Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eightteen|Stop Begin Like That


Her blood covered the grass making (M/N) laugh out loud like an insane person.

"Oh! I did not know you would do such a thing, Hope! Ahahah!" Laughed out loudly her red eyes shining even brighter as she throws her head back continuing to laugh.

I want to attack I want to protect myself but I find myself in the palms at fear for once. At out of all the times, I could be hit with normal fear a human would feel.

"Let me just finish you." Commanded my mother summoning a black spear and throwing it at me as it pierced through my shoulder. I pain went through all of my body making me scream in utter pain. My body felt like it was begin torn apart. I grabbed at my skin and pulled out it as if trying to rip it off. I roll onto the grass.

"Stop this please!" I beg tears falling from my eyes as the pain continues increasing with each second.

"Haha! I'm sorry to say but I can not do such a task young (Y/N). Now the spear I threw at you left a venom through your blood and veins that give you a pain that is worst than death in any form." She said.

I continue to scream in pain and agony. Soon enough everything becomes blurry as the pain continues. My body wishes to shut down but the pain wouldn't allow my body to do so.

"(Y/N)!" Shouted two voices. 

Someone grabbed my wrist as pain continue making me yell more. "(Y/N) what's wrong?!" Asked the voice I recognized to be A.R's.

As much as I wanted to answer I couldn't.

"What the hell did you do to her!?" Yelled another voice.

More foots could be heard crunching down the grass. I closed my eyes as tears continue to fall from her eyes. I could feel her wrap her arms around me to try and sooth the pain.


I had my eyes closed as I listen to the quiet room.

"Do you feel better?" Asked a soft voice.

I opened my eyes as my (E/C) orbs landed on A.R who had a clear look of worry on her face. She held a white mug in her hands.

"Much," I answered making her look of worry turn into a brighter one.

"That's good to hear." She said walking towards me.

I tried sitting up only to feel a pain go through all of my muscles. It felt like I had gone running and climbing up a hill. I laid back down.

"Don't push yourself. You're going to strain your muscles even further." Commanded A.R.

I sighed in defeat and stayed laying on the metal bed. She sat near my feet and was looking at into the mug and what ever substance was in there clearly lost in her thoughts.

"So...." I said trying to break the silence.

"Hm?" She hummed now looking at me her eyes now focused on me.

"What's inside the cup?" I asked.

"You remember that tea I gave a while back that numbed the pain?" She asked as I remembered it all vividly even more the...kiss, why did he do that if he already had a girlfriend?

"Yes," I answered.

"I made some more although E.J said it might not work as much as last time it is worth a try to numb at least half of the pain." She answered.

She stood up and lifted up my head slightly and placed the cup near my lips. She lifts the cup as the hot liquid soothes my throat. She then removes the cup and places my head back upon the cold table.

"It will take a while for it to affect but Chaava and I shall be switching turns watching over you." Announced A.R now pulling out a chair from a desk and sitting on it.

I nodded my head and closed my eyes allowing myself to enter into sleep.


I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Chaava in a chair with her head rested on the table while A.R was sleeping on the floor curled up and her wolf tail laying on the floor not moving.

"Ugh." First grunted A.R lifting her head and rubbing her eyes.

She then looked at me and smiled her ears perked up. She walked over slowly to Chaava and nudged them a little making them now open their bright white eyes.

"Huh?" Asked Chaava.

"She's awake." Said A.R yawning a little.

"I see, but (Y/N) we need some things answered." Commanded Chaava.

I nodded my head as Chaava and A.R extended glances and nodded.

"Why were you outside?" Asked A.R.

I grunted sitting up and looked at my lap remembering the pain in my heart.

"Must I answer?" I asked.

"If you wish not to say we can respect that." Said A.R.

I nodded and sighed as I rubbed my head. A loud creak could be heard making me turn to the source of the sound to see E.J making my ears lay against my head in sorrow. I then felt a cloth be wrapped around me. I looked to my side to see A.R holding the cloth I gave her a look of confusion.

"You're fully nacked and I am guessing you do not want a male to see you nude." Whisperd A.R to me making me blush a deep red against my (S/C) colored cheeks.

"Thank you," I whispered back to her as she nodded. "Now what do you need?" Asked A.R.

"I was coming down to check on her. Slenderman commanded to see her at once so hurry and change her." Commanded E.J leaving the room and closing the door with a loud bang.

I sighed out a breath of relief as Chaava and A.R laughed at me.

"Here put this on for now." Commanded Chaava placing to pieces of clothing on the bed. I sneaked one of my arms through the blacket and grabbed the first piece that I was quessing to be a top.


"Do I really have to wear this?" I asked looking down at myself.

I was wearing an (F/C) top that stopped a little under my chest showing off my stomach. Then I had on (F/C) colored (Pants/Skirt/Etc.).

"Sadly yes, but here." Said A.R handing me a black hoodie that had a couple of stains and rips on it.

I placed it on to see it at least covered my stomach.

"Is this yours?" I asked.

"Yes now let us go." Answered A.R opening the door as we began walking up the stories.

Published: August 1, 2017
Edited: No Edits.

I am so sorry it took this long to finish this chapter but I have lost motivation to continue this story but I wish not to discontinue it. So I'm gonna be updating a lot more to end this story most likely at least 2 or 3 chapters a day so I can get this story done before school starts again. Please forgive me for taking so long to update.

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