Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen|I like the sound of it


"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I am." Answered A.R.

"Well, you do have skill so I suppose you could train her until she has been able to beat you," Chaava added. "Anyways seeing that you have her to train with I'll take my leave." They said.

"Wait, Chaava," I said grabbing their wrist. They turned to me their white eyes looking in my (E/C) ones. "Let me get to know you both please," I begged.

She sighed softly nodding. All three of us sat down with Chaava in front of me and A.R sat to my left.

"What do you want to know?" They asked.

"Why do you look the way you do?" I asked grabbing their hand and rubbing the back of their hand.

"When I was human I lived a good life. I was born into a rich family, I had a mom, dad, and an older brother. One day my family and I were the prey to an insane woman. One day while we were asleep she was able to sneak in somehow. I woke up to find myself in a basement. When I woke up my mom, dad and brother were all killed in front of me. There I was not able to do anything. She left one day and left a single glass shard on the floor. I used it to cut myself out. I wanted to have revenge on her so when she came I killed her stabbing her so many times. I was covered in blood so I left to the forest."

~Chaava's P.O.V Of The TimeLine When She First Became A Creepypasta~
Tears streamed down my pale skinned as I looked at the blood on my hands. I sobbed softly.

"What happen young one?" Asked a woman.

I looked up to meet eyes with someone who had on a white and purple kimono. "T-this woman, s-she." Before I could finish I yelled before more tears fell from eyes.

She looked at me with her piercing light blue eyes. She gasped softly looking at me with a soft look, "I am so sorry young one." She said softly as she caressed my check. I cried some more as it reminded me of my mother. "Oh don't cry young one." She said hugging me.

Her hug was filled with such tenderness like nothing could ruin this moment. I hugged her back. She looked at me with a soft smile. "Hey, how about you come with me." She suggested her eyes filled with tenderness.

"O-okay." I stuttered.

She grabbed me swiftly putting her arm under my legs carrying me like a new born. She walked at a slow past. She then stopped in front of a big white castle that I felt so small under. She walked into it.

First, she took me up to a bathroom. She set me on the floor.

"Alright, there's a towel right there so when you are done taking a shower just knock on the door." She said walking out of the room.


I knocked on the bathroom door. She opened the door smiling before grabbing my wrist and walking down the halls. She then opened a door with her free hand. She pulled me into the room before closing the door.

"I need to ask you this, would you be willing to kill humans or anyone in this case?" She asked me.

I thought for a little contemplating. Of course, you want to, you'll get away with everything, you'll be like her, strong, you won't be that pathic rich girl, you'll be strong, you'll be a killer. You'll be what your name means, Chaava. A shadow killer. You'll hide in the shadows and kill without anyone knowing. I felt the sensation of something grabbing my shoulders and rubbing them back and forth. Accept the offer.

"Yes, I will," I said.


"What do you mean!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry but I can only be Queen for so long Chaava." Said Luma caressing my cheek.

"B-but your the only one who can keep it out of me!" I shouted further.

"I know, I know just don't let her take over but your body will be like hers." Said Luma.

"But Luma, what if-"

"No what if's in my years that were left Chaava you have earned your name as a guard, maid, and daughter figure to me." Said Luma tearing up herself.

"I-I I'm going to miss you," I said feeling the shadow already start to consume me as she disappeared into a white mist.

Sobs escaped as I looked at my hands to see pitch black. I stood up and looked in a mirror to my eyes were pitch white.

~Back To The Present And In Your P.O.V~

"I am so sorry," I said squishing their hand.

"You have no reason to be sorry (Y/N)." She said.

I looked at them to see tears falling for their pitch white eyes. I frowned at this as I grabbed their hand even tighter. A single tear fell from my eyes onto the immortal sign that was on the back of my hand. A white mist started to circle Chaava. I stayed staring so did A.R. The mist died down to show a girl or boy with a white and purple dress on, they had pale white skin, green eyes, and their dimples were showing with the big smile on their face.

I pain shot through me as I grabbed my head. She stopped smiling as soon as she laid their eyes on me. A.R placed one of my arms over her shoulder. "(Y/N) are you okay?" She asked.

I couldn't answer as I started hearing my heartbeat go at a lower pace as they became blurry figures. I felt myself fall limp.

"(Y/N)!" Was the last thing I heard.


"Oh in the name of Zalgo and Luma, if (Y/N) died to give me back my form I will-"

"Chaava! Calm down alright we don't know right now but she looks okay for right now." I heard A.R say.

"Ya for right now! I can't have my master die because of me do you know the punishment A.R? No you don't guess what the punishment is so bad you would rather die there and then!" Shouted Chaava her voice booming in the room.

"Ugh." I stood up as I grabbed my head.

"Won't you both be quiet!" Shouted a different voice.

"I like the sound of it, but I would prefer Miss used to be a shadow to be quieter." Complained A.R getting a hard slap on the back of her head from Chaava.

"Both of you! I was talking to the both of you or I might as well eat both of you since your going to be a fucking pain while I help your master." Growled lowly.

"Oh, you want to try me again." Growled A.R as she got ready to kill him.

"Oh try, you're a 13-year-old and guess what? You're a pathic guard if you ask me." Replied E.J to A.R the same shadow that was covering her eyes covering her eyes once more.

"Oh pathic guard, let me show you exactly what I can fucking do." She said pulling out her dagger but before she could stab him Chaava held her back but I could see her summoning her six arms.

"A.R that is enough," I commanded as she then let go of everything encluding her dagger that fell onto the floor with a clang.

Published: June 11, 2017
Edited: No Edits

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