°° World End's Eve °°

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summary: mahiru is sloth's (true (xDDD 😂)) eve, tetsu is pride's, mikuni is envy's, tsurugi is wrath's, licht is greed's and misono is lust's. who's gluttony's??

warning: !Strong Language¡

((a/n: this is my own version of world end's eve, when his real eve is reveal i might still use this oc from time to time xD))

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"no" kuro deadpanned, pushing world end's face away with a tired groan

"it has been awhile hasn't it wor-kun?" hyde laughed as he watch his older brother try to pry his younger brother off of him

world end turned towards hyde with a grin "actually! my name is rush now!!" he thrusted his thumb towards his chest in excitement

"rush?" wrath hummed as she place her tea down unto the table, it was an interesting thing name to say the least

"my eve gave me that name!!" world proudly announced "he's the best!!!"

"unlikely" hugh huffed out "because obviously mine is far more superior since he is my eve" he smirked

"now, now, let's just all agree that our eves are all amazing" lily chuckled softly

mahiru's eyes twitched in annoyance "this is nice and all... BUT WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS IN MY HOUSE!!!" he screamed at the people who didn't remotely looked guilty

"come on mahiru-kun~ you gotta teach me the ropes since i'm new at being an eve!!"

"be thankful of my presence almost angel"

"it is the best place of gathering shirota!"

"sorry mahiru-aniki..." atleast tetsu apologized

"where's your eve anyway?" kuro asked when he finnaly got world to settle down "isn't he supposed to be here already?"

world end hummed before answering "he isn't from here so he wanted to go sight seeing first, don't worry, we haven't been seperated for too long.." he said as he played with the item his eve gave him

"mmm.. waiting is such a pain i could just die...." kuro sighed "mahiru~ go but me some chips"

mahiru looked at kuro in with a glare "i'm not your slave you damn cat!!! ah.. but" he gained a thoughtful look "i do need to buy some stuff for dinner.. fine!" he walked towards the entrance and put on his shoes "does anybody else need anything?"

everyone voiced out what they requested and the eve of sloth had to stop the urge to roll his eyes at their strange requests

mahiru opened the door and began jogging slightly, not forgetting to close the door as he left. he needs to get these done fast, thinking simply it will be rude if he wasn't there when the eve of gluttony arrived

as he was about to go down the stair he didn't notice the other male going up it and crashed into him with a thud "ah-!!"


they tumbled down the stairs before coming to a stop. mahiru was on his back with an aching head, making him groan out loud "ah... that hurt" he raised his hand to rub it against his head

"oh fuck!! are you alright?!" mahiru groaned at the infamiliar voice, he opened his eyes slowly and realised that the person he crashed into was above him. his hands were beside mahiru's head and his knees were beside mahiru's thigh, trapping him against the ground

mahiru blushed when his eyes locked with the other's bright blue one, he also noticed his messy and slightly long orange hair "you're not hurt are you??" he was speaking in english "damn!! i apologize-"

"a- ano..." mahiru began speaking embarrassingly, he wasn't good at speaking english but he did know a few words "i.. do not.. speak english!" what he said made the other male's eyes widen and the brunette flushed more when the orange haired started laughing

"right! sorry. i sort of for-" the male suddenly cry out in surprised when he was suddenly pulled off of mahiru and fell unto his butt

mahiru's eyes widen when he felt someone lifting him up and pulling him towards their chest "what the hell do you think you're doing?!" mahiru swore softly when he realized it was kuro

he remembered that servamp had a protective tendency towards their eves, and that insting can double when the relationship between the eve and servamp was strong, so he hoped that kuro didn't get the wrong idea "kuro calm down it's alright!!" mahiru exclaimed as he raised his hand to cup the growling vampire's cheek

kuro visibly relaxed and his expression soften, he gave mahiru a glance and asked "are you sure?" mahiru nodded and slowly stood up to apologize to the other male that was groaning in pain

"seth!?" both mahiru and kuro turned their head towards the top of the stairs and was surprised to see a horrified world end. the servamp of gluttony sprinted down the stairs and then kneeled beside the male that was identified as seth "what happened?! why are you all bruised up!?" he wrapped his arms around seth and cradled his head, seth looked slightly annoyed but still chuckled

"calm down rush! i just fell down the stairs-"

"you fell down the stairs!?" world looked horrified "how!?!?"

"ah, i accidentally crashed into that guy-" seth pointed at mahiru then world whipped his head towards the sloth pair with a glare

"what!?" mahiru shivered in fear at the intensity of the servamp's glare. kuro's grip on him tighten as he glared back at his little brother

seth suddenly whacked world, making him yelped "stop that idiot! or no more midnight snacks" seth scoffed, making world turned towards him with a hurt and betrayed expression

"uwaah! that was intense!" hyde said from the top of the stairs, arms around his eve protectively

whenever anybody releases an aura of anger or a dangerous aura, the first insting for them was to protect their eve, sure the aura kuro and world release weren't bad but habits die hard as they say "let go of me shit rat!!"

seth looked pleasantly suprised before he started laughing "uwaah~!! so you're the siblings that rush keeps talking about!" he said in a sort of broken Japanese, then he slowly stood up and dusted himself off, then he raised his head and smirked at the others "my name is Seth Wyatt and i'm the eve of gluttony!"

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