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•P R E V I O U S L Y •

"What is wrong with you, Chim?" You asked as you hesitantly buried your head into his chest.

"I'm just madly in love with this girl and I don't know what to do because she's with me right now..."


You stared deeply into Jimin's eyes, as you noticed a slight pink spreading across his cheeks, making you hold in your laughter.

"Well I think you should--"

"YAH!! WHO'S THAT GUY CUDDLING WITH JUNGKOOK?!" Taehyung yelled as the two of you launched off the hammock and had a good distance between you guys.

"I-uhm-wait- why does it matter to you?" You asked while raising your eyebrow and crossing your arms.

Jimin looked confused, but decided to take this moment to wrap his arm around your shoulders while Taehyung looked down at his feet, not knowing what to say. You sighed as Jungkook walked over to the three of you with smoke basically coming out of his ears.

"Yah, Taehyung, why the hell would you do that?" Jungkook angrily asked as you and Jimin had to hold him back from landing a few punches on his face.

"What did he do?" Jimin whispered in your ear as you shrugged your shoulders before slapping his arm lightly.

"I did that because he was all up on you!" Taehyung replied as you finally had the idea of what happened.

You nudged Jimin on the side and signaled him to leave the two boys to their argument. When the two of you had walked inside, you saw Jin cooking whatever smelled good, Yoongi getting ice for the poor giant who's face was bruised thanks to Taehyung.

"I swear, the people I meet, are either insane or they have anger issues." You said while shaking your head and going over to Jungkook's friend to see if he was okay and apologizing for the incident.

Jimin went over with you with his arm still wrapped around your shoulder, making people think that you guys were finally on good terms. You sighed as you saw Namjoon smile and give Jimin a thumbs up.

"Sorry, Yugyeom. He's crazy." You said while rubbing your temples and only getting a chuckle from the younger as a response.

"It's alright...but I don't really know why he attacked me. If Youngjae saw this, charges would've been pressed by now." Yugyeom answered as you couldn't help but laugh at his response because you knew that it would be true.

The two of you talked about how Youngjae would've panicked then pressed charges as you continued to apologize to him. By the time that you stopped talking to him, his van with the rest of his members of Got7 came to pick him up, making you feel as if Jungkook was never going to see his future loved one ever again. So with that being said, you walked Yugyeom to the van and apologized even more but this time to the members.

When the van had left, you walked back in with Jimin following behind and the voices of the two boys arguing still.

"Why do you even care about my love life?!" You heard Jungkook yell as you peeped your head on the side of the door.

"I don't!" Taehyung responded as you gave Jimin a confused look as he did the same.

"Are you sure about that? Because right now, it damn seems like it." The younger responded as he walked closer to Taehyung, resulted in you standing up to make sure that the other doesn't do anything to Jungkook.

"Very." The brunette said almost to the point that it was a whisper.

"Oi. If your friend tries anything on my Kook, then we're fighting." You whispered to Jimin as he gave you a look before paying to the two boys.

"You're Kook? Then can you be my (Y/N)?" Jimin asked as he looked at you with his eyes tracing down to your lips, causing a crimson red to make its way to your face.

"Then why the hell did you beat the crap out of my friend?" Jungkook once again asked as you sighed and pulled Jimin away from the arguement, knowing that you were going to get annoyed from how slow the fight was happening.

"I bought ice cream." Jimin blurted out as the two of you ran to the kitchen with Coco being launched off of you and landing on Hoseok's lap.

"Okay so I have vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, (your favorite flavor), or we can make one." Jimin explained as you nodded your head and sat on the counter since you wanted to see the flavors too.

"I'll have--"

"I fucking hate you Taehyung."



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