°° Unexpected Fight °°

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· Alternate Universe · > Original Universe ·

summary: uwah... something no one ever expected has happened. hugh and tetsu somehow got into a fight... is it the end of the world already?!

((can be seen as romantic or platonic))

(((a/n: there isn't alot of fanfiction between these two so i decided to fix it xD

i actually see them as a cute ship but you can see this one as platonic if you want, what me and my sweet child MadDemonheart guess as to why people don't ship this is because how hugh look so much like a child

so, you can see every one shot i'll make of the two as hugh being his canon size or you can see him as being taller, whichever you want honestly)))

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"h- heh?? ca- can you repeat that tetsu" mahiru laughed nervously and awkwardly while the others stood behind him with shocked expresssion and wide eyes

tetsu's expression was slightly annoyed -something that doesn't happen often- and sad but the calmness was still present "hugh and i got into a fight.. and i don't know where he is.." he repeated with a confused tone


"WHAT!?!?!" it was mostly misono, lawless, mahiru and lily who screamed while licht and kuro just stared at tetsu, utterly surprised

"WHA- HOW- WHEN!?!?!" misono started screaming nonsense while the others tried to grasp what tetsu just said

tetsu and hugh were -like everyone else- an odd duo, but out of every current eves and servamps they were the ones who wouldn't most likely get into a fight unlike mahiru and kuro who argue almost constantly, licht and lawless who fights 24/7, mikuni and jeje who- well you get the point, even lily and misono would get into arguements once in a while -well it's more of misono screaming and lily laughing innocently

so you can say that it was one of the things they hadn't expected when tetsu called them to ask for their help

"typhoon!?!? is there gonna be a typhoon tomorrow!?!? or a storm maybe?!?!" lawless panicked, running around the room and flailing his arms around before he was stopped by licht who kneed him in the gut "URGH-!!"

"shut up rotten hedgehog!!! you're making the situation more worse then it seem!!!" licht clicked he's tounge and glared at the groaning servamp on the floor before turning his gaze towards the others and nodding "continue.."

"t- thanks..?" mahiru unsurely replied before his expression turned worried when he faced tetsu "why did you fight anyway?? it's not like you to.. argue" mahiru asked

kuro mumbled under his breath "i can't imagine hot springs guy getting mad... it's such a pain" he got a smack on the head from mahiru

tetsu rubbed the back of his neck as he opened his mouth to speak "it was a busy day...so i haven't been paying attention to hugh much.. and the other day i didn't get enough sleep i guess..." tetsu looked like he was regretting something for a moment

"i see.. so even stress can over come the calm and collected tetsu nee~" lily laughed lightly, trying to lift the mood. tetsu hung his head slightly before nodding in agreement

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