- Envy Pair & Kindness Pair Meeting -

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Jeje: ...

Kuuni: .... *smiles kindly*

Jeje: .....i have only known him for ten seconds now and i already like him better

Mikuni: *slams door open* WHAT!?!?!

Kuuni: y- you broke the door down!?!

Jeje: *sigh in expiration*

Mikuni: HOW IS THIS GUY-!! *points at a perplexed Kuuni* BETTER THEN MYSTERIOUS AND COOL ME!?!?!

Jeje: you want the reasons to be alphabetical or..


Mikuni: HEY DON'T INTERRUPT ME-!! Holy shit!! Where did you get those scars!!!

Jeremy: oh~ nothing special, just me being me! Right Kuuni?

Kuuni: *slumps down* yes Jeremy-sama

Jeremy: how many times do i have to tell you to drop the -sama?

Mikuni: ..well JEJE! I like this version of you anyway!! Unlike you!!! He doesn't wear a mask!!!

Kuuni: oh i think your masks are exquisite!

Mikuni: don't use big words!!

Jeje: ermm... thanks..

Jeremy: *leans down* *whisperes* how much you wanna bet that he's blushing under that paperbag?

Mikuni: ZERO!!!

Jeje: what're they screaming about?

Kuuni: *sweatdrop* forgive Jeremy, he is a hyper active guy for his age

Jeremy: I'M LIVING IT UP!!!

Kuuni: ...and.. there's a slight chance of him having alcohol in his system *sigh*

(a/n: i wanted to make a full chapter on their meeting but got lazy so.. yeah..)

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