°° Drunken Eves °°

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(a/n: the eves are gonna be~ slightly ooc?? Cause I'm baseing(?) their drunk self on a video i watched on youtube, thankfully the types were five so~ here we go~!!!)

"Tcchh~!! My shoulder is sore because lichtan keeps kicking me~" Hyde groaned, holding his shoulder as he began to move it up and down "and now we have this la-"

"Nonsense!" the servamp of lust immediately covered his big brother's mouth before he said anything he'll regret "it is very thoughtful of you to arrange this get together old child!"

Hugh smirked, chuckling lowly and proudly "well ofcourse! A vampire such as myself needs to see their siblings once in awhile"

"Eh~? Too troublesome~ where's Mahiru? He was supposed to buy me a soda" Kuro looked around the hallway of the bath house rooms and saw no sign of his eve

"Did they went ahead??" Jeje mumbled questioningly but loud enough for his four brothers to hear

"HEYYY!!!! NIIIIIII-SAAAAANNNSSS!!" Kuro flinched, recognising the voice immediately, making him groan as he fix his bathrobe "ooohhh~~~!!!! Don't look so glum~~~~"

"Ara?? And what are you doing here Tsubaki??" Lily asked, smiling kindly, his hand still covering Hyde's mouth who was probably throwing out cuss words "are you here to enjoy the bath??"

"Sadly no~ i was just here to~~ drop a few things" he laughed rather mischievously as he pointed down the hallway "infact~ i can say that your eves are enjoying my gift right now"

"Heh? What-"


"Oh no..." Jeje groaned, the eve of envy's laughter was echoing down the hallway loudly, making them relieved that they ask tetsu to rent out the place for the night. Though, another problem still stands..


"WHERE THE HELL IS THE REST OF MY *HIC* BO- *Hic* OOZEE~~!!!" Misono slurred, his robe already falling of his shoulder as he swing the bottle on his hand around "I WANT MORE I SAY!!!! *Hic*" misono slammed his hand down on the table

"WAAAAHHH!!!!" Licht sobbed, his face was as flush as the other eves, his robe was dangerously close to coming of all together as he tried to wipe his tears with his hand that was covered with the robe's sleeve "HY-!! HYDE-CHA- AAANN!! WAAAHHH!!! *hic* *hic*" his hair was a mess, and his voice was.. slurry too

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! ECHO-!!! *hic* IT'S-!!! *hic**hic* ECHOING!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" Mikuni was nearly laying on his back, with only his arm supporting him as he swung his leg around while laughing loudly, his robe was thankfully not slipping off, but it did revealed his chest a little too much.

Tetsu was the only quite one, with his face flush and his eyes in a swirly motion, his head was on the table with his arms limply beside it as he started speaking nonsense "birdie... big blue birdie on the moon~ ah? I can see stars~"

The servamps were less then please, infact, their face were most definitely horrified, even jeje with a bag over his head. After a few minutes of watching the chaos, each of them went to their own eves




"Oi..! Mikuni....!!! Stop it! You're giving me a headache"

The eves momentarily stopped what they were doing to stare dazely at their servamps, then each of them displayed their own reaction

"HYDE-CHAN~~!!!" Licht sobbed as he practically threw himself at the blonde servamp, the pianist wrapped his arm around the blonde's waist and nuzzled his face into the vampire's neck "hold me~ *hic* please" feeling hot breath fanning against his neck causes Hyde's face to light up like a christmas tree, with his arm frozen, and the fact that Licht's robe was slipping off of him was not helping

"Ah? A pillow *hic*" Hugh screech in terror when Tetsu grabbed him and started to cuddle the short vampire on his chest, Hugh blinked, momentarily confused before finnaly realizing his position, making him let out a not so manly squeal "hrrmm.. warm" holy shit! Why does his chest has to be fucking bare!?!?

Mikuni giggled, standing up on his feet, he stumbled slightly making the servamp of envy narrow his eyes in worry, until the Blonde wrapped his arms around the taller's neck and pulling him down, making him bend forwards and yelp "JEJE-CHAN!!! *hic* MY JEJE-CHAN FORE *hic* EVEERR~~~" Mikuni giggled, pulling the servamp down more causing both to fall down with a loud thud, Jeje wasn't to happy that Mikuni tighten his grip and laughed obnoxiously

"LILY!!! YOU BASTARD!!!" Lily yelled out in surprised as he duck down, trying to dodge the cup his eve threw at him "eto.. misono, i think you should-" "DON'T CUT ME *hic* ooff!!!" Misono stumbled forward, trying to throw a punch, but he tripped on his own feet and fell unto Lily who caught him "LEMME~~!! LEMME GO YOU-*hic* GOOD LOOKING PEICE OF *hic**hic* MAN HUNK!!! i'll..! Kill you..." Lily laughed nervously, not knowing if he should be flattered or terrified

Kuro blinked by the entrance, feeling sorry for his brothers, he momentarily glared at where Tsubaki was and the fox only laugh obnoxiously before waving his arm and leaving, the bluenette doesn't have the energy nor motivation to catch hi-

"Nee~~ Kuro~~" Kuro shivered, feeling hot breath against his ear, something soft pressed up against his back and hand gripping his shoulde, keeping him in place "nee~ nee~ Kuro~" the voice slurred, giggling lightly at the end "guess who~~" then he felt something wet against the outside of his ear, making heat crept up his face

"Ma- mahiru? What's-?" his breath hitched when his eve's hand slide down his shoulder and wrapped themself around the vampire's waist, with the brunette still flushed against his back "let's play~ Kuu-chan *hic*" ah.. he was also drunk "i want you~ kuu-chan~~" Mahiru whined, nuzzling into Kuro's shoulder, the tip of his nose brush over a sensitive spot and Kuro screamed out in suprised, and pulled away from the warm touch.

Kuro turn around quickly before Mahiru could do anything more and gripped the eve by his shoulder, Mahiru hummed in confusion, looking up at Kuro with dazed eyes and a flushed face, his robe was also slipping off of his shoulder, showing more of his upperbody, Kuro short circuited as smoke came out of his red face


"zzz...zzzz warm..."



"Kuro~!! Why aren't you saying anything!!"

[a/n: ...should i continue this? Yea~ I'll continue this, it will be fun *smirks]

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