°° Fatal Greed °°

715 13 3

summary: Yandere Lawless, why? because i had a dream about LawLicht with a yandere Hyde and i can't get it out of my head

Can be seen as a Lawlicht or x reader

Enjoy this trash (sorry if a few worss are wrong, i ain't use to speaking Shakespeare)

Btw I'm using Hyde instead of Lawless


"Thou art so fair..." Hyde told you with a smile (don't believe that grin). You didn't want to look at him- you didn't want to accept reality

Seeing your eyes wander to the dimly lit room the two of you were in made the vampire frown "Look at me.." He breathed in a small whisper, you didn't do as he said. You winced but didn't yell out in pain when he grabbed you roughly by your chin and forcefully turned your head towards him "I SAID LOOK AT ME!!!" Hyde yelled harshly at you

You can feel his breath against your lips (you quietly note that you can still feel dry blood on your lips), his dull eyes were wide and staring at you. When you didn't reply he smiled-he's insane "Don't worry... i'm not angry" He then released his hold on you, causing you to jolt backwards unto the chair you were bound to-it's not like you could've escaped with your broken arms and legs

"I'm not angry.." as Hyde kept repeating that sentence in a loop he walked around the table-towards you, when he was close you involuntary flinched away, trying to get away perhaps? He ofcourse, noticed, but his smile only widened "Thou art so beautiful, painted in red..." He tucked your hair behind your ears

Hyde then leaned forward until he could see your face, you kept your head hung low-you're tired "You are always beautiful.. but there's something about the way you look now that i can't get enough of!!" The vampire laughed, as if it was a joke, as if he was stable "So helpless... so fragile.. and i am the only one who's allowed to see you like this...."

You choked as he wrapped one of his hands around your neck, the rings on his fingers felt cold against your skin "So pretty.. so pretty... and you're mine.. mine, mine, mine-" Hyde tighten his grip until you couldn't breath anymore, until you struggled to get air down your lungs as he kept repeating the same word over and over "-all mine.." Only then did he let you go. You gasped and coughed uncontrollably at the chance to breath, seeing you like that made Hyde's crazed grin grow wider "I wonder if it is because i am greed" He wore the title like a medal

Hyde suddenly grabbed you by the back of your head and turned you towards him. You couldn't do anything as his lips was forcefully pressed against yours, under normal circumstances it would have been a soft kiss, but in that reality, it felt a guarantee that your fate was sealed. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before he pulled away

He looked at you with so much want and desire-and you just want to get away from that gaze. Hyde leaned unto your neck and you couldn't help but shivered when you felt his lips against the skin below your ear, he gave you a soft kiss on your neck-you don't feel safe"I won't let you..." You can feel his hot breath against your skin "I won't let you get away like her..."

Hyde wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close-you DON'T feel protected "Don't worry i'll always protect you •••••••" Your gaze fell to the wall infront of you, the light was too dim to make it so the whole wall was visible but you didn't have to see the whole thing to know what was on it "I won't let anybody take you away! You won't ever leave me, not now, not ever, i won't let you get away!! I'll kill anyone who'll try to take you from me! " He was starting to sound desperate-more insane his earlier bravado starting to dissapear as his hold on you tighten "I won't let you leave me... My sweet salvation.."

The thing splattered on the walls, were tons of dried up blood

"Even if it means breaking every bone in your body" He didn't lie

A/N: Dream- what is my life? How did my life turn like this?

Hyde- because you suck at life perhaps?

Dream- says you-

Licht- Shit rat whe- why is there a mirror on that chair

Hyde & Dream- .....

Ruuchan12s think of this as an early/late bday present

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