Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven|Anything to make you happy


A.R then softly dropped me in front of the front steps of the mansion. I walked up the steps with A.R walking behind me. I opened the door. I looked around to see no one was around.

"Um, A.R?" I asked.

"Hm?" She hummed.

"Do you know where my room is?" I asked.

She nodded as she then grabbed my wrist softly and started walking. She walked down the quiet hallways until we were at the end of the hallway that had a spiral staircase. She walked up the steps with me following behind. She stopped we were at the top which I guessed to be the third or fourth floor. She walked down the hallway and stopped in front of two doors that seemed to be middle of all the rooms. She opened one door I walked in looked around to see the same things.

"I'll be outside if you need anything." She said walking down the hallways.

I closed the single door as I sighed softly. I laid myself on the bed allowing the bed covers to comfort me.


"I don't understand." Said a voice.

I looked around to see I was in my parent's cabin I looked down to see a little girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair, she had (E/C) eyes, but what stood the most out to me was her smaller version of (A/E/C) (A/T) and her (A/T/C) (A/T) that moved only slightly and caused a small gap between pants and shirt showing it was connected to her body.

"Mom, why can't I go outside and play with the other kids?" Asked the small girl.

"Sunshine you know exactly why." Said an older woman kneeling next to the smaller girl and started petting her hairs and scratching behind her ear.

I small tear fell from my eyes as I realized who was before me. My mom and younger me. I reached out to try and touch her but the second my finger touched her shoulder they both disappeared into a white and purple mist.

"No! What do you mean you're giving me to some random man!" Shouted a girl.

I turned around to see 12 years old I shouted at my father who had a small beard starting to grow. Tears fell from her eyes as they dropped onto the cabin floor. It then shifted so now 12 years old me and my dad was in front of Felix's house.

He then came out as soon as his eyes landed on me he smirked making me gag. "Felix liked I promise." Said my dad pushing my forward.

"Come in young one the other maids." 12 year old me walked in begin greeted my a British voice.

"You must be the new maid no?" Asked the British voice.

There standing in front of younger me was 16-year-old Lilly her black twin drills jumping slightly.

"Um yes, who are you?" Asked younger me.

"Oh my bad, my name is Lilly I am the sweet maid." She said throwing her arms in the air. "But there are other maids come follow me." She said walking towards the center room.

I followed behind them. She then opened the doors revealing all the maids.

"Okay so let me introduce you to every maid here, the one with blonde hair and light pink tips is Sakura she is known to be the beautiful maid. The one with light blue hair is Miyu she is the 'best'. Then the one with light red hair is Tora she is the 'badass' maid. Then the one with light brown hair is Makaya she is the smart maid. Last Misaki she's the slutty maid." She finished.

I looked at all of them smiling slightly only at Lilly and Sakura. The room then changed Sakura and 16 years old I now was talking to each other.

"I can't believe you're called the strange maid! If anything you're the beautiful one, not me." Said Sakura petting younger I's ears.

"Thank you, Sakura." Said younger me.

"My pleasure, hey how about this! You'll be the beautiful maid number one and I'll be number 2!" She shouted gleefully. I smiled at her remembering almost every kind moment we shared.

"Yo you two Master need's help to get dinner done, plus he's getting horny and he wants the both of you." Said Misaki leaning against the door frame. As soon as I heard her voice I frowned.

"Why don't you do it Misaki? You're  always first in line to do it." Growled younger me.

"Ugh, you act like I'm not human you know having an orgasm takes the energy out of you." She said now walking away.

"Gosh I'm so sorry (Y/N) I'll go ahead and do it." Said Sakura.

"What! No! What if-"

"(Y/N) I already lost my innocence to the one I love who died long ago I want you to loose yours to the one you love. Doing it isn't just having sex it's making love to each other." She said placing her hand on younger me shoulder.

In the end, I was lucky to escape with my innocent. I sighed to myself the room shifted once more. There in front of me was me but with glowing red eyes.

"Tell me what do you plan to do when you become queen?" I? She? Asked her voice raspy and much deeper than mine.

"I don't know," I responded.

"Well, then why not take control of everything!" They shouted their red eyes glowing even brighter.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Why simply make everything yours! Turn everyone into your slave to do your bidding! Make some of them fight each other to the death!" They shouted.

"What! No!" I shouted.

"What? You don't even know how to use all of your magic." They growled.

I growled back. An (F/C) mist started to surround my hands. I clenched it into a fist I looked down to see a long slim spear. I threw the first one at her hitting her shoulder I threw the next one as it then hit her chest.

I sighed to myself softly as I fell to my own knees and gripped my head slightly. I closed my eyes and opened them again...


I opened my eyes to see I was in the comfort of my bed. Sighing I moved my legs over the bed causing a sore pain to go through my legs, arms, and back.

"Gah!" I shouted.

My door then opened to reveal A.R with a cup of tea in hand.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked sitting next to me.

"No, it feels like I just got thrown into a pit of snakes and sharp rocks," I complained.

"Well have this, it should ease the pain for the night. It shall keep your mind off the pain but you will be acting like your drunk which is one of the side effects, but there is no alcohol in it, it's simply just so your mind will loosen up. If that makes any sense. But because of the side effect, I asked E.J to come and keep an eye on you." She handing me the cup of tea.

"Wait can't you just keep an eye on me?" I asked.

"No, I can't sorry. You see I went outside looking for all the herbs to make the tea and took me so long to find them all so I'm going to go outside and look for some of those herbs we can only wait until your body is used to doing such actions in training." She said standing up.

"Alright, wait it's still night?" I asked.

"Yes, it's only 11, oh that reminds me I only came in so bluntly because first I knew you would be sore to walk over to the door and second the inside and outside of the room is sound proof. So if you were to tell me to come in I wouldn't have heard you. Just to tell you." She finished walking out of the room and closing the door.

Sighing I took a sip from the tea. I kept on drinking it until all of it was gone. I felt the pain ease up. I took off the clothing I had on only leaving on my bra and pantie. I laid down on the looking at the roof without the covers covering me. My mouth was open a gap as I could hardly move and of my body.

The door opened wide as I showed I stayed in still trying not cover myself. As much as I wanted to I just stayed still. I new weight made the bed move downwards slightly near my feet.

I looked down to see E.J there with his mask lifted only enough for me to see his lips and nose. He the grabbed my chin with his index finger and thumb lifted up my head slightly. He then placed his lips on mine causing me to blush.

I slowly closed my eyes as I kissed him back. He removed his lips from mine making me open my eyes look at him. 

"You know I would do anything to make you happy." He whispered placing his lips on mine again.

Smiling weakly I kissed him back making this moment feel like it would never end.

Published: June 7, 2017
Edited: No Edits

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