mouse rodeo potato

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Jerald the mouse lived in the forest. He was a happy mouse. But one day the potatoes came. They rolled through the forest and lassoed Jerald. He tried to escape, but the rope was around his neck and he tripped. Jerald cried out in fear, wiggling to escape. The potatoes just came closer. 

Jerald bit at a potato as it came near him. His teeth sunk into delicious something. The potato screamed and said "bad mouse" and took him to a nearby fence. The fence was tall and had no holes in it, or else Jerald would escape. When Jerald was let off the rope he ran around and bared his teeth. The potatoes slammed the fence shut and left him there all alone.

The next day potatoes came back to throw some food into Jerald's jail.

The next, a very small potato came into the enclosure and looked at Jerald. The potato looked very disappointed in what she saw.

The next day, the small potato came back and chased Jerald around the pen. Jerald screamed. Eventually the small potato caught the mouse and dragged him to a weird moving machine. They all went together to a loud centre with some other mice and potatoes.

Jerald was put into a small room with no lights and he looked around fearfully. He wondered what was happening. A while later the potato dropped from the ceiling and landed on Jerald's back. 

A loud announcer was playing outside.





Suddenly a door was opened in front of him and he ran into the light. The potato gripped at his fur and he screamed in anger. "LET GO OF MY FUR!" is what he said. HE bucked in circles and eventually the potato fell off. He was happy and went to attack the potato. "HATE HATE HATE HATE YOU." He stated.

Then two more mice rushed into the circle with two more potatoes riding on their backs. "What the heck?" Jerald thought. The mice grabbed Jerald and they all hurdled into the crowd causing a lot of drama. Screaming potatoes were everywhere and the sound of falling stands followed.

The mice were running and running until they saw the forest again then they stopped to catch their breath and glared back towards the rodeo centre. I HATE RODEOS, Jerald though.

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