Chapter Three

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Chapter Three|I don't know


I was looking at my fist as I then opened my fist to see my claws sharp as a knife. I stood up from the grass I was sitting from and walked even further. I first stopped and lifted my nose to then catch the scent of a rabbit. Following the scent, I then saw a small light brown rabbit lying on the floor sleeping.

Kneeing  I kept my eyes on the rabbit. I then jumped forward piercing my nails a little bit into its skin. I then opened my mouth and then bit into its neck, its blood going on my mouth and teeth. I then removed my teeth and claws from its dead body.

"I'm sorry," I whispered softly before standing back up.

"What are you doing here?" Asked a soft voice.

"Practicing killing," I responded.

"Oh, I see." She responded now sitting in front of me and looked at the dead rabbit. "Why did you use a rabbit to kill?" She asked grabbing it by its neck and looking at the fearful expression that was on its face.

"Well, what else can I kill?" I asked.

"Well, you could kill deer or...humans." She responded her ears leaning to the side with shame.

"Humans?" I asked.

"There are just so many humans and they can be good practice as well." She answered.

"I don't know, but the humans are innocent," I argued.

"Yes, but what if it means to survive?" She asked.

"Survive?" I asked.

"Yes, humans will easily be able to tell we are inhuman and turn us in so to get food we have to kill other humans to be able to do so." She answered.

"I still don't know," I responded.

"Well, I'll leave you to decided that." She said. She then looked up at the moon that was out, "Anyways have a good night darling." She said smiling and walking away.

Sighing I stood up and started walking even deeper into the forest. Lifting my nose I sniffed looking for any scent, I then caught the scent what smelt like a male.

Following the scent of the male, my mouth started watering at the idea of my teeth pricing through his neck and ripping it off. Then my claws opening his stomach his yells, his begs of mercy, and cutting off the heart. The heart that has so much blood and ripping its skin as the blood splatters all over.

I hid behind a tree to see a lonely male sitting on the grass floor in front of a bright flame. There as well was a brown worn ou bag next to him that seemed to be filled. Kneeling down I went towards him, I then found a single tree branch on the floor. I picked it up and broke it the sound of it breaking echoing throughout the forest.

I placed down the two pieces of branches, I continued to crouch down and go behind him. I was now looking at his worn out shirt.

"Hello?" He asked now standing up.

I then pounced on him digging my nails into his shoulders.

"Stop!" He shouted in pain.

I removed both of my claws which were filled with pieces of his skin and fur. I turned his around and sat down on his waist. I then grabbed his jaw with both claws and dug my claws into his skin. A gurgling sound was heard as he choked a little bit on his blood. I removed my claws that had pieces of skin. I then covered two of my fingers over his left eye. I then dug in my fingers so that it was now behind his eye and pulled it out. I then placed his eye on his tongue. He then gulped making his start to choke on the eyeball. Soon enough the color from his face left as a look of fear was now left his face.

I stood up from his waist and dragged his towards the fire. I then threw it into the fire imminently burning and its skin starting to turn dark. Sighing I went towards the cabin.


The cold water hit my skin, as the blood and water washed down the drain. After all the blood was gone from my hands I then washed some water on my face. Sighing softly, I grabbed the towel that was near and dried my hand and face. Going towards my closet I looked through it and pulled out an (F/C) shirt and (2d/F/D) sweat pants and placed it on my bed. I then went towards my drawers and pulled out a pantie.

I first removed my old clothing and put on the new one. Sighing I threw myself onto my bed.

"You look exhausted." Said a voice.

"Chaava?" I asked.

"Yes?" She asked.

"What was my task?" I asked.

"You must first go meet someone named Slenderman and show him this," With she grabbed my hand as a small light then appeared, it then died down to see .

"What's with the random symbol?" I asked looking at it.

"Random? Why (Y/N) this symbol back in ancient Egypt means immortality." She responded.

"Oh, and what will happen after I shown him this symbol?" I asked.

"My old friend knows the prophecy all too well, he shall show you to all the masters, the first one would be Offender, then Trender, Splendor, and last Slender. You shall have to battle all of them. But must I say all of my old friends are strong. They are not called masters for no reason. But yet at the same time, you are not called the immortal queen's daughter for no reason. I shall be next to Miss. (Y/N) and assist you the best I can. If you wish to summon me, first have this relic in hand and say these words, 'I Queen Of Immortality summon thee the spirit of darkness Chaava.'" They said and then handed me a small black relic. "For now I take my leave." They said disappearing once more.

I looked at my hand once more looking at the small sign that was on it.

"Immortality," I whispered to myself. "Am I really worthy enough?" I asked myself.

Published: June 18, 2017

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