Chapter Twenty-Two

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Twenty-Two|You Win


"Mom, mom!" Cried the young girl with (H/C) haired girl who held her hand which was bleeding from the thorns that had cut her little (S/C) skinned hand.

"Yes, darling?" Asked the busy mother as she looked at the child that was crying. She sighed before setting down the plate into the sink and picking up the little girl and carrying her the bathroom.

The mother who had her own set of ears and a tail set the younger girl on the counter as she looked for a first aid kit. She then found it and set it near the little girl who's (A/T) ears were leaning backward.

The mother first pulled out some cotton swabs and a bottle of alcohol making the little girl whimper slightly.

"This will only hurt a little darling." Said the mother as she tipped the bottle of alcohol with the cotton swab under the entrance of it making it now wet with the alcohol on it.

The mother grabbed the younger girls arm slightly as she softly pressed the cotton swab the girls wound making her cry lightly making her cry a little.

"Mom it hurts." Whined the little girl.

"It won't it hurt for long."


"It won't hurt for long," I repeated as I brushed out the tangles from Sally's brown hair.

"But it hurts!" She complained.

"Brush your hair or have someone brush it for you every day so it'll hurt less," I replied.


"Alright, and, done," I said pulling away the brush and looking at Sally's untangled hair.

"Thank you (Y/N)!" Shouted Sally as she jumped up and walked out of the room with me following behind the smaller girl.

"Ah, (Y/N) where have you been all day?" Asked A.R who was now in front of me.

"I was brushing Sally's hair."

"I see, well, it now has been 2 weeks since the accident with your mother so you should be able to practice fighting." Said A.R.

"Oh okay," I replied as A.R then grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the stairs and then outside.


"Alright, this looks like a good place to train." Said A.R as she turned and pulled out her daggers. "Let us begin!" She shouted.

She ran towards me as she kicked my stomach making me fall back slightly but I keep my stance tall. She tries to tackle me but I move to the side to have her run into a tree.

"Crap!" She shouted as she grabbed her face.

"Did it hurt that much?" I asked.

She looked at me with many scratches clearly made from the tree looking at me with an unamused look.

"You try running into a tree at full speed." She said as she rubbed her cheek slightly before going back into stance with her daggers out. "Let us continue." 


"You're not that hurt are you?" Asked A.R as I continued to wrap the bandage around my wrist where I had gotten cuts and scratches.

"I'm okay," I replied.

"Alright then, hey (Y/N)?"

"Hm?" I hummed as I tied the bandage into place.

"Have you been getting along with everyone?" She asked.

"So far, yes I suppose you could say I get along with many of them," I answered.

"Ah, that's good to hear." Responded A.R as she sighed softly.

"Why did you ask?"

"Well, it would be good for you to have a reputation with everyone since you are going to be their queen." She replied as she fell onto the grass with a thump.

"You seem to be an in a more loose mood." I pointed out.

"I suppose you could say that." She said looking at the sky that was getting darker.

"You better start heading back to the mansion." She replied.

I nodded in agreement as I stood up as she did the same. We began walking with the man dead leaves and sticks breaking under our feet.


I looked at all the balls of gas as they shined brightly in the dark sky.

"Here you go (Y/N)." Said A.R as she handed me a cup of tea.

"Thank you A.R." 

"Mmhm." She hummed walking away.

I continued to look at the sky as I drank the tea.

"The queen all alone without her guards isn't that dangerous?" Asked a raspy voice making me look to the side to see E.J.

"I can protect myself," I responded.

"Sure, the way you tried fighting back two weeks ago shows how much you can protect yourself." He responded sarcastically.

"I've been training and why did you do me?" I asked.

He sighs "Look-"

"(Y/N) Slender has asked for you at his office." Interrupted A.R.

"I'm coming," I responded standing up and heading towards the open doors. "We'll talk later," I whispered to E.J before going inside.


"So I'll need to be watched on all the time for now on?" I asked.

"Yes, this is only to make sure you are safe." Responded Slenderman who was sitting in his chair.

"I'm guessing both A.R and I shall be watching over her?" Questioned Chaava.

"Yes, you both shall be watching over her as well with the rest of the others." He answered.

"Both of us, as in watching over her at the same time or taking-"

"Same time."

"Why do I need to be watched over? I can take care of myself." I replied.

"We can not risk anything." Boomed Slenderman's voice.

"Yes, sir." Replied both Chaava and A.R.

With that, we both left his office.


"Mom! Mommy! Mom!" Shouted the little (H/C) haired girl as she ran around her house looking for her mom.

The little girl walked to the library and looked around once more. Her (E/C) colored eyes landed on her favorite book that was too high for her to reach. The little girl started climbing on the shelves determined to get her book. 

Her small hand grabbed the book. Losing balance she braced herself to hit the floor but expect of feeling her back hit the cold floor a pair of arms grabbed her and the sound of books hitting the floor.

The little girl opened her (E/C) colored eyes to see her mothers face with a smile on her face. She placed the small girl onto the floor and patted her head.

"Be more careful honey you almost got hurt." Said the mother as she kissed the little girls forehead.

"But I wanted to get this book!" Yelled the little girl as she jumped up and showed the cover of the book that read, The History Of The Immortal Queen's.

Published: August 26, 2017
Edited: No Edits

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