on her palms Cheyenne stared in fascination as Rachel began to initiate a ritual. Richard wasn't sure exactly how it worked, but he wasn't a stranger to all forms of magic & mysticism. He met Zatanna, a teenage sorceress, & John Constantine, master of the Dark Arts. Constantine was sent by Nolan Drake to kill Cheyenne, & since then, Richard had never seen the British occultist. He hoped he never would again.

Rachel began to raise her hands slowly over Cheyenne's. As she brought her hands up, purple smoke appeared between Rachel & Cheyenne's hands, flowing upward into Rachel's hands. Rachel then inhaled, breathing in all of the smoke before her. As she breathed it all in, her eyes glowed purple for a brief second, then flashed back into her normal eyes within a blink. She licked her lips, then turned to Richard. "It's not supernatural."

Richard raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Rachel sighed, glancing at Cheyenne, who stated at Rachel with the same fascination. "She must've not died at all, because her soul never entered Hell. In fact, she hasn't seen the afterlife at all."

Richard let out a frustrated breath. "So..."

Rachel shook her head. "Richard, it's her. She's really back. Maybe...maybe this isn't supernatural, but this certainly is a blessing. The universe is working in your favor. Be thankful."

Richard sighed. He nodded. Rachel was right. Maybe he was looking too into it. He should just accept the situation for what it was & be grateful for the outcome. Somehow, by some miracle, Richard's childhood love was back from the dead. Anyone would be happy to have this happen to them.

But if she wasn't dead, then what the hell DID happen to her after all these years?

It didn't make sense. Cheyenne mentioned her family being kind to her. Richard had met them. They were cruel & horrible. Why is it that Cheyenne remembered them differently? They called Cheyenne a monster. Cheyenne had to run away from them after the poltergeist incident.

Just then, Richard remembered that Cheyenne was a metahuman with telekinetic abilities. If she was really back, & this was real, then she would still have those abilities. He would need to have those abilities tested.

"Thanks, Rachel," Richard said. He smiled. "I think I know what to do now."

Rachel sighed, nodding. She stood up & turned back to Cheyenne, who had already began watching TV again. Rachel bit her lip. "Bye, Cheyenne. I'll try to come see you more."

Cheyenne turned to Rachel & smiled back. "Bye, Raven," she said softly.

Rachel gasped softly, then turned away. She made her way to the bedroom door & walked out quickly, before she could say anything. Richard rushed out & approached Rachel, who had begun to sob. "Dick...she called me by my name. No one knows about that...other than Constantine, & you & Roy, & Kori." Rachel wiped her face, then continued. "That night was the only night I used my name. She...she has to be real, Dick. That has to be Cheyenne."

Richard brought his arms out, letting Rachel sob into his chest. He rubbed her back & stared out into the living room window, looking out over the night sky. Richard sighed. He really hoped it was her. But he had to be sure. He needed to find out for sure.

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