°° I might have had a few shots °°

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Pairing: KuroLaw | Platonic

· Alternate Universe · > Original Universe ·

Summary: Lawless appeared on Mahiru's and Kuro's doorstep at the middle of the night, slightly drunk... alright alot drunk, then brotherly bonding ensues

Requested by: LucariosFish (10. "I might have had a few shots.")

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He honestly didn't know how this had happened

One minute he was enjoying a game while eating snacks, the next minute his little brother came stumbling inside his and his eve's apartment, spouting out something he doesn't even understand

Mahiru had looked worried and excuse himself to maybe find Licht or Crantz and asking Kuro if he could look out for the blonde servamp that was sprawled out on the couch, "what a pain.." was his answer but ofcourse the brunette brushed it off and went away

Now here he was playing his video game with Lawless's head on his lap, the younger vampire had his arm covering his face as he spoke "nee.. nii-san, i can see birdies...." he hiccuped, then it dawned on the bluenette as he sigh tiredly "lawless.. are you drunk?"

"I.. might have had... a few shots.." he slurred, giggling loudly. Kuro groaned again but stayed quite, letting Lawless say different kinds of things he didn't quite understand, until "nii.. san... Why did you do it?"

Kuro flinched, as a rathe uncomfortable aura began the form in the air "w- why did i do what?" the bluenette eyes still stayed on the game, wishing Hyde would be to drunk to seriously answer his question

"Why.. why did you killed him...?" Lawless voice was soft, as if he wasn't drunk at all, but the hiccup he did next didn't made it convincing "why did you said you'll take care of it?"

Kuro stayed silent, not wanting to answer and choosing to let the sound of the game echoed in the room. The servamp of greed didn't look like he's giving up anytime soon though "you.. you kn.. ow why I'm-" he burped before continuing "why i drink.. nii.. swan?"

Giving up completely, Kuro sighed and paused the game, looking down at his younger brother "why?"

"Because Lichtan song today.. reminded me of what happened..." he turned his head so his face was facing the bluenette's stomach as he burried it unto his older brother's jacket, liking how warm they were "..nii.. san? is it wrong to hate you.... for so many years?"

Kuro stayed silent for a moment, then when he realized Lawless wasn't gonna talk anymore he opened his mouth "such a pain... i already told you... you hating have made me come into terms with what i have done...." Kuro ruffled his little brother's hair lightly when he felt his shirt becoming wet "lawless.. what you did helped me... thank you"

A part of him hoped that the blonde servamp is gonna forget this when he sobers up, but another part was glad how more opened Lawless was. The blonde stayed quite, then he whispered "wh.. what do you think he'll say when he sees us now?"

Kuro thought back to the events that happened in the last few month, how he re-meet his little brothers that he hasn't seen for so long, how his eve looked determined everytime they fought together, how it felt being pulled out of centuries of self hate and how everyone was able to laugh and smile through everything

His lips twitched slightly at the memories, threatening for him to full on smile "he'll... probably be happy for us..." honestly speaking, he didn't know what the creator would think of them now, but Lawless is in a fragile state and he's willing to help him just this once

"...I'm happy.." Lawless mumbled, burying his face further into Kuro's stomach "and everyone else is happy too.. right?"

"Ergh.. I dunno... thinking about that too much is troublesome" he sighed leaning back ln the couch "...you aren't gonna barf on my shirt, right?"

"*hic* can't.. promise anything"

It was nice for Kuro, the silent was nice, and maybe there was still a part of Lawless that hated Kuro for what he did, but that doesn't bothered him the slightest

For the first time in a long time, he's willing to go through these troublesome events, just as long as the people currently with him stay till the end


"Licht-san!!! I just got the door fixed yesterday!!"

Kuro groaned in annoyance as Lawless sat up suddenly, looking giddy as he yelled out happily "TENSHI-CHAN IS HERE!!!"

Well... he guess he'll bound to bump into a group of weirdoes at least once in his centuries of living, and let's be honest, he's content with the constant headache these people give each other

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