°° The Observer °°

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relationships: KuroMahi

· Alternate Universe · > Original Universe ·

summary: how their relationship is in the eyes of an outsider.

seth watches as they laugh, cry and fight

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"i'm telling you! he has been avoiding me!!"

my gaze drifted to mahiru, he looked annoyed, angry and confused, dare i even say hurt. his hands were on the table, clenchs tightly, he hasn't even touch his smoothie "you can't know for sure" i tried to reassure him "maybe he just needs some space"

mahiru looked up at me, his mouth hung opened and his eyes narrowed sadly "but why now?!" he sighed, absentmindedly playing with the straw in his smoothie "i thought he's already comfortable with me now.."

i hummed, a part of me was snickering to myself, this guy has no idea how his servamp looks at him, does he? honestly, how he doesn't notice how kuro's face and eyes soften everytime he came into his line of view is beyond me "you sure he's avoiding you because he's not comfortable~?" i asked, making sure to give him a grin "maybe he realized something and was like 'oh shit! this is bad! i've fallen inlove! welp, time to avoid my feelings!'" i couldn't help but laugh when mahiru's face turned bright red

"this is serious seth!!"

"ahahahah!!! i'm sorry!! it was just too hilarious to pass by!!"

then mahiru started grumbling as he drank his smoothie, i watched him before frowning, if this keeps up.. i have a feeling that it won't end well at all. i wonder.. for how many months have they been dancing around each other like this? it was sad watching them pining over each other. but, i don't want to intervine, atleast not until i'm absolutely certain this won't end well


it was winter if i'm not mistaken. i was at the park waiting for rush to come and get me when i saw something interesting

with my hand supporting my head i watched the sight quietly, sitting far enough to not be able to hear them but close enough to see them clearly

"seth?" i turned my head and found my servamp, he was looking at me with a puzzled look "what're you- AH! THAT'S BROTHER!!" i facepalmed, right, i forgot about how he likes to challenge his big brother "BROTHER SLO- GEH!!!"

before he blew my cover i pulled him down and forced him to sit beside me, then i quickly pulled our hoodie up to cover our faces. glancing back i saw kuro looking up in confusion and mild annoyance, mahiru who was beside him started speaking to him, probably to ask him what was wrong

i turned my head back to rush and saw him looking at me weirdly "what was that for!?" rush hissed, then i clasped my hand over his mouth and lean closer to whisper

"mahiru and kuro were having a moment dumbass" i told him with what i hoped was an unimpressed expression. he still looked at me weirdly, being mentally tied i knew he was asking something along the line of "so?"

i glared at him lightly "are you really that fucking dense?" this time he was the one to give me an unimpressed look but i brushed it off "they have feelings for each other alright?" i sighed before retracting my hand back and sat up straight before looking back to kuro and mahiru

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