°° My Sweet Caretaker x My Eve a Child<>Crossover [edited] °°

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My Sweet Caretaker x My Eve, a Child

summary: me and LucariosFish made our servamps aus meet, can you guess what's gonna happen~?

if you haven't read My Eve a Child au by luca you can read it on their profile, i recommend you to read it before reading this

this can also be read in my oneshot book!

MEAC!cast's line is written by luca

MSC!cast's line is written by me

warning for: typos, randomness, and rushed ending



Saku- Where are we?

Kuro- ...An alternate dimension?

Mahiru- Wah~ Kuro-nii! Saku-nii! Look, look! There's two of you!

sakuya - but you look so cute together!!!! *groaning*

kuro - *blushes* s- shut up!!! he doesn't like me like-!! eh??

both - *notice the three people* *jawdrop*

sakuya - holy shit a mini mahiru!!!

kuro - aren't you concern about the mirror images !?!?!

Saku- No swearing! 

Kuro- Mahiru, you heard nothing!

Mahiru- I'm not mini! Wait... hear what?

sakuya - AAAHHH!!!! *runs up to the three of them and picks up mini mahiru* *spins him around* SO CUTE!!!!

kuro - this is... not normal

mahiru - *walks up behind MSC!kuro* what's not nor *jaw dropped* oh

Saku- EVEN IF YOU LOOK LIKE ME I DON'T TRUST YOU. *kicks MSC!Sakuya in shin and catches MEAC!Mahiru*

Kuro- You're not hurt... Right, Mahiru? *jacket tails rise*

Mahiru- *shakes head* Nu-uh

sakuya - oww ow ow ow oow!!! that hurts other me!!! *pouts* why am i acting like a protective mother!?!? that's mahiru's job!!! he's the housewife!!! 

mahiru - *whacks MSC!sakuya's head* i heard that!!! *turn towards the three* *smile brightly* i'm sorry about that.. and uh.. do we know you?? because i don't think these two *points at MSC!sakuya and MSC!kuro* has ever mention having a twin... 

kuro - *hiding behind mahiru* careful *******(spoilers)-chan, this could be witchcraft

mahiru - *scowl* and you're using me as a shield?? terrific

Saku- *shakes head**holding MEAC!Mahiru with one hand balancing in hip, other on other hip* No, not twins. We just appeared here...  

Kuro- I'm telling you right here and now, it's either Lily's illusions, or Tsubaki messing with us. 

Mahiru- But Lilly-nii wouldn't do this!... Right? Maybe Tsu-nii....

mahiru - *frowns* li.. ly's illusion?? i thought lily was a playboy not a magician

kuro - besides could an illusion really touch you?? 

sakuya - the scariest thing here is how you all are treating this as normal

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