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Summary: a collab with LucariosFish!!! basically this is what happens when the two of us are bored and have legit no storyline idea.. i hope you enjoy!!

...can this be considered as an World End x OC??? cause i was PLANNING on making their relationship platonic until my darn shipping husband dragged me into the ship -___-

luca as Mahiru/Licht/Misono/Mikuni/Tsurugi/Tetsu/World End

me as kuro/lawless/lily/jeje/wrath/hugh/seth

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seth- wanna go invite them right now??

World End- *looks up from eating chips* *muffled* What?

seth- *plops down beside world end* invite the other pairs!! *nudges world* maybe invite them to the concert *chuckles*

World End- *rolls eyes* *swallows chips and says clearly* I swear, you're like my brother Pride sometimes. Or maybe Lawless....

seth- *frowns* that's no way to talk to someone who feeds you! *smirks**snatches world's chips bag* now apologize~

World End- *turns into pig* *squeals* I'm sorry! *runs around Seth's feet*

seth- *laughing* you're so easy sometimes *set the chips down**walk towards the kitchen*

World End- *tackles chip bag* *turns human* Are you inviting them over? *eats chip*

seth- yea! i'm also asking mahiru to teach me how to cook like he does *looks at world end over his shoulder**smiles* after all, my servamp is the servamp of gluttony

World End- *blush* Hey! I'm not THAT high maintenance!

seth- *walks over* i know~ *ruffles world end's hair* if you were you would've broken the contract by now because of how busy i am

World End- *huffs* Rude. *smiles* So? Are they coming over?

seth- yea! and- *phone rings* oh.. *takes out phone* it's the manager again... *looks at world end guiltyly* sorry rush, i gotta take this... *sigh* *mutters* and this is supposed to be my day off *picks up* hello? yea i'm here

World End- *mumbles* It's okay....

*door knocks*

World End- *stands up* *whispers* I'll get it...

seth- alright! no, no i wasn't talking to you i was talking to my roomate, yes yes i know-

World End- *opens door quietly* Who is it? And talk quietly, please.

Mahiru- Hmm? *raises eyebrows* *says quietly* Okay... Seth said to meet up at his house. And if you want quiet, we're not the best group to invite over

kuro- did something happened?? *is in cat form on mahiru's shoulder*

World End- Seth's talking with his manager....

Mahiru- *makes an 'o' shape with his mouth* *nods*

seth- but it's- *raised phone away from ear**winches**sigh* alright! alright! mhhmm, i am not slacking off!! god!!

kuro- *jumps down mahiru's shoulder* he doesn't seem to be too happy...

World End- His manager... Isn't the friendliest of people...

Mahiru- *nods* *lips tight*

seth- alright!!! alright.. i'll be there in 10 minutes... *hangs up phone**turn towards the other three apologetically* sorry guys~ looks like my day off has been cancelled *laugh awkwardly*

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