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Okey, so we're gonna hop over to Jungkook's POV like super duper quick lmao

Right after I saw (Y/N) leave to go to her room, I quietly closed the front door and my way to the cafe that Taehyung told me to meet him. Although I had my doubts on if I should go and talk to him or if I should stay mad at him for a little bit more...

"Either way, I would still end up falling for him," I mumbled shrugging my shoulders before being grabbed by the wrist by a strong presence that was standing on the corner of the cafe.

"Jungkook, it's Tae, don't be scared," Taehyung said as he let go of my wrist and showed me his box grin.  "What took you so long?"

"I uh had to make sure that (Y/N) was sleeping, she wasn't feeling well." I quickly said as he nodded and leaned against the brick wall.

"Do you mind if we stand out here? I don't want ARMY to see me here." Taehyung said as I nodded my head and rubbed my hands together to keep me warm from the slight breeze that passed by.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked as he pursed his lips before taking a deep breath in, making me a little nervous for what he was going to say.

"You like me, right?"

"W-Who told you that?" I asked with the feeling of my face heating up from the sudden comment that caught me off guard.

"It's pretty obvious, Kook. Anyway, I like you too, but the only way that we can be together without actually getting hate from both sides is for you to be with Bts again." Taehyung spoke as I lowered my head, knowing that something like this was going to be mentioned.

"That's true about us getting hate," I said crossing my arms and shifting my weight to my left leg.

"Well, if you leave (Y/N) and join Bts, you will not only be famous again, you will also get to be with me all the time Kook! Isn't that wonderful?" Taehyung said as I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head to the side as I noticed that he looked like he was actually pretty serious about this.

"Can I ask a question, Tae?" I requested as he nodded his head and leaned back on the wall and crossed his arms, waiting for me to say what was on my mind.

"Do...you actually have feelings for me?" I looked up and saw that he was now avoiding eye-contact and was looking elsewhere.

I chuckled coldly as my vision grew blurry. Running a hand through my hair, I finally understood what was going on.

"You only made me gain feelings for you because you thought that I would leave (Y/N) for you," I whispered as I felt tears beginning to stroll down my eyes.

Taehyung stared at me with no expression on his face as he watched me break down into tears. I should've known that something wasn't right when he texted me out of nowhere, but of course, I was blinded by the fact that at least one member was kind enough to talk to me.

"You know Tae, I seriously thought that you were going to be different than the others. You know why? You texted me out of nowhere, telling me how you fucking missed me, asked me how my day was on those days when (Y/N) was in the damn hospital, and showered me with all of those fake ass compliments." I stepped closer to Taehyung as he continued to stare at me as if I was saying nothing to him.

"Why did you do that to me? Let me guess, Namjoon or Jin made you do it so that I wouldn't be with someone who's a really bad influence on my fucking future? You guys are some heartless bastards." With that, I left with me giving Taehyung one more glare and the tears coming down my face.

No matter how hard I tried to stop the tears, it was if there was a switch telling my eyes to cry until I can't. Making my way home, I noticed that people were taking pictures or videos of me as I walked, but I could care less at the moment. I just want to be with (Y/N)...

Time Skip + Reader's Pov

You plugged your phone into the charger and rolled off the bed, deciding that you would annoy Jungkook for your own pleasure but to also get what Jimin had texted off your mind.

"I'm going to Jungkookie~. Who likes to eat cookies--now I want pizza." You pouted as you were currently singing to yourself as you made your way to the younger's room.

When you were in front of Jungkook's room, you noticed that the door was locked followed along with light sniffles in the pitch black room. You frowned at the thought of having Jungkook cry himself to sleep, sliding down the door and listening to his soft cries only growing louder.

"Jungkookie, can you unlock the door?" You asked biting your lip, wondering if he could actually hear you over his sobs.

"N-Noona, I don't want to be annoyed today. Maybe another time." Jungkook said as you waited for him to unlock the door.

"That's not what I'm here for pabo. Go ahead and go to sleep, I'll be on the other side of your door waiting for you to rest, okay?"



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