Chapter One

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Chapter One|The Immortal Queen


"(Y/N)!" Shouted the eyeless male as he ran towards the women who had the fainted girl's head on her lap.

"Who are you?" Asked the women as she glared at the man petting her daughter's hair.

"Who am I! You the hell are you!" Shouted E.J.

"I am the mother of my daughter!" She snarled.

"No that can't be true she told me you were dead." Growled E.J as he got close but stopped in his track when she pulled out a knife and lightly placed it upon the girl's neck.

"One more step close to I and I will take her life with pleasure." She said.

"You would never kill your own daughter." He growled at her.

"Oh I would but for now I'm holding back. Trust me you know nothing about this girl." She said.

"Fine, just put the knife away and step away from her." Commanded E.J.

"I will not do such a-"

Before she could finish her sentence (Y/N) grunted softly.

"W-what happen?" Asked (Y/N) opening her (E.E/C) eyes.

"Oh, this monster here has awoken you from your slumber my little flor." Said (M/N).

(Y/N) stood up and so did her mother.

"E.J!" Shouted (Y/N) as she ran towards him and hugged his waist.

"Oh, my little flor do not go near that thing." Shouted (Y/N)'s, mother.

"Mom I know he looks kinda scary but he isn't what so ever." Said (Y/N).

E.J growled slightly as he then wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s waist.

"(Y/N) I think it's better if you stay away from your mom." Growled E.J gripping her waist even more.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"She tried to kill you." He responded.

"Mom?" Asked (Y/N).

"Yes my child?" She asked.

"I should have noticed my mom would never talk this formal my mom was always informal with me she never called me my child and she rarely called me flor." She growled.

"Fine allow me to explain. My child, when your father had begged for a woman who differed from any other the gods did not know how much he wanted me to differ from the others. So they turned me immortal so I am not able to die other than the hands of other immortal begin." She announced.

"And so with all the years, you have become so bitter that you are willing to kill your own daughter?" Asked E.J smirking with confidence in his smirk and voice.

"Kill? I simply do not know what you mean." She lied.

"Listen to what E.J has to say (Y/N). Trust him over your mother. The trees have ears and eyes they saw happen so allow your friends to explain and tell you the truth." Whispered the sixth sense to (Y/N).

"You tried to kill (Y/N) you held a knife to her neck and that is something I won't forgive you for. Please understand what I say is true (Y/N)." Begged E.J still holding onto (Y/N)'s waist.

"I do trust you E.J. Mom I am sorry but I trust E.J I can't trust." Responded (Y/N).

"But what he says to you is a lie, my daughter!" Complained (M/N).

"You liar! What kind of mother would dare lie to her very daughter you tried to kill her I do not speak lies I only speak truths!" Shouted a voice from the forest revealing A.R.

"(Y/N) I raised you better than to have such-"

"I shall not allow you to lie to her! I heard and saw it with my own eyes you have held a knife to her neck. I would never lie to (Y/N)!" Growled A.R once more.

"What lying friends you have." Complained (Y/N)'s, mother.

"Those two have spoken and so has someone else I am not planning to reveal to you." Responded (Y/N) coldly. "I am sorry mother that I can't trust you but it's the way she has spoken to me." Said (Y/N) as she placed her hands onto E.J's gloved hands.

"But, fine I understand. I shall take my leave for now but know this young (Y/N) you are to become queen if only you can kill me." Said (M/N) before disappearing into the black mist.

"Thank you E.J." Said (Y/N) placing her head onto E.J's chest.

"You're getting close." Said E.J his muffled voice still begin stern yet soft.

"So are you. You're the one that placed your hands on my waist first." Responded (Y/N).

"So I am, so I am." Whispered E.J as he lifted (Y/N) and carried her to the house.


Blushing softly I placed my face on my pillow as I thought back onto what happen outside. I turned my head and looked at the moon as it's light shone in my room. I allowed my heart to beat softly as I grabbed the pillow and hugged it tightly.

"Do you know the story of the immortal queen?"

No, I do not.

"I see well look down at the library it's all organized so go to the T's and look for The Immortal Queen."

