°° Unknown Language? °°

740 24 11

summary: seth had the tendency to speak his native language when he's frightened, pissed, in pain or when he wants to tease the others. or maybe he does it unknowingly at some random point(usually when he's drunk)

mahiru isn't very good at english though, so more often than not he doesn't know what seth is saying

warning: !Strong Language¡


"OH FUCK--!!!! WHAT THE FUCK WAS A GODDAMN NAIL DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHITTY ROAD!? AAGHH MOTHERFUCKING--!!!" mahiru blinks confusedly as he stares at seth who continues to speak english while crouching down and holding his foot

oh right, seth was.. american if he isn't mistaken. so it shouldn't be unusual for him to speak in his native language. still though, it's kind of frustrating not knowing what he's saying

mahiru was even more curious when kuro and the other servamps either look disapproving or laughing because of what the eve had said "nee kuro, you know what seth is saying don't you?"

kuro flinchs "well yeah... but uh.." he looks at seth who calmed down and was sitting on the ground groaning while his servamp aided him "i don't think.. you would like to know what he's saying"

the brunette narrows his eyes before looking back at seth, what the heck was he saying that made kuro uncomfortable enough to not want to tell him


another instance was when he, kuro, the greed, lust, pride and gluttony pair were watching a horror movie for Halloween

the movie was in english but thankfully there was japanese subtitles in them

misono had looked absolutely frightened as he squeezed one of mahiru's pillow, lily had surprisingly been a bit scared too but he tried to be brave and calm down his trembling eve who looked like he was ready to jump out the window any minute

hugh was weirdly criticizing the killer in the movie pointing out few of the flaws of the traps they made while tetsu listened to him to mahiru's relieved, the fourteen year old did NOT need to see the gore, then again so did misono but lily covered his eyes when those spine tingling scene come on

licht and hyde was surprisingly the most quiet, winching a few times here and there, licht even clutched unto hyde's arm when one of the victim was going through a 'test'. mahiru himself was frightened actually, clutching unto kuro and hiding his face away from the screen most of the time

seth was also clutching a pillow at the time while world end was sitting on the floor, watching intently at the screen

nobody had noticed it was raining until a loud thunder was heard, leaving a flash in the room

everyone jumped while misono yells and throws himself behind lily

seth was so surprised that he screams "OH FUCKING COCK SUCKER--!!!"

"wyatt that is indecent!!!" misono was able tho shriek with a blush on his face as he trembled

"oh holy!! sorry sorry!!" the musician immidietly apologized, his face was slightly flushed in embarrassment


there was also the time with a subclass of tsubaki, mahiru and seth were panting on the ground, tired

the subclass--who unsurprisingly wanted revenge for driving tsubaki away(?)--sneered at them as he steps on mahiru's spear, the eve didn't have enough energy to pull it out from under the foor "you will pay for what you did!!!" he yells

"GO SHOVE A STICK UP YOUR GODDAMN ASS!!!" seth sneered back at him, the subclass apparently understood what he said and yells "what the hell did you say to me punk?!" he grabs the older eve by the collar and yanked him up to his feet


"fucking sorry you cow fucker!! let me repeat myself then, stick, a huge stick, up your shitty ass you stupid ass prick!!"

the subclass growled "do you want to die first!?" he raised his hands ready to claw at the eve "i'm older than you bu centuries brat! i am more intelligent than the likes of you humans!!"

seth suddenly smirked "looks like you aren't smart enough to realize though" he huffs out "this is a distraction damn vampire"

just then the wall broke down, revealing their servamps along with the others

((if mahiru remembers correctly seth had also yell "go suck a cock!" at mikuni at some point))


the last one that he can remember well was after the fight with the subclass

he and kuro got into a bit of an argument

"i told you to stay put! why couldn't you listen to that you pain in the ass eve!"

"i'm sorry!!" mahiru had yelled back, he understood why kuro was worried but he couldn't just stand by "there were people in there!! i needed to help them get out of there kuro!!"

"then what about you huh?"

he had flinched and that and stayed quiet, kuro's shoulder sagged as a bitter chuckle made it's way out of his lips "can't you let me be selfish just this once?" before the eve could asked what he meant the servamp had walked away

mahiru sighed as he leaned against the pillar behind him "he cares about you" the brunette flinched but then relaxed when he noticed it was just seth

he raised his eyebrow, indicating he didn't understood a word the older eve had said. seth smiled though, he knew he wouldn't understand but he guess that was what he intended "you're important to him, but i'm sure you already know that. he just doesn't want to lose you, he wants to be able to protect the things that are important to him, and you're one of them" he suddenly laughs "saying he loves you wouldn't be that much of a stretch actually, and i'm sure you also care about him"

"so please listen to him and take better care of yourself idiot" that time he spoke in japanese so mahiru was able to understood him "alright..." he reluctantly agreed "...hey, what were you saying to me just now"

"nothing you don't already know i hope" seth had said with a small grin

[A/N: this was supposed to be funny...

ah well, hope you like it!! sorry that some of my other oneshots are currently under WIP

hey, here's a small question, can you guess what movie they were watching?)))

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