Chapter Five

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Chapter Five|So do I


"Alright (Y/N) are you ready to go?" Asked E.J.

"Yes, I am," I responded.

"Let's go." He said walking out of the door.

"Should we get A.R?" I asked looking at the forest in the direction of her cabin.

"Do you really think she has a chance?" He asked.

"I think she does, she has a sixth sense as well so she might have a chance, and she is half wolf," I responded.

"I guess we can go get her," He said.

Nodding I started walking towards her cabin.

"You're not going to attack her again, are you?" I asked.

"Would you allow me to?" He asked.

"No, I would not allow you to attack her," I responded.

"Why do you trust her so much?" He asked.

"Because she has proven herself when you attacked her she didn't kill you. And second, she helped us both escape the facility." I answered.

"But it was all too sudden if you ask me." He said.

"I guess you have a point with that," I said rubbing my neck.

We then stopped in front of a small cabin. I went up to the door and knocked on the door. The door then opened to reveal A.R in a kimono.

"Oh (Y/N), E.J what brings you here?" She asked her red eyes shining with curiosity.


"She." Interrupted E.J.

"Alright, I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?" I asked.

"Oh? To where?" She asked.

"To this creepypasta master named Slenderman," I answered.

"Oh, I suppose." She said.

"And I wanted to know why did you so suddenly let us free?" Asked E.J.

"Oh um how to explain this? Um, I did not want, what had happened to this female and male to you." She responded rubbing her neck.

"What happened?" I asked.

"They were both to become mates, and after that had happened they put them to fight to the death if they did not fight or battle to the death then both would be tutored in front of their mate then killed." She responded.

"What!" I shouted.

"Yes that did not happen to me because of how young I am so I was spared but with the both of you begin adults they would force that upon you. And they had forced me to see them both got through that, I tried to help the best I could but they threaten to cut off my tail and ears if I helped them." She said.

"Thank you, A.R," I said now placing my hand on her head and rubbing it and scratching her wolf ears a little.

"My pleasure Miss!" She shouted.

"Alright let's go." Said E.J now walking away so both and A.R and I followed behind.


The sun started to rise into the sky.

"We'll have to hide." Said E.J.

"How come?" Asked A.R.

"We can't risk beginning seen by humans." He answered.

A.R nodded in understatement, "I smell fishes nearby so there should be a river or waterfall nearby." Stated A.R.

"I agree."

With that A.R turned west and started running so both E.J and me followed behind. My shoes stepped on many rocks and the dirt. I then looked down to see A.R didn't have any shoes on and that her feet seemed to have many cuts and bruises. She the stopped in front of a big pond with a waterfall.

She walked around it so that she was near the waterfall, she then leaned herself onto the wall shuffling, she then disappeared behind the water. A soft but strong howl could be heard from the waterfall so out of instinct both E.J and I followed where she went.

We then came in to see her rubbing her feet.

"A.R don't you have any shoes?" I asked sitting next to her with a look of worry.

"No, many of my victims I kill are older or younger so I can't exactly take their shoes." She answered.

"Wait really?" I asked.

"Yes when I kill I'll make it look like one of them killed the others, and if there a lonely one then I'll make it look an accident so that there is no suspicion rising, plus from what I have heard as soon as the high schoolers graduate they leave (H/N) and go somewhere else." She said.

"Oh, has there been any news about the (L/N) family?" I asked.

"No, from what I have heard so far they have given up on searching the killer of Mr.(L/N)." She answered.

"Given up? Why would they give up that fast?" Asked E.J.

"Many are saying that there has the FBI and ICE team search for them but in secret." Replied A.R.

"That would make sense, the killer could be watching and leaving here with ease," I said.


I walked through a forest that had shining (F/C) flowers of all types. To Roses, to Aster, to Anemone, and so on. It seemed like every single flower that existed seemed to be here.

I then stopped in a clearing that had two bright pink sakura trees on the side and a shining white willow tree in the middle. There who stood in front of the willow tree was E.J and in front of the sakura trees were A.R and Chaava.

"E.J?"  I asked stepping forward. I then stopped and looked at them again.

E.J was wearing a tuxedo with a blue tie. And was without his mask.

Then both Chaava and A.R and on a blue dress sleeveless dress that first started up at their neck and went down covering their front but showing their arms. On their waist was the slim white ribbon that tied behind them. And on their head was a flower brown with blue and (F/C) roses.

I then looked down to see I was wearing a wedding dress. It was a sleeveless dress that showed off my collar bone, neck, and arms. Then on my waist was a bright blue ribbon that tied into a bow on the back. And in my hands, I was holding a bouquet of blue and (F/C) roses.

I started walking forward as if each movement I did was meant to be. I was now in front of E.J looking up at his eyeless sockets and gray skin. I moved forward as he did as well, but before our lips could meet something had pierced through my stomach. Blood fell from my wound and mouth. Now, who was in front of me was my mom smirking down at me.

"You're in love with him are you not?" She asked.

My heart beat fast at the question as I thought about the time he helped to the time he had helped me. The thought of beginning married to him, the thought of beginning his lover felt so right. "So what if I do?" I asked pushing my chest forward proudly.

"Sweetie you could have chosen someone better than him, someone, who will love you, who is willing to do anything for you." She said pulling forward her hand but before I allowed her I smacked her hand.

"Better? What like someone like Felix? E.J has been willing to protect me, he kept me around even when he didn't need to, he did more than anyone has ever done for me!" I shouted smacking her cheek causing a bright red mark of a hand to be on her cheek. "He cares for me and so do I!"

Published: June 22, 2017

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