Having nothing better to do I stood up and headed towards the kitchen first. Looking through the cabinets I grabbed the box with (F/S) and grabbed (F/D) and headed towards the library.


Looking through the T's I hovered my finger over each side of the book reading them until I stopped to the side of a book that read The Immortal Queen. Grabbing the spine of the book I pulled it out and blew out air allowing the dust that was on the cover. Sighing softly I headed towards the table that had my (F/D) and the box of (F/S) on it.

Taking a drink of my (F/D) and then a bite into the (F/S) I opened the book and read aloud.

"When the earth began there was once a beautiful maiden who had wolf ears and a tail that turned slim to fluffy with each swish of it. She had bright gray eyes that would turn a different color with her emotion. Split through the middle one side of her hair was black as a raven's feather while the other side was a bright blond that almost looked like snow.

She wandered the land alone with only a cloak covering her body. With each passing year, she did not age like a normal woman. She looked the same yet inside she changed. She yearned for someone, someone's love. She yearned for love in all.

She fell in love with a male and had a child with him. But with time she found how much of mistake it was. She would live on yet they both died to give her the pain of seeing her both loves die in her arms.

A demon appeared before her. He revealed himself as Zalgo the King of Hell itself. Telling the woman he said he was immortal just like her and asked her to become his queen. 

Not knowing if this was a smart choice or not she took his hand and from then on was known not as the Queen of Hell but rather. 

The Queen Of Immortality.

When wandering the snowy plains she came across a lonely male and approached him. The aura around him was not the same as any other male and she thinks that is why she approached.

When Zalgo found out he had asked her, "Have you not learned your lesson?"

Out of angry she left Zalgo and went with the human male. After a few years, they both had a child who was born with a sixth sense and (A/T) ears and tail.

Living for a few years herself she meets another immortal creature but her mother comes back ready to kill her, and not ready to let her crown as queen go."

"Do you understand?" Asked an unknown voice.

I turned around to see a shadow with only white eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Chaava." It responded.

"What are you?" I asked looking at the shadow like figure.

"I'm a shadow it's pretty obvious. Anyways do you know now what you are?" It asked.

"What I am? No, I don't." I responded.

"Ugh, you are the Immortal Queens daughter!" It shouted in angry. "I'm sorry you just, I thought you would have caught on with reading the book. As I was saying the book as you can see is now blank. It's allowing you to write the rest of your story which is quiet in honor." It said.

"What do mean it's an honor?" I asked.

"Many others are forced to follow a legacy that's already been written by your mother but you, you have a chance to change and that means to survive." It said now standing in front of me.

"Survive?" I asked.

"Your mother begins foolish and doesn't want to give her crown to you but you," She then pointed to me. "You are stronger than you think (Y/N). Many are going to die protecting you but you can't control that remember. And trust me there has been worst than this, but now is the time to choose. Who do you trust? Who do you fight and kill? And are you willing to fight for your crown?" It asked

"This is all so sudden. And if I don't take the crown?" I asked.

"Everything shall fall. The crown must always be passed down and that's for a good reason. You see if someone has the Crown of Immortality for too long the power of begin able to choose who's a master, mistress, creepypasta, and so on will take them over. Trust me I've seen it happen many times. I've lived for a very long time and that power is overwhelming even when I was near it first scared me." It said.

"But what if I don't want to be the queen?" I asked.

"Again who knows what your mother will do having another million years of ruling as queen. Knowing how your mother here wants power she might start to kill the masters." It said.

"Wait you mentioned them before, masters and creepypastas" I responded.

"You can ask E.J of that he is one after all. Anyways I have stayed for too long I must go back before your mother notices I am gone. You'll do well (Y/N) I know you will." It said disappearing into the dark.

Taking everything in I grabbed the book and turned all the pages looking at the inked ones too, the blank ones.

"How can I be a queen. More at it a Quen of Immortality. Heh, I have a choice? Doesn't feel like it I'm begin forced to the crown." I responded placing my head onto the palms of my hands.

Looking up I looked at the moon as it shines proudly in the dark night sky.

"The daughter of The Queen of Immortality," I whispered softly.

Published: June 14, 2017

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