melody potato

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Melody potatoes are supposed to be good at singing. Sadly, Bologna the potato (pronounced ba-log-nah) was terrible at it. Her voice sounded like petals of a flower that had been shredded in a paper shredder, and dumped in a bucket of rotten mush. 

Bologna's friends always made fun of her, thinking it was funny. It wasn't funny. 

One night she decided she would become a better singer. She was sitting in the dirt like potatoes do at night when she opened her mouth to sing. 

She let out a bellow. "AHHHHHHH." She thought it was pretty good herself, but suddenly there were loud screaming noises. It sounded as if someone was dying. She shrugged it off and quickly forgot about it.

A few times later, someone was knocking on her door (I know potatoes don't have doors, but shut  up) and opened it before she could say "come in!" with her scratchy voice. 

"You're under arrest for murder." The potato officer said. 

"But I didn't murder anyone!" Bologna said in shock. 

"Yes you did! Your horrible singing voice killed this baby!" The officer dragged a dead body out from behind his back. Indeed, there was a dead spud. 

"Oh, sorry. I won't do it again." Bologna said and shut the door in his face. 

The officer didn't take this for an answer. He padlocked the outside of her door so she couldn't escape.

Eventually Bologna died from lack of water. She felt regret for ever trying to sing. She would be alive if she had just come up with another solution.

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