°° One Small Mistake °°

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pairing: LawLicht

· Alternate Universe · > Original Universe ·

summary: one small mishap can bring you sadness, one small trip can make you fall, one small error can ruin everything and one small mistake can take something away

warning: !strong language¡

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"YOU DAMN BASTARD!!!!" hyde screamed out furiously, holding his bleeding shoulder. then he winched when a poisoned needle scratch the side of his cheek, narrowly missing him "SHIT-!!!" the vampire's hand flew from holding his shoulder to his cheek. normal poison shouldn't have worked on vampired, so there must be something about this one

"HYDE!!!" hyde flinched then whipped his head towards his eve who looked completely battered and exhausted, the poison looks like it's starting to affect licht too, hyde gritted his teeth together to stop the growl that threatened to spill from his lips, if we keep going on like this.. we won't stand a chance, his gaze immidietly went to their opponent "i'm fine licht!! it's just a little scratch!!"

"the scratch isn't what i'm worried about...." licht said, mostly to himself. before hyde could reply their opponent sigh loudly, catching their attention

"is that really all you can do?" he asked, shaking his head in disappointment as he twirl a needle on his fingers "boring~! are you two really the pair that defeated higan??" he smirked "ah! but then again, he was just an old man wasn't he?"

"yea? what makes you so different?" hyde scoffed, but it only seemed to make their opponent smile wider

"dunno! maybe because i already beaten you up and i'm still without scratches! plus! there's poison in your system remember?" he cackled happily "come on! give me your best shot! do the move that defeated higan!"

hyde smirked and licht laughed lowly "as you wish you damn demon..." the eve said, making his piano appeared out of thin air then started playing it

just like before, hyde though as he once again wrapped himself with his scarf then appearing wearing a mask and a cloak, we'll defeat him just like we did with that old man, their background changed from an abandoned building into a stage. without anymore thought, hyde dash forwad, rapier in hand, ready to stab the ever living shit out of that annoying man

the man smiled widely, he didn't seem faze at all as hyde drew closer. then just as hyde was about to thrust his rapier forward and stab their opponent, he smiled wider and raised his arms "wrong move" with a snap of his fingers he disappeared. but hyde's rapier, the rapier that was now like spikes, still stab through someone

drip, drip

"hy... de.."

droplets of blood fell unto the stage floor as two pair of wide eyes stared at each other, hyde's voice trembled and was choke as he uttered his next word "l.. lichtan...?"

hyde rapier has stab through his own eve

" 'switch it up' " the man laughed, but the two couldn't seem to find it in themself to actually face him "a skill where i'm able to switch places with someone nearby" he frowned when he noticed the two weren't paying attention to him, but atleast he was able to watch the show

licht's eyes suddenly got dimmer, then he started coughing up blood. hyde took in a sharp breath as he force his rapier to disappear, leaving nothing to hold licht up "LICHTAN!!!!" hyde screamed in utter horror as licht's knees buckled and he started to fall backwards, hyde wrapped his arms around the bloody teen and fell to his knees, making sure to lay licht down gently unto his back. the stage, his cloak and mask, the piano, all disappeared as soon as hyde's knees touch the ground "LICHTAN GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!!!" hyde bended forward, burying his face unto the crook of licht's neck as he tried to hold in a sob "please.. please angel.... i'm so sorry... please hang on"

"hyde.." hyde sucked in a breath before raising his face so he can look at his eve properly "licht...!" licht's eyes were dull, and his skin was getting paler and plaer by the second "licht please! just hang on alright i'll go and get help-!!!"

"you... damn hedgehog... you.... need.... to stop that bastard" licht looked as if speaking was hard and painful, and his expression made hyde choke "forget about... me.. i'm an angel... i'll survive" painfully slow licht raised his bloody hand to place them against hyde's cheek, the vampire nearly broke down when he felt how cold licht's hand was

"i'm sorry..." hyde could feel himself tremble more as he slowly sat licht up so his eve can comfortably lean againt his chest and between hisa arms "i'm so sorry angel.. this is all my fault!" licht gave hyde the best glare he could manage, his eyes felt heavy and his breathing was hard, but he couldn't leave hyde in such a pathetic state

"it's.. not your fault...." licht's glare then was directed to the man that looked proud of himself "it's his.." hyde stiffen, his body stopped shakinh as he lowered his head, his forehead touching licht's shoulder

"ah.. you're right..." his eyes was hidden but a nasty grin was suddenly stretch on his lips "it is his fault" he laughed suddenly "he made me.. hurt my angel... and that's u n f o r g i v a b l e"

"oh is it now?" the man laughed as he walk closer to the pair, then he stopped when there was only a small distance between the two and him "well! i don't really care that much so-" a sword appeared on his hands as he raised it up "bye bye! greed pair!"

he swung the sword down

" D O N ' T T O U C H H I M ! ! ! "

the man screamed in surprised when hyde's scarf suddenly shot up and wrapped themself around the man, raising him up into the air and making him choke and sputter "w- what the-!?!?"

hyde's blood lust gree with each passing second, his anger was flaming hot, he wanted nothing more then rip the man he had in his clutches apart. hyde then leaned his lips closer towards licht's ear and whispered sweetly "just wait a little longer tenshi-chan... i'll finish this up quickly"

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