°° Drunken Eves (2) °°

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Pairings: KuroMahi, LawLicht, JeKuni, LiSono, TetHugh

· Alternate Universe · > Original Universe ·

Summary: who knew that with the right amount of alcohol, the eves could reach a whole new level of irritating, as if how the usually act aren't bad enough

Warning: !Strong Language¡

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"Shuu-chan~ let's go~ you've been working for hours~"

"No one is even asking you to stay! So what exactly are you still doing here?!"


Ring~ Ring~

"Hello? This is Ts- ah? Jeje? What is it?"


"I see.. I thought this would happen.. don't worry I'm sending the hound there right now"


"Ofcourse it's a good idea, trust me when i say that he'll come to his senses in no time.." *click*

"Ara~? Are we visiting Kuuni-chan??"

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"Kuu-sama~~ nee~ nee~ Kuu-sama~~ *hic* why're you ignoring me...?" Mahiru asked with a pout, tugging on his servamp's robe as he kneeled on the ground "Mahimahi didn't do a bad did he~?" he slurred

"Since when did you start calling yourself mahimahi!?!" the bluenette thought to himself as he tried his best not to look at his eve, he doesn't need another melt down. Mahiru pouted further when he realized that getting his servamp's attention is gonna be a real task, especially with him feeling fuzzy?

"Kuu-sama.... " Mahiru slurred, crawling unto Kuro's lap who nearly screamed in panic "hey..? Does Kuu-sama like mahimahi??" the brunette leaned his head unto the crook of the bluenette's neck, with his arms securely wrapped around Kuro's neck. If only he had looked up, he'll realized just how red Kuro's face is compared to him "well.. does he?"

"Ah- err- argh~ eto, well, uh- that's a-" thankfully Kuro was saved by Hyde's scream of terror, making both him and Mahiru turned their attention towards the greed pair. At the sight, Kuro's jaw dropped and Mahiru giggled loudly

Licht's robe was halfway down his body, and his servamp doesn't look like he can take much more of the skin his eve was showing

"LICHTAN!! WHAT'RE YOU DOING!?!?!" Hyde's face was a mixture of embarrassment and horror, as he grasp his eve's nearly falling robe and tried to cover the ravenette up "C- COVER YOURSELF UP!!!"

Licht looked at Hyde innocently, holding down the blonde's hand that was still gripping his robe just below his shoulder "but... My body is so hot Hyde...." the ravenette sobbed slightly as he tilted his head to the side "see..?" he slurred, carefully removing Hyde's hand from his robe and guiding it to his neck "it's hot.."

Kuro didn't know Hyde could be this red, half of him was actually pitying his brother and want to maybe try and help get the drunk angel dressed properly, the other half is still currently panicking on how he's gonna pry a still giggling Mahiru off of him

"Can't i take it off..?" Licht's voice was most likely a whine, but it had resembled more of a loud moan. The servamp of greed is gonna lose himself if he lets this keep happening, so he just hurriedly push the robe up to the ravenette's shoulder and tied his waist "a- angels shouldn't s- show so much skin, l- lichtan, y- you're gonna seduce the demons at this rate.."

Hyde flinched when Licht's flush face suddenly appeared in his line of vision, their nose touching awkwardly "am.. i seducing you? Devil?" Licht asked lowly, Hyde had outright fainted from overheating, leaving Licht who blinked confusedly before falling unto his knees and wailing even louder "wwaahh~~ i- i killed him~~ aaahh~~ I'm a sorry excuse for an angel!!!"

"Ganbatte~!! Li*hic*licht~!!!" Mahiru cooed as he raised his arm and fist pumped the air

"YOU DAMN *hic* SHITTY BASTARD!!! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DRINK!!!" Kuro nearly jumped when a glass cup suddenly went flying across his face and crash into the wall, the sound making Licht flinched and cry even harder

"M- mi- misono-kun you're drunk please calm down" Lily was trying his best to calm his infuriated eve down, but it proof to be futile since the purple haired chibi only threw him a death glare

But then his expression went from angered to a confused scowl "Oi, Dodo, what're you doing here!?!? DID YOU FUCKING LEFT YOUR STATION AGAIN!!!" then it went back to the angered yelling as he picked up and threw anything he can at a yelping Lily who was able to dodge every item

"I- I DON'T EVEN REMOTELY LOOK LIKE DODO!!! IT'S ME!!! SNOW LILY!!!" the servamp of Lust yelped when a pillow successfully hit him in the face. Misono blinked blanky before opening his mouth and saying "you look less hot then usual.."

"EHH!?!?" it's been a long time since Kuro saw Lily blush

"H- help me!!!" Hugh had cried as he tried to squirm free from the arms that trapped him, the boy who those arms belonged to had already fallen asleep, cuddling his servamp in the process "this is not something a vampire such as myself should be stuck doing!!"

"Eh~ but you look like you're enjoying it~" Mahiru giggled, smirking in triumph when the small vampire's face went red and he began throwing something similiar to a tantrum "kuu-sama should cuddle mahimahi like tete~"

Tete?! all the vampires in the room sweatdropped

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! PFFTT~!!! J- JEJE!!! TE- TETE!!! HE- HE CALLED HIM TETE!!! AHAHAHAH!!!" Mikuni laughed loudly and obnoxiously as he pointed his finger at the sloth pair while waving it up and down, while his other arm was still wrapped around an annoyed servamp's neck "MAHAHAHAHAHIHIHIRRU!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!" he was moving so much that two of jeje's paperbags has fallen off


"the hound!! has arrived!!!" the door was suddenly slammed open and they immediately recognize the chirpy and annoying voice that belonged to no other then C3's top agent

tsurugi winked, his tounge sticking out "all of you are paying me for this~" then as he was laughing a pillow was suddenly thrown at him

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?" mikuni yelled out, standing up from where he was sitting on jeje's lap and growling at the laughing ravenette


"don't be like that~ kuuni-chan~" tsurugi cooed, waving his hand with a smile on his face "right now we have to get the other eves sober or else the servamps are gonna die before the series is even finish~"

"don't brake the wall!!!"


"don't talk to me, kuro" mahiru deadpanned, his face hidden in his crossed arms on the table. kuro frowned at the depressed aura the eve was making

then he sighed, drapping his jacket over mahiru who was experiencing a headache "you are never drinking again"

((a/n: taadaaahh!!! i finished it xDDD


i know it's probably bad but, oh well!

ja ne~))

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