Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen|You Know You Love Me


I stayed looking at the green tea that could show my reflection. I placed the tea next to me as I looked at the dark forest. I single tear fell from my (E.E/C) eye. I took a deep breath as I allowed more tears to fall. I found no point to rub the tears away they seemed so endless. 

My (A/T) ears laid flat on my head as I felt the looks of many behind me. At that moment I couldn't care who looked at me or how they looked at me. I was, no, am in pain. And I don't want to hold it back. It hurt's too much to hold my tears and pain back.

I closed my eyes and opened them to see my mother standing in a white gown that fell to the floor. She walked in front of me and kneeled to be at my size. She placed her hand on my cheek as I allowed myself to rest on her soft palm. More tears fell as she rubbed them away for me.

"I will never hate you my little flower." She whispered her voice was like a lullaby to my ears making me want to hear the sound of it even further.

"Why do I have to do it?" I asked barely above a whisper.

"Because fate is cruel, life can be very ugly, harmful, a living hell for some to be walking, breathing. But in the end, it can be beautiful as well like a bed of roses. Comfortable but you have to be careful with its thorns. Sometimes the thorn is a simple prick and other times it's cutting so deep that you're bleeding." She said further as my eyes looked at her.

"You, you are the mother that I knew. The mother who held me when I cried. The mother who was beyond happy to see me breathing. The mother who was like a perfect angel from heaven. You are the mother that died. The mother I have to's not you, that is not you." I said looking at her.

"So what if your theory is correct? Heh like I said fate, life, and time can be so cruel. So hard to stay standing up sometimes." She continues, "You have to push further, you may fall sometimes, but you have some people to help you up again. You have people that are willing to die for you. Because you are a very special person to them. But in the end, even when you kill me I know that you love me."


I opened my eyes to see two red glowing eyes to be looking at me very intensely making me tense up slightly.

"You're scaring her." Said another voice.

The red eyes then looked down slowly almost ashamed.

The lights came back on making my eyes hurt. I closed my eyes as I rubbed as to make my eyes adjust to the new but sudden light. I opened my eyes to see A.R looking at her lap. She was sitting in front of my bed. Chaava was behind her but back into shadow form.

"What happen?" I asked.

"You fainted all the sudden." Answered A.R.

"You were crying and almost everyone came to see then the next thing we know you're lying on the grass on your back with tears still falling from your eyes." Added Chaava.

"Oh." Was all I said.

"I'll go tell Slenderman she's awake." Said A.R standing up and opening the door only to close it behind her.

"What happens to her?" I asked remembering how she was looking at me very tensely.

"She got very worried. Either way, it's time for you to start getting dressed." Said Chaava.

"What?" I asked.

"It's night time, the party is going to start very soon." She said going to my closet and pulling out a dress I didn't know was in there.

She then handed me the dress. "Change and A.R and I will do your hair and makeup." She commanded.

I nodded going into the bath room.


I look at the ball gown in the full body mirror that was in the bath room. The straps of the arm were down to my shoulders. The top was black with a small glistening of purple in the light. Around my waist was a ribbon, first was purple with little black roses. And on the back, the ribbon turned into a big bow. The bottom of the dress first was black near the bottom the purple was noticeable but further off it starting blending into the black.

I sighed and left the bathroom to see A.R and Chaava standing with their own dresses on. Chaava was back into her human form, she had on dark purple gloves and a simple purple dress with a black ribbon that tied into a bow on the back. A.R had the same type of dress on but the dress was black while the ribbon was purple lastly her gloves were a black. 

For their hairs, Chaava had her blonde hair down that seemed to be curled. A.R had her hair in a ponytail leaving her bang out that covered one of her eyes the end of her ponytail was puffy and what was tied to keep up her pony tail was a black ribbon.

Chaava smiled slightly and nodded. She then leads me to a chair that was in front the drawer that had a big mirror.

A.R started to brush my hair with a brush as Chaava started pulling out makeup items such as lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, brushes, blush, and so on.

Both of them started to get to work.


I looked at myself now in a daze. I had purple eye shadow dusted on to my eyelids but very lightly barely seeable but it looked good. My lips had on black lipstick. I then moved my head to the side to see that my cheekbone was a little bit more noticeable than normal.

Everything combined so well it was almost hard to believe who I was looking at in the mirror. I touched my face as to check if this was all real.

"Am I the only one who is this dressed up?" I asked.

Chaava and A.R looked over to each other as if to get the answer from each other. "We're sorry to say but we do not know." Answered A.R.

I sighed as the girls opened both doors to my room. I took a deep breath and began to walk a click could be heard due to the heels. The click of the wood and heels meeting seems to be the only sound that could be heard. Both A.R and Chaava were in front of me. Soon enough I was walking down the middle of the last hallway of rooms. A.R ahead of me and on my right while Chaava as well was in front and on my left. Soon enough I heard many gasps and many eyes on me.

"Here we introduce to you, your one and only queen (Y/N)!" Said Chaava and A.R.

I looked down to see so many looking at me making me blush.

Published: July 19, 2017
Edited: No Edits

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