°° 7 Deadly vs 7 Heavenly °°

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(a/n: i know i said i was going to continue the drunk oneshot one, but I've just been having this idea and getting the urge to write it :3, by the way this one has some crossover in them, between the classics one and the role switch ones, beware, the role switch ones are super ooc)

{ EDITED on 20/8/2019}

"..where... are we??" Kuro asked after yawning loudly, staring at the very different yet familiar street in front of him that was full of people walking around "and where's Mahiru..? I can't deal with another earful.." He groaned, already able to imagine Mahiru's tirade.

Then he looked down at his human form, although it was more troublesome to be in this form at this time of day he had to admit that with this he and his brothers didn't run into the risk of being trampled by the crowd. At least the weather was cloudy enough for them to maintain their human form.

"It appears like we were teleported outside," Hugh said, looking around the crowded streets with pursed lips "but.. the onsen is further away, so how did we-"

"AHA! I GOT IT!!!" Hyde exclaimed as he raised his pointer finger up "WE'RE BEING PRANK BY THE EVES!!!" He grinned, as if it was so obvious, the other three servamp just stared at him, at least Lily was nice enough to comfort him as he sulked in the middle of the busy street

"What a- eh??" Kuro stopped himself from saying his famous catchphrase when he recognizes a brunette on the streets, he reached out for him on pure instinct "Mahiru-"

"Heh?? Who're you calling Mahiru??" the four froze when 'Mahiru' turned around. This.. isn't Mahiru Kuro thought as he eyed the boy up and down, the brunette was slightly shorter than him ( not as short as his Mahiru though ). The Mahiru look-alike was also much more toned, his short brown hair was held back by a black and white headband (a/n: like Ryuusei basically), he also strangely had a white bandage on his cheek. The boy was wearing a red hoodie and black t-shirt underneath, the hoodie was long enough to reach his knees.

But what shocked them was how the brunette had crimson eyes and fangs.

No.. No, no, no... Kuro could feel his head spinning and he could hear his blood rushing in his ears as terror slowly took over his body. What happened? Why does Mahiru have red eyes? Who did this? no, no, no, please no,

Mahiru isn't supposed to become a monster,

He's supposed to stay a ray of sunshine, 

He's supposed to stay my sunshine- Without really realizing, Kuro's grip on the brunette's wrist had tightened, making the other male flinched.

When the look-alike growled, the servamp of sloth was snapped out of his mental breakdown, "oi! let go of me basta-" He suddenly cut himself off as his eyes widen and his scowl disappearing.

"What the-" "KURO!!" Kuro yelped when the brunette grabbed his head in his hands and began inspecting his face. Kuro gulped as the redness in his cheek grows, he could hear Hugh and Lily screaming out something ( were they teasing him? no, they sound much too panicked to do that ) but he only stayed frozen as their eyes finally locked, crimson meeting blood red. He could only stare when 'Mahiru's lips trembled but before his instinct to make his eve happy could take over the other already had his face set in a dark scowl "I'm going to kill whoever did this to you..."

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