Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen|Of Course, You Do!


A.R and E.J were glaring at each other. Right now the two were sitting in front of each other as Slenderman stood nearby as well to make sure the two didn't but each others neck open.

"A.R, E.J you do understand I'm going to have to give you a punishment correct?" Asked Slenderman.

"Yes, sir." They both said at the same time.

"Now from what I could see both of you don't get along so for now, I'll have you both be sharing a room." He said.

"What!" Shouted A.R.

"Hehe is that means I get an extra meal then yes I'm willing to share a room with her." Said E.J.

"Lay a single hand or your claw on me and I will rip you to shreds and feed on it." Growled A.R.

"That is where I come in." Announced Chaava.

She then walked to A.R and placed a mouth guard over her mouth. A.R was going to take it off but before she could touch it a black hand slapped it away.

"What the-"

"If you try to remove either the mouth guard, gloves, or daggers the hand will appear and slap or scratch you."  

"Hehe, in that case-"

"Don't even think about it." Said Chaava stabbing a syringe into her arm and injected it into her. "This will deactivate your sixth sense." Announced Chaava proudly.

"So in other words, I'm a pathic human worm!" Shouted A.R her eyes glowing a very bright red.

"Human worm?" I asked.

"Yes a human worm, many humans are like worms, and we are like birds they can't harm us." She responded.

"Oh, so that means she's a worm and I'm the bird, so I can kill her, the idea seems pleasing." Said E.J.

"Of course you do!" Shouted A.R.

"E.J if you try to harm A.R in any way then the hands will appear and slap or scratch you." Added Chaava.

"Well, we better get to training." Said A.R.

"No, both you and E.J are going to be here while Chaava and I train," I responded.

"Ugh." Groaned A.R throwing herself backward and hitting her head on the wood.

Laughing slightly I walked out of the mansion with Chaava behind me. As we walked the sounds of the sticks and leaves breaking under our feet. I then stopped in front of a clearing and turned to look at her.


I was gasping for air as Chaava laid on the floor with cuts all over their body.

"Nice job (Y/N) I think you'll be able to beat Offenderman, oh and you'll meet him today I think," They said.

"Alright well let's start walking back to the mansion," I said.

They nodded standing up as we both started walking to the mansion again with the leaves and branches breaking under our weight.

"So tell me about the Slender brothers," I commanded my ears twitched and my tail moving side to side.

"Well Splendor is the brother that enjoys throwing parties and in all is always smiling. Then Trender is the fashionista he's always making very beautiful clothing.  Offender the woman killer I would recommend you not to take any rose's he gives you. Then Slenderman the serious brother at all of them." They said smiling all the while.

They then opened the door to be greeted by cause and the red sofa begins thrown outside of the mansion.

"Jeff, Ben, L.J, Dark Link, Liu, A.R, and Toby go get the sofa back into the mansion!" Boomed Slendermans voice.

"Oh, brother loosen up." Said a cheery voice.

Chaava smiled widely before grabbing my wrist and pulling me in. As soon as I came in there were many voices talking at once and there were 4 very tall and slender figures.

"Splendor, Trender, Offender! It has been so long my old friends!" Shouted Chaava starting to float upwards slightly.

"Chaava! What surprised you have your real form again." Said one of them that had glasses even though he had no eyes.

"Who's this lovely one?~" Cooed one with a smirk on his face.

"Offender don't even think about hurting that one." Commanded Slenderman.

"How come brother?" Asked the one with a fedora.

"This here is my new mistress and this is our new Immortal Queen." Said Chaava.

"She is?" Asked the one with a polka dot vest.

"Yes, I am," I said.

"What a lovely female you are, here have this rose my queen~" Cooed the one with a fedora.

"Um no thank you," I said.

Out of my corner of my eye, I could see Slender rubbing his head.

"Anyways why are they all here Slender? I thought only Offender was going to come and leave his Proxies with Trender." Asked Chaava.

"Yes that was going to be to plan but Splendor here decided that throwing a party back at the big ballroom would be a good plan." Said Slender.

"Oh? Then why is everyone here?" Asked Chaava.

"It has been too long since we and the proxies have seen each other." Said the one with the polka dot.

I looked at each one as I guessed who was who. "Oh by the way (Y/N) the one with the polka dot is Splendor, then the one with the fedora is Offender, and last the one with glasses is Trender." Said Chaava.

"Oh okay thank you Chaava," I responded.

"Well, the party will start tomorrow so we need to start working on it." Said Splendor.

"Alright, Offender and Splendor and you and both of yours proxies to work on decorations make it look royal colors of black and purple. The Trender you and I shall work on clothing for all the proxies and the proxies will help with that as well." Commanded Slender loudly.

The proxies and masters nodded as they started to get to work. The sofa was then in its place as who I was guessing was Slender's and Trender's proxy sat around the table in the living room.

"Alright let me go get my supplies." Said Trender as he then disappeared.

Slender sighed as he then walked to the living room both Chaava and I followed behind. Everyone was talking to one another. I could see A.R talking to a female that seemed to have a black and white mask on. A.R's tail was moved left to right behind her and hers twitched as she laughed and opened her eyes to reveal her eyes now a gray color and not her red.

Words: 1032
Published: July 14, 2017
Edited: No Edits

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