°° Looks like we'll be stuck here for a while °°

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Pairings: KuroMahi | Romantic

· > Alternate Universe · Original Universe ·

summary: anyone with a brain knows that mahi falls under the 'smoking hot' list of person, even his eve. that's why maybe bringing him to school to test out something that wouldn't turn him into an animal in the sun was a bad idea

requested by: @FatimaSafa0 (82. "Looks like we'll be stuck here for a while.")

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"wow! i didn't know kurosaki had friends!" kurosaki rolled his eyes annoyedly. yesterday c3 made a device, something to keep the servamp from poofing into animal's form in the daylight, they couldn't test it out because the sun was almost going down and they insisted that mahi try it out tomorrow. lucky for him, tomorrow was school day, so like it or not the servamp had to followed the bluenette to school and had to wait for him to finish class

kurosaki should've known that someone as good looking as mahi would catch everyone's attention...

did he thought of that out loud?

mahi nodded, he was leaning on the wall with his hands in his pocket as he smirked at the girls that was currently surrounding him "aw~ don't be like that girls~ you'll hurt poor kuu-chan's feeling" mahi started snickering as the girls giggled along

this has been going on for.. who knows how long, kurosaki had just finished putting his books into his bags when the classroom door was suddenly opened and a certain brown haired vampire walked in with a grin screaming his eve's name. kuro had flat out facepalmed while taiyo fell to the floor laughing loudly

the girls took interest in mahi as soon as he walks in, i mean, who wouldn't? some of the boys were starring at mahi with envy and anger, while others didn't seemed to care much

kurosaki gripped his soda can angrily, he wasn't mad at mahi, no he could hear the playful tone in the vampire's voice from miles away, which raises the question of what was making him so mad

a certain girl, Ramika if he remembered correctly clung to the vampire's shoulder whike staring at him with goo-goo eyes "it's so nice to know that someone dependable is taking care of kurosaki" she batted her eyes at him

kurosaki raised an eyebrow in confusion, the only people who cared for him in the whole class was daiki and taiyo so it was surprising to hear ramika said that. mahi might've known the small fact that he was am outcast too.. but it didn't seemed like it was effecting the way he treated his classmates at all

"he wouldn't make it without me~" what mahi said made kurosaki click his tounge in annoyance, then the brunette's gaze was on him, causing him to flinch

mahi's crimson eyes held a certain fondness in them, and it was nice and warm "and i wouldn't have made it this far without him.." they stared into each other's eyes, one blushing and the other grinning widely

"oh nonsense!!" ramika tugged mahi's arm harder, making the vampire hiss in slight pain "i'm sure you would be fine without him!!" she squeezed his arms, making sure to show off her cleavage as much as possible, even some of the girls started looking uncomfortable

"dude you a'ight?" taiyo raised his head up from where he was faceplanting on the desk to stare at a red face kurosaki worriedly "you don't look so good-" the pinkette flinch when he heard kurosaki growling lowly

his anger was fueled further when mahi didn't seem to be bothered by the fact a girl was clinging unto him "hmm~~ maybe~~~ but who would know right~? even little old me need someone to take care of them" he hummed

ramika's eyes went half lidded suddenly "i would be glad to over my servi-"


everyone jumped in surprise when kurosaki slammed his crushed soda can down unto the table, he stood up, his face showed how furious he was as he walks up to a surprised mahi. mahi didn't get a chance to say anything when kurosaki grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him out of the classroom

the class was silent until daiki's blunt voice cuts through it "you have done diddly fucked up ramika" with a straight face he stared at the red face girl who looked angry as hell, taiyo on the other hand started laughing loudly again


"you alright kitty?" mahi smirked as he was suddenly pushed into a dark and empty room, it was small so he guessed they were in the supply closer "cause you look pissed as hell"

kurosaki turned towards mahi with a glare, his blue eyes cold, but it didn't look like it effected mahi at all "not good at sharing?" the brunette asked with a grin as he leaned unto the wall behind him

kurosaki growled, then he grabbed the vampire by the scarf to pull him down and smash his lips against him. mahi gasped at the turn of events, though he wasn't complaining as he let's himself fall into the kiss

the bluenette pushed his servamp back against the wall while still gripping mahi's scarf. mahi raised his arms and wrap them around the eve's waist, drawing him closer as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. kurosaki let out a small whimper when he felt his body pressed unto mahi's

he felt something caress his lips slightly, causing him to gasp and pull away with flush cheeks and dazed eyes "mahi-" he couldn't finish his sentence because the vampire captured his lips with his "mmm.." he moaned quitely into mahi's lips when he felt hands starting caressing his upper back, pushing him forward

the vampire pulled away then started kissing kurosaki's jawline all the way to his glistening neck, the blunette shuddered and pressed himself closer to the vampire. he cursed silently when he fely mahi's smirk on his skin "looks like we'll be stuck here for awhile" then he felt the teeths piercing his skin

[a/n: oh god... that was terrible wasn't it? ^^;

well i hope you enjoyed it anyway~

ja ne~]

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