(FIXED) { about Seth }

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(a/n: so~ reading back on seth's bio i found myself being not too happy with the character, so i decided to fix a few things, it won't change seth's personality, well, maybe here and there

so i hope you'll like the "fixed" version of seth!)

full name: Seth Wyatt (stage name- starstrμcked)

nickname: star/struck, firefly(by gluttony)

age: 19

appearance: slightly long and messy orange hair(dyed), icy blue eyes. his real hair colour is light brown. sometimes he can be seen wearing a bandana

about: seth is a singer, he's not world known but he is popular. he's a bit flirty but is very playful about it, he gets agitated easily and is thought to have a hard time reading people, he's considered as a dense brick by his servamp. he doesn't seem like it but he is a pretty good cook (not as good as a certain brunette though~) he also swears alot and is generally cold to people he dislike

people likes to label him as a "heartbreaker" and "manwhore" due to the amount of people he had dated, he's also an alcoholic (thankfully not a violent one) and a smoker, people say he's a bad rolemodel, no one knows why he's like that though

background: seth was born in the USA, he lived in a strict household and could never really be himself, he spends each day studying to better himself, the only thing he had ever looked forward to was hanging out with his buddies and and his music lessons. one day he over heard one of his parents constant fights and decided he had enough, his parents rarely spends time with him yet they still try to control him. so after arguing with his parents and them kicking him out he stayed with one of his friends, said friend knew about his love for singing so he ask him if he wanted to form a band. long story short, they formed a band called " ' firefly ' " and became popular

how he met his servamp: they were on tour to japan and after a long practice he decided to stay longer to try and fix the lyric to their new song, it was night time yet he was still trying to fix the song. when he got hungry he went to the vending machine that wasn't far from their studio and when he got there he was surprised to hear thumping coming from above, then the ceiling suddenly cave in and someone fell untop of the machine. he was awestruck, especially when the stranger didn't look bothered, instead he stared at seth and asked if he could cook, world end never left him alone after that

" uwaaah~!! your music sound so cool!! "

" thanks! i guess... "

" hey do you have any song about food or something??? "

" .....why the fuck are you in my house again?

((i actually HAVE a reason as to why i made seth into an alcoholic and smoker, there's also a reason behind why he 'brakes' so many hearts and has so may ex's

but~ i'll let you decide if i should reveal seth's 'hidden' background or not, and no, he wasn't abused))

